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We are finally at the end! Thank you all for watching with me (´,,•ω•,,)♡

YouTube Reaction *includes intro and outro discussion*

Death Note Master List


Nolan L Thomas

And thank you Miss Morgan for taking the time to watch this classic series with us. It was smooth pleasure watching, especially when you drag Light🤣🤣. Plus it helps that you support L Supremacy 😁😁

Benny Garcia

Thank you, Morgan for hosting and streaming such a phenomenally superb review and reactions for every episode of the popular “Death Note” series! Bravo and kudos to you 🏆

Nolan L Thomas

Some folks might not like Near or like him as much as L. Which is highly understandable. But he was spitting facts to Light/Kira. He is not a god or a savior, he is a mass murder with superiority and god complex. Ryuk Being the one to write his name in the Death Note was poetic justice. A very fitting end to Light’s character.


Time for some death note.