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Mechamaru = Founding Titan... ? (゚ペ)?

YouTube Reaction *includes intro and outro discussion*

Jujutsu Kaisen Master List


Nolan L Thomas

This was a Gundam type battle, JJK style.

Nolan L Thomas

Mahito is a very depraved and sadistic villain. His terror spree has not even fully begun yet.

Virgil Hawkins

yeah the old man is the head of the zenin clan. He was in episode 17 briefly in a flashback where maki tells him that she's leaving the clan, and that she'll come back and become the leader of the zenin clan

Dry Lyo

Mechamaru is a Neon Genesis Evangelion reference rather than an Attack on titan reference. Evangelion is also a very very good anime, best anime of the 90s, worth a watch.


anyone else find it odd that gojos eyes are regular in the opening or just me? please no hints or spoilers if youve read ahead. im watching only anime on purpose :)


The fish was Mahito, not a random tormented fish haha


I wouldn’t worry about any squad we’re all elite, if it was like miwa or blood man I’d be concerned


Good luck!

Nolan L Thomas

Still waiting on Dani to perform the Self-Embodiment of Perfection technique.

Nolan L Thomas

Kokichi Muta was true warrior. He did not go quietly.


mechamiwa deserved better 😢


I was sensing some Gurren Lagann in there too with the drill motif, the passion and sketchy art style of his final attack, and the long ass name for the big mech.