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IF Cyberpunk wins...

  • SUB 152
  • DUB 272
  • 2022-12-26
  • —2022-12-29
  • 424 votes
{'title': 'IF Cyberpunk wins...', 'choices': [{'text': 'SUB', 'votes': 152}, {'text': 'DUB', 'votes': 272}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 29, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 26, 17, 55, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 424}


Hey gems! We noticed that there has been discussion about whether we should watch Dub or Sub. Also feel free to let us know why you prefer one over the other!

So, IF Cyberpunk wins, please let us know which you prefer. This poll is mainly to gather opinions, especially from those who aren't as vocal in the comments. It is not a concrete decision

Voting will end on Wednesday, December 28th at 11:59pm EST!



There’s more emotion on the sub version imo

Chimezie Meregini

Naw the dub fits too well with the anime. I’m usually a sub person but for once they worked too damn hard on it to not give it a shot.


Way more emotion in the voice acting in the Sub so im going with that!

Iliezer Perez

I’m begging you guys please don’t watch the sub. This show was literally made to be watched in dub because it’s based off a video game where mostly everyone speaks English.


I say the Dub is the best option. Since the anime takes place in America, it feels more authentic to hear the different accents in the world. I really hope the Dub Pulls through.


your opinion, i watched some episodes in both sub and dub and dub is just dull

20 16

Was ment to be watched in dub . Sub makes no sense with some scenes

20 16

That it wasn't sub . These sub lovers don't care as long as it's sub

20 16

It was ment to be watched in dub . Anyone saying sub literally aren't making sense . As it's a collection of many different accents which isn't shown in sub


I’m not talking about the sense, I’m just saying that to me dub sounds like it has no emotion which is a reason for me not to like it


It was meant to be watched in both. Sub because it's actually ANIME and produced by a Japanese studio (Trigger), dub because it's based on a game developed by an English-speaking company (CD Projekt Red). For the first few eps or so, I went back and forth, because I genuinely liked both, and had trouble deciding. I ALMOST decided dub, but it got worse as it went on, imo, as more characters were introduced. And there were many moments that I felt the Japanese VA's performed better and produced more impact. I agree that dub can be more enjoyable when it comes to the accents, as well as the Night City/Cyberpunk jargon. But performance wise, I personally feel the Japanese VA's still did better overall, and were much easier to listen to.

Alex cleveland

Dub is great. Sub is great. I prefer dub a tad bit more though. More diversity with the VA's in the dub, especially having a diverse character cast.


The English dub "fits" better, but the Japanese acting quality is better, imo. So depends if you're going for what fits or suits the universe and setting better, or if you want the voice acting that hits harder.


Osenbei, it should be watched dubbed because it takes place in an American city that has a melting pot of different cultures and languages. The dub offers accents that us English speakers can understand that adds to the verisimilitude of the show. We get to hear the Ripper Doc with his Dominican accent. There's even a part where these Japanese characters continue to speak Japanese. You lose that bit in the sub where they just keep speaking Japanese same as everyone else. The dub itself is really well done and I've no idea what you mean by it getting worse as it went on. It stays pretty consistent and the performances are good and easier to listen to.


The dub is dope cause you get more immersed in it and the scenes hit more in my humble opinion


bro I literally said I watched both💀, it’s just dull and plain. And i said in my opinion. It’s not an excuse, it’s just how it is.

20 16

It was clearly not ment to be watched in sub as many instances especially where they speak Japanese to the English speakers wouldn't make sense in sub where everyone literally speaks the same language.

20 16

Sub lovers always say dub has no emotion. If you don't think especially in the end dub has emotion I'm sorry but that's a lost cause.


It’s not a lost cause, if u like it fine. I don’t bc for me it’s just better in sub. I’m not a sub lover, no need to assume stuff. I just said what I think.

Im smarter than u

Javier caballero is 100% right. He is a professional reaction reactor so I'd say he knows film. This guy is a first one in last one out type of guy. Someone you'd want your daughter to date. Hes sneaky fast and has the right mentality for films.


Dub fits better because its based off the game that sets in USA. You will be able to hear different nationalities too within the voices.

Thorbjørn Vosbein

Japanere VAs are just more talented there is no debate there, but the dub is solid enough to warrant picking the english voices - id say mostly for the slang since it fits better. but ye id say watch the sub👻

Kevin T

Dub Reasons: set in the US, accents, slang, matches the game. Sub Reasons: better acting from the main characters and some of the side characters. Much more emotional for some characters.

NI Hartley

I heavily disagree. I feel like the voice matched the face pretty well. A lot better than the sub.


I've never played the game, and I've never watched the show (it's on my watch list), but your "hear different nationalities" comment somehow reminded me of the 4Kids One Piece dub, which gave me a good laugh. Apologies for the randomness. lol


I actually watched the sub and really enjoyed it. Didn't hit me later that Dub actually made sense with all the accents.


I watched it in both. I personally liked the sub voice acting a little better but it's definitely easier to understand in dub because all the slang they use is a bit hard to understand in the sub at first. I'd reccomend dub for you guys


Personally I say dub because you pick up on most of the slang quite easily. Also, since the video game is in English I feel like the show should be in English.


Dub, it’s set in an American/ Afro centric setting so those saying sub are just biased as per.

Ky Williams

dub for sure adds so much to the show


Dude, everyone has biases. You're not an exception.


Dub can not escape how cornier it makes everything sound. The VA’s sound like they’re recording in their parents basement. It’s the muted screams and yells it always sound like they don’t want to be “too loud” so they they do this weird breathy talk that just adds to the camp. Japanese Va’s/orginal Va’s just sound like they have no restrictions and talk like how a movie sounds or an animated TV show like arcane or vox. The dub VA’s just can’t get there


If it was meant to watch in dub it wouldn’t have been dub lmao the original VA’s are Japanese. It could have been originally an English speaking show but nah it’s not. And they’re are actual heavy weights in the sun the dub has NO one. If it was “dubbed” like arcane than yeah I’d watch it in English


I completely disagree. The dubbed voices get emotional and loud, and the accents and slang add to them sounding natural considering it's set in America. Also only one character has a 'breathy' voice, and it's like that on purpose. You can dislike the dub, but what you're saying makes it sounds like you've only seen clips on youtube after having already decided that you don't like it.


Just wrong chefboyarkey, if you haven’t given it a watch in dub and are just going off your bias, you shouldn’t even vote. There’s a reason most reactors also watched it in Dub, fr some of you guys sound so fkin entitled you can’t even get out of your constricted narrow bias and open your eyes to the fact that dub/sub , anime or live action, quality is at a scale


I’m just happy to be here


I think the sub definitely has better voice acting from certain characters BUT the dub is better for a reaction channel because of all the game specific slang that's hard to follow in the sub if you've never played the game. They are both good regardless. But I voted for the dub even though I personally liked it better in sub. (I've watched it completely in both)


The dub for this show showcases the slang and accents but outside of that the performances were definitely beneath the sub


You probably only watched subbed your whole life lol. Either works but the dub is actually pretty good. Cyberpunk takes place in USA anyways so it kinda make sense.


I've no idea what Cyberpunk anime is so I won't vote, but generally sub's are far superior in terms on quality of voice actors. On the other hand animes on Netflix tend to put more effort into dubs, so might be decent regardless.


The dub is passable. But as you said the sub is far superior in terms of performance.

Cris G

I actually really liked the dub for this anime. It is among my favorite dubs like samurai champloo and cowboy bebop. I think the slang and different ethnicities of the characters makes it better to watch in English. A lot of the lines flow well but like many have said the emotional performances from the sub is better.