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*NEW* Wednesday timeslot poll! (Live action shows!)

  • The Boys 325
  • Squid Games 133
  • Stranger Things (Season 4) 69
  • WandaVision 29
  • The Sandman 37
  • Cobra Kai 46
  • 2022-08-21
  • —2022-08-28
  • 639 votes
{'title': '*NEW* Wednesday timeslot poll! (Live action shows!)', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Boys', 'votes': 325}, {'text': 'Squid Games', 'votes': 133}, {'text': 'Stranger Things (Season 4)', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'WandaVision', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'The Sandman', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Cobra Kai', 'votes': 46}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 28, 3, 59, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 21, 13, 11, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 639}


Hey gems! We are starting a new timeslot on Wednesday and we've curated a list of live action shows that we have heard you guys suggest over time! We are excited to do something a little different, and it's all thanks to you and your continued support! You can vote for more than one series.

Voting will end on Saturday, August 27th at 11:59pm EST!



Is there anyway that we can suggest a series to you guy??


Not my cup of tea, I will skip this poll. Good luck for those who loves those shows 🙏

Mr. Smee

How come The Mandalorian isn't on this poll?

Aespa MY

I don't watch live action so just hope you enjoy and helps the channel grow

Aespa MY

you can always leave suggestions on reactions the weekly schedule, here, discord, twitter

Nolan L Thomas

The Boys. The reactions are going to be pure gold


These are all very good options to chose from I do like the boys the most then probably cobra kai after wards

Daniel Gonzalez

I wish they'd continue with Karl Urban as Dredd there's still time movie or series I don't care


If Morgie was a character from the boys she'd be The Deep


Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. Those are all popular shows, but I've never actually watched them (although I have seen Karate Kid). There are just so many shows on my watch list these days, but not enough time for everything... Perhaps I'll end up watching your reactions in the future, as some of these shows do interest me, but for the time being, best of luck to those who vote!


Yeah, I'm not against it but I'm just not interested. There are tons of anime I'd rather see a reaction to, but it's not like it's taking an existing slot away.


the boys!


react to the boys and squid games both 10/10


The Boys. Allday. Best shit you'll watch, I promise lol


You need to watch the boys, friend. It's seriously good shit.


ooo they all are good shows!! but--- The boys or The Sandman fingers crossed!!


here comes the a train


Y’all are missing out. More to life than just anime. Highly recommend the boys on Amazon prime