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Hey diamonds! Gabi and Falco are really digging themselves deeper into trouble (✖﹏✖) We are still holding out hope that maybe SOMETHING will help Gabi see the good in Eldians..... 😒

Episode 11 Reaction / Uncut 

Attack on Titan Master List


Attack on Titan - Reaction - S4E11 - Deceiver

Gabi and Falco are really digging themselves deeper into trouble (✖﹏✖) We are still holding out hope that maybe SOMETHING will help Gabi see the good in Eldians..... 😒 Support us on Patreon ✧https://www.patreon.com/thereactpack Follow our backup channel! ✧https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLK8d7uTpHLI_m1IiPUI8lw CHAT with The React Pack! ✧https://discord.gg/AckDZ7WcC3 Our Reaction Playlist ✧https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeHmUlQW5bEYA-tT16ZJPMg/playlists UNPACK with The React Pack! ✧You can send us stuff at: PO Box 11705 Tampa, FL 33680 ——————————————————————————————————— TRACK The React Pack Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thereactpack/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/thereactpack Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thereactpack TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdWeQbfY/ Sam (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samcakes90/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/samcakes90 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/samcakes90 Morgan (Reactor / Editor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saganakitty/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/saganakitty Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/saganakitty Dani (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yishuho/ Nicole (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicknackhoff/ Alex (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parkerprime/ TRACK what anime we plan on reacting to in the future! ✧https://myanimelist.net/profile/TheReactPack


Sean Carroll

Reiner heard gabi and falcos voice when they were screaming his name during the marley battle, when he woke up in the bed that was the first time he woke up since his basement conversation with eren


I love the thematic parallels between gabi and eren. We are emotionally invested in the 104th so gabi with her extreme racism and small world view can be very frustrating, i know she drove me alil crazy at first. On the flip side id imagine that reiner/bert/ymir had a very similar feeling toward eren in the tree top scene of s2. Eren at this point still refuses to believe that the people outside the walls i.e reiner and bert are anything other than the enemy. Eren also in that scene is extremely emotional to the point of even being murderous despite having no arms or legs. Gabi is doing the same here. Her world view is being forced to change, however she was already so invested in here previous truth that to accept anything else would mean a total reconstruction of here personality, gabi being a like 12 year old girl is understandably terrified of such a change, and that fear is manifesting itself as anger and close mindedness. The same way that eren despite hearing from reiner and bert everything he needed to know, that the situation isnt as black and white as he thought, continues to demonize reiner and bert. He even toward the end of the scene is begging ymir to tell him who the enemy, he is desperate to hang on to his very dualist world view. That he is fighting for freedom and all who oppose him are evil. Obviously as the audience we know that this aot world is anything but black and white. I think gabis main purpose in the story is to be a new embodiment of erens old persona, so that it may contrast with the new eren we have since the time skip. Great reaction! hope my ramblings were thought provoking. Also please excuse my lazy grammar lol


Few corrections ✋ 1) Reiner was hearing falco’s and gabi’s screams from the battle when they wanted reiner to save the Jaw titan 2) Not all the titans can have future memories, it is special to 1 titan. Go back and think about each titan’s special ability, looking into the future is an ability for only 1 titan. 3) Marley can’t drop titans on them, they have regular sized planes, they did not drop titans on that city in episode 1. They dropped eldians wrapped up and with parachutes, Zeke’s scream is what made them turn into titans. Without Zeke, Marley can’t do the titan dropping thing because they can’t make the eldians they drop turn into titans. 4) Zeke, Eren, Historia and Eldian’s plan are all the same one. Some of the eldians are just against it because it would mean having to continue passing down titans. Historia got pregnant because someone told her she wouldnt have to take the beast titan yet if she got pregnant(they said this at the table). My guess is a Zeke follower told her that so they would be forced to let Zeke and Eren start the plan together.


Gabi wants revenge because they killed 2 of her best friends and destroyed her town. Basically the exact same reason why Eren wanted revenged because his mom got killed. The "ancestors" thing is just a layer on top of that and is not the sole reason for her anger towards the Eldians.


spoiler FREE dw :D a few things ppl often overlook when they first get to know Gabi and Falco (atm they are both around the age of 12): we all know they are obvi eldians but were both raised on marley’s ground and were exposed to severe brainwash basically from the get go but there are a few things that are rly different except their clearly opposite personalities such as: gabi growing up in a family that already had a honorary marleyan that came back from paradis around 4years ago(so Gabi was around 8 at that time) and only pushed the whole “paradise island has ONLY bad ppl(devils or “akumas”) on it” agenda, even tho WE know that’s not true it’s safe to assume when someone you consider a role model and your own blood you just believe it. She is just a child just like Eren was way back when we first got to know him, both of them were/are clueless how the world really came to be at those points in time. Another, in my eyes even bigger difference and explanation why both Falco’s and Gabi’s mindsets are so different right now is the viewpoint they both got the night Eren attacked marley. Falco heard Eren’s convo with Reiner and got a bit of an insight and saw how Reiner literally broke down before Eren and saw that he was genuinely sorry. Gabi on the other hand only saw Eren’s rampage and the results of it (Sofia being literally smashed by the rock before her eyes, Udo getting trampled on and so many more ppl she loved getting killed.) When I first saw that episode I got why Eren had to do what he did(the ep was literally called declaration of war duh) but at the same time I don’t see enough people question why he did what he did INSIDE the internment zone where we know only eldian civilians lived. Every child, every elderly, everybody that was innocent at the time of the attack were eldian people. He literally transformed in the basement of a living unit of eldians not marleyans. Yeah sure he killed plenty of marleyans soldiers too but he took so many innocent lives that night that even MIKASA his long time bestfriend/soulmate idk what you want to call it, cried and asked him to just come home.


Well she already had anger towards Eldians before the attack. The attack just made it worse. She already planned on killing everyone on Paradis when we first met her lol.


That Sasha EP was kinda random back in S2 so to tie it back in years later was nice to see from a story standpoint. So…. Is Gabi your new fav character now or what?😈😩 lol


Lol I love how all the pictures for all the other videos has everyone laughing and smiling and have a nice positive vibe to them. And then you get to the AoT videos and the thumbnails are super somber

KT Vokenn

I understand how Gabi feels. The thing that got me heated is when she asked Falco if he saw the warriors invade paradis. She took Falco's "no" as okay then it didn't happen. And I'm not saying that knowing that it's a revenge attack should make someone not want to retaliate. It's just that she doesn't even try to understand. She cant even civilize with paradis eldians because she thinks they all are devils with no evidence to support other than that attack and the things that she is told(except by Falco or anyone else on the island). She wants to be known as a good eldian, but all she does to show it is try to kill people. To show how good she is, she attempt to do pretty much the same thing that made eldians "devils" in the first place in honor of a country that is currently doing the EXACT SAME THING that made them veiw eldians as "devils".


Reiner heard Falco and Gabi's voices from when they were screaming for him to come help before he briefly woke up to fight then passed out. Reiner's priority is the kids, Falco and Gabi ( his cousin).

Rashad T

Amazing episode. That exchange between Gabi and Kaya was intense and gripping. Gabi has been indoctrinated by Marley for so long. Changing is not going to happen overnight. BUT her world view is finally being challenged. You could hear it in her voice and see it on her face everytime Kaya responded with facts. The voice acting in AOT is powerful.


You guys have to realize that Gabby is Eren from anther perspective. Just how Eren Hated the titans after he got attacked, she hates the Eldians just the same. That's not even to mention the perspectives each was brought up in. Living, demonizing the titans, demonizing the eldians. They have the same anger and drive at the same age.


Everybody in this comment section talking about Gabby, when I’m just sitting here wondering when the next double AOT episode drop is 👁👄👁


I feel like we have brought up the Eren and Gabi comparison before. Nicole has mentioned it a lot and I think we all understand that they are similar. -Sam


Very powerful scene this episode for sure! I hope Gabi will be able to grow from it. -Sam


All my homies still hate Gabi

Sean Carroll

No one here mentioning floch pushing the barrier into being a hero to paradis island while our scout friends are twiddling their thumbs


Hi, The React pack Can you please react to fairy tail all openings and endings please? Thank you

Ramon Norville

Floch's actions shouldn't be praised. War is ugly and shouldn't happen. The scouts for the most part understand it is a difficult situation they're in. Just because Floch has decided he's ok doing whatever it takes to win doesn't justify him as right. Eren isn' right either tbh. That is just the ugliness of war.


beautiful yet harsh exchange between kaya and gabi right there. hopefully this gives gabi the push she needs to understand these “island devils.” i picked up the manga after ep 5 cuz i couldn’t wait, lol, and even though i had seen it already, i didn’t blink and i held my breath when i watched the scene animated. the voice acting was phenomenal! i could feel kaya’s pain and gabi’s misguided frustrations, along with falco’s unwavering understanding and compassion. one of my favorite bits was the end credit scene when porco said “To think we had been fighting side by side with a traitor this whole time.” and the camera panning to reiner was just chef’s kiss🤌🏼. great reactions guys. glad i subbed :)


That bitch got absolutely schooled, but she's so goddamn brainwashed and blind, that she's just still in denial. Her argument was the most pathetic shit I've ever seen. Literally saying the same shit over and over about ANCESTORS. Not even true shit either. Horse also absolutely owned her. "GIMME THAT BITCH-ASS SKULL, BITCH" *chomp*