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Diamonds... We needed group therapy after this one (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Episode 8 Reaction / Uncut 

Attack on Titan Master List


Attack on Titan - Reaction - S4E8 - Assassin's Bullet

We needed group therapy after this one (ಥ﹏ಥ) Support us on Patreon ✧https://www.patreon.com/thereactpack Follow our backup channel! ✧https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLK8d7uTpHLI_m1IiPUI8lw CHAT with The React Pack! ✧https://discord.gg/AckDZ7WcC3 Our Reaction Playlist ✧https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeHmUlQW5bEYA-tT16ZJPMg/playlists UNPACK with The React Pack! ✧You can send us stuff at: PO Box 11705 Tampa, FL 33680 ——————————————————————————————————— TRACK The React Pack Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thereactpack/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/thereactpack Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thereactpack TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdWeQbfY/ Sam (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samcakes90/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/samcakes90 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/samcakes90 Morgan (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saganakitty/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/saganakitty Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/saganakitty Dani (Reactor / Editor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yishuho/ Nicole (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicknackhoff/ Alex (Reactor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parkerprime/ TRACK what anime we plan on reacting to in the future! ✧https://myanimelist.net/profile/TheReactPack



This episode was pure PAIN..

David Caine

Oh yes, the sweet tears of tragedy and heartbreak.


What is this salty discharge in my eyes ..


Floch is so goated this season, you’ll see

Henry Jovani

omg my favorite thing about streamable is how it loops when the video ends, so it just took me from you guys devastated back to when you guys were excited to watch, rip.


I like AOT and you guys. 🍺


Crazy how Ya'll were spoilt on the same thing In different ways... Your reaction was still great though. Hope Alex will still be around when you guys pick up other shows cuz he's a perfect blend and is now my favorite 🏃🏾‍♂️🙃🏃🏾‍♂️


I got spoiled too, but by a specific reactor who didn't have the courtesy to create spoiler free titles for their reaction videos smh


There were hints about things throughout the earlier episodes of s4. Also one thing, i forget which one of you said it, but yea Eren did all this on his own. It’s as Levi and Hange said, Eren went and acted on his own because the scouts would forcefully have to go to make sure Eren was safe and brought back home to Paradis.


RIP Sasha.. This show turned the other way around faster than you think. 19:30 that laugh mental breakdown is called Erens coping mechanism

Jason Michael

This was also the only thing I was ever spoiled on, and it made me realize I needed to catch up on the series again. Still hurt so much


Dani: The world could blow up Me: 👀


Great discussion after the reaction~! I almost feel like it was even better because you guys had a bit of space to take in the episode to discuss it. The discussion in the video chat has a level of clarity without the post-twist-shock that was very nice~


*After watching the discussion in the video* I also hate Eren btw ✋ not just the scouts but me too. I hate Eren(for his way of doing things not as a character) and Gabi the most. I hate Gabi much more doe cause I hate her as a character and her way of doing/thinking things. Also, no I dont hate Zeke. I can understand Zeke’s reasoning(not good but sensible) Also they said in this episode who the tall blonde is: 1) Was in the first scout ship from MARLEY 2) Is a devout follower of Zeke Things turn quicker than you think after this. Love your reactions btw! Dani and Sam are dangerously close with some theories they bring up in discussions o.o

Eren Yeager

Smoking that Sasha Pack 💨

Alejandro Gil

This has to be one of the clunkiest episodes in this series for me. From Eren conveniently running out of strength just in time to not kill Reiner/Porco (Why didn't the remaining scouts finish them off with thunder spears? Other than we can't because of plot), to Gabi hitting a flying target with a repeater rifle while sliding (LOL). The story then requires the scouts to be idiots and not having anyone watching the ground, and the one dude outside while flying over an enemy zone to facilitate what happens in the episode. I feel like they could have hit the same plot points in ways that weren't so ridiculous.


The way you reacted to being spoiled is so genuine and wholesome, thank you! I can’t imagine how difficult it is to watch while having to avoid all social media, that’s nearly impossible nowadays.


Loved the post discussion too, hope to see it in the future too. You seem more relaxed and talkative:)


Miss my potato girl

Sean Carroll

If you read the manga you would understand erens ultimate motives a whole lot more, it seems that you are blindly hating him rather then understanding his actions

Sean Carroll


Alex cleveland

RIP Sasha🥔😭. I got spoiled on Sasha's death, so I didn't really get to cry or anything smh


I totally get you but... lets just say that you will get answers as to why its "clunky" by the end of the series (because in reality it is not)

Luna lanes

Thank you for the extended discussion part. I really like to hear your thoughts, feelings and theories and I like that you are not hating on characters but trying to understand their goals / state of mind instead 🙂

Luna lanes

(about your talk) : remember the others countries also wants the ressources of Paradis because they need it to built better weapons. It’s more than racism. They will never let this island at peace because it also represent money. Like oil causes wars in our world. They are no safe places for eldians


Floch’s name is pronounced Flock btw😂


Yeah, I'm kind of glad it happened now, so the rest of the season is going to be a total surprise for me! Glad you like Alex, I also agree he adds a good dynamic with our group :) - Dani


Damn that sucks, idk get why people would put spoilers right in their titles/thumbnails?? I was worried about even putting a spoiler in the video caption! ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ - Dani


Yeah I def see Eren's laugh as a coping mechanism! I mean Nicole literally laughs as response to sad things all the time LMAO It just makes me sad for Eren, all these kids need therapy :( - Dani


I guess people could not control themselves over this scene :/ But yeah, I def was still not emotionally prepared for it to actually happen - Dani


Im ngl eren laughing gave me hannes flashbacks, I hate seeing eren depressed tho :(


It’s difficult for sure, luckily we have really amazing moderators. But of course some things still get through. I’m happy that you enjoyed it!! -Morgan


I’m glad you enjoyed the discussion :) we always want to be completely transparent with you guys! -Morgan


Glad you liked the end discussion, it was nice to be able to come back and more discuss things more deeply! I think we would like to do more things like this in the future! - Dani


I guess I didn't really think about how other countries would want to try and take resources from them too! - Dani


To be fair, Floch is the only survivor in Erwin's charge so I feel like he has every right to be mad and aggressive towards Marley.


I enjoyed the conversation after the video :) sashas death was sad :(


Happy you enjoyed it!! Thanks for watching and ur support ❤️ and yes v sad, deff need time to recover -Morgan


I totally felt your guys' reaction at the end, so genuine!!! Such a sad episode :(

Rashad T

I'm sorry you got spoiled but Sasha's death won't be in vain. It will continue to impact the story/characters.


All my homies hate gabi


Remember, to get a another titan's power you have to consume their spinal fluid. It's not how much you eat the body lol.


I think there's a contextualization that you guys are missing: Yes, Gabi is Eldian, but she is of Marleyan nationality. Not only that, she is a soldier in the military of a nation that carried out espionage (Infiltration by MRBA) against Paradis. Hell, given their operation involved creating a hole in the most outer wall and resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of people, some may consider it an act of war already. Even if Gabi hadn't killed Sasha, had she still been captured, she would have been treated as a prisoner on Paradis (though presumably better given she is a child). It's like real life. The US military has men and women of Afghani descent. If one of them is captured by Taliban forces, all is not forgiven just because they share ancestry. Hell, the Taliban soldiers may even accuse the soldiers of being "brainwashed" and vice versa. Plus, it's important to note that until a couple of years ago, Paradis was unaware of the existence of the outside world. But even then, there was still classism in the form of who lived in which wall. You best bet if they were to rescue Eldians of other nationality or start letting in Eldian refugees, everything wouldn't remain sunshine and rainbows on the basis of everyone being Eldians. We're getting into a lot more shades of gray here and it's not as black and white as it was in previous seasons. Paradis may have just been "chilling" on their own island for the last hundred years, but like Willy said, they effectively have a nuke/WMD that could flatten the rest of the world ("Rumbling") and it's recently been put in the hands of a dangerous young man named Eren. Marley, by now, knows that Eren is the son of Grisha, the leader of the Eldian Restorationist group that sought the revival of Eldian Empire that ruled the world for ages. To the rest of the world, Paradis may no longer look as innocent as they did before and given the WMD, invading Ira.. I mean, Paradis may even seem justified to them now. Probably more so after Eren just responded with what the rest of the world will see as a terrorist attack.


When this chapter first released in the manga, Gabi got a lot of unnecessary hate. But regardless of where characters will end up in the future, I want to offer a defense of Gabi at this current point in the story. Consider: you're a 12 year old kid, you've spent your entire life living in what's essentially a ghetto, and you and your people have been raised to hate your own ancestry from birth. All you've ever wanted is to free your people from oppression by proving to the world that they are good and worthy of love. You've been told countless stories about these mysterious devils that live on a nearby island, and you live under the constant threat that any day, they might attack and ruin everything you've been fighting for. And finally, that day comes. The devils show up, slaughter your friends, and destroy your home. Again, and I can't stress this enough - you're a 12 year old child. And all of your deepest, darkest fears just came true. Unfortunately, people often crucify Gabi for having a perfectly human reaction to the raw horror she just experienced. They expect her to be omniscient and understand enough about the story to spare their favorite characters instead of taking revenge on them for killing the people she actually knew and loved. Unlike Falco, she wasn't there for the conversation in the cellar. She never saw Eren empathizing with Reiner. She doesn't understand what he's been through, like we do. So far, her only knowledge and memories of Eren are of him unleashing absolute hell and devastation on her hometown. Just minutes prior, she was listening to Willy declare Eren as a threat to the entire world. This episode is a big "you thought" to anyone who thought Paradis was just going to waltz into Marley, commit acts of terrorism and mass murder, and simply walk out of there unscathed. Confronting bias is a hard pill to swallow when watching this arc. I'm not saying Paradis wasn't justified in what they did. But so was Marley for fighting back. You can make the argument that "Marley did it to them first," but Marley's hatred comes from centuries of Eldian oppression and genocide. At a certain point, these arguments don't mean anything anymore. They're just going to keep attacking each other, and more Erens and Gabis are going to be created, over and over until one or both sides are totally wiped out. Right now Gabi is crushed, and probably going through more pain and desperation than she's ever experienced. She chose to fight back and give her own life, just to kill a few of the invaders who took everything from her. And while I still miss Sasha to this day, I don't blame Gabi one bit for what she did.

Alex cleveland

I mean she still is an enemy at the end of the day against our side, which is Paradise! Its like saying u shouldn't hate a killer who killed ur best friend. Yes, the killer prob has so many reasons and environmental upbrings that created the killer to do that, but he/she still killed ur best friend at the end of the day lmaoo. Just because the killer (Gabi) got reasons and history with that person (Sasha) shouldn't make love ones be numb to pain and forget what that person has done just because they're young and brainwashed.... Ppl can still hate a character and not fuck with them, but also kno the cold truth that Gabi is still young and doesnt 100% know whats right or wrong. There's still gonna be animosity and hatred from ppl who fucked with Sasha regardless of their personal reasons. I dont think a lot of ppl gives a crap about how this outcome happen. She pulled the trigger and Falco, the same age as her, and also has lived just as many hardships, thinks Gabi is going about it the wrong way. U can also say the same with Eren. A lot of ppl disagree with how Eren is approaching the situation. We know he's lived a bad life because of Marleyans, but at the end of the day he's still killing innocent ppl. If we followed Marleyans, we would think Eren is a horrible guy killing innocent citizens lol

Renaldo Wells

My only retort is that Eren had possession of said nuke for years now, and still hadn't unleashed it. Marley chose a declaration of war as their FIRST response with no thought of diplomacy with Paradis. The person declaring war was already aware of the real reason King Fritz hadn't unleashed the Rumbling and still decided to make a grand declaration of war knowing the supposed enemy could flatten the world if provoked 🤔

Jey Smith

Parkers face when all the girls screamed was hilarious 😂


5 ppl is just wayyyy too many voices. im really missing just the two of you and the less cross-talk.