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Marcus really kneaded this experience!... heh heh ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )

YouTube Reaction includes intro and outro discussion

The Bear Master List


Nolan L Thomas

Excellent tagline 😄😄


Bro came in with nothing, learned and left with the fruits of his labor. Who and how many can say they truly do that? Actually impressive by his character


This has been a great series to watch with you guys. I look forward to them on my days off. Thanks a lot 🙂


Loki when this show was call the bear thought it would be about a bear

Anthony Chavez

are we away that the character marcus is played by lionel boyce and is a member of Oddfuture and had a spot of the sketch Tv show "Loiter squad" with tyler the creator


Oh I’m not aware of “Oddfuture” or “Loiter squad”, but might have check out now! - Dani

Gustavo Marozzi

I love that this is a really peaceful episode in the middle of a series that is extremely chaotic.

Rolo 19

Im super late but the bike scene was a reference to previous episode when carmy was in group he said hes always got the feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop and that there always is another shoe, meaning something bads gonna happen, So during the scene you feel exactly how carmy feels all the time expecting something bad to happen