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maaa.... (ó﹏ò。)

YouTube Reaction includes intro and outro discussion

Made in Abyss Master List



It will be a while before they do Season 3 due to how long the manga takes to produce given the crazy art. You all should think of watching Ms. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid for the next poll. It's absolutely hilarious and heart warming and was made by the legendary Kyoani Studios which also did Violet Evergarden.

og meowmix

Thanks for the journey, it was lovely, sosu.


I thought it was more that the mangaka puts a lot of thought into the story and doesn't want to be rushed.


Fun fact, Vueko and Pakoyan the purple hollow who throws her down the stairs were lovers. They skipped the scene in the anime but it ads a bit of emotional depth to the moment.


I'm sure that plays a role too, but the artwork is absolutely amazing, very detailed and often colorful. The story is extremely complicated as well. Made in Abyss was the first anime that made me actually buy the manga to continue the story, and the anime is an amazing adaptation.


It was always nice that Vueko was able to find someone to share that with given what happened to her when she was younger. You can tell she felt tainted by it, it reminds me of Elinalise from MT, in how it affected her self worth.


I always love how Faputa takes on Majikaja's habit of clicking his nails when thinking, that little piece of him lives on.


Great show, great reaction! Now on to another great show! Let’s go Apoctharey Diaries🙏🏾


Dani's face everytime Maa was on screen had me dead lmao

Paden Snell

The village held the curse out, but vueko had lived in the village so long she had forgotten about it. When the village started to crumble the curse crept back in and vueko got hit by the curse while climbing the stairs... Also the one eyed blue haired hollow that that yall have noticed and keeps getting shown, but never gets named in the anime was one of the original suicide squad with vueko, and was her lover... Manga just gave her a couple small side panels showing the "moments" between them... But yeah there's a reason she's in so many shots of the villagers. She was one of the few remaining OG's besides the sages and was important to vueko.


It was great to rewatch this season with you guys. I can only imagine a S3 being somehow more weirder and crueler 🥲


"The gold that is born of you, is free from the yoke called value." I love this quote so much and it so perfectly sums up what it means to traverse the Abyss, I've had so much fun experiencing my favorite anime with you three! Thanks for the journey!


I'ts possible when Riko was brought back in to life in the Curse Repelling relic. It was another soul from the dephts of the abyss that inhabited her body. The same soul propably was the one, who named Reg. Thus Reg already having his name before Riko on the surface named him with the same name.


Theres only like less than 10 chapters after this arc so it be a while i think


I always assumed it's because Liza named him Reg after their dog on the surface since we know she saw him before he climbed up to the surface. He was carrying the Blaze Reap during all the Faputa flashbacks.


This is always a fun series to watch reactions to, Thanks!

지훈 정

A masterpiece like Attack on Titan.