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At least Faputa got a power up ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )

YouTube Reaction includes intro and outro discussion

Made in Abyss Master List



Wazukyan used a wish granting egg prior to entering the village, so when he entered his egg was adsorbed by Irumyuui. As such all 3 eggs were transferred to Faputa on her birth. In this way Faputa is a balance against the full value of the village. Wazukyan, just like Bondrewd an Ozen, is essentially a white whistle, a person being used by the abyss to further its goals. He has engineered a situation where Riko might grant a wish to allow all those who's soul wish to adventure forward may get their desire. Wasukyan is a crafty dude. But what happens when Faputa accepts her true value?


Now you know why the show emphasized Belaf watching and overhearing Vueko and Iru in many moments. To show as proof that Belaf would have in his memory enough signifiant moments between them to share with Faputa.