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We weren't expecting to see Geuse again!! Σ(°ロ°)

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It’s definitely good to overthink certain things said in rezero too like in AOT 😂 ReZero does the same thing AOT does, where they drop subtle hints in A LOT of the dialogue for viewers to theorize and find out things. There have already been a few things said by characters in the past that you guys just let it go right past you 😂


Both present Emilia and Fortuna said that Lil Emilia is only locked in the room when important grown up things are going to happen, otherwise she is NOT always locked in the room 😂. Seeing what yall just saw and seeing that she is locked in the room whenever certain people arrive, you guys should kinda be aware of what those “important grown up things” are 😂 Imagine keeping a child locked in a room 24/7 lol that’d be horrible, I probably wouldn’t like the elves if they kept Emilia locked 24/7


Apologies for the size of the comment, figured I’d try answering some of the questions raised at the end - without spoiling information that has not been revealed yet. But to answer your question on if Geuse and Emilia interacted in season 1, they actually had! However it was in a failed loop, thus the current Emilia had never interacted with him as he now was. It was in episode 23 of season 1, when Geuse possessed one of his followers - one thing to note here, and you may have noticed it back in the episode, but after Emilia froze the follower just before Subaru got possessed, she shed a tear and then looked confused as to why she was crying, now you have more context on why she was crying, as subconsciously she knew she knew Geuse, but due to her memories being locked, she was incapable of remembering him. As for the end of episode questions yous had, a lot of them are theory territory and we don’t have all the answers, so to things like what makes a witch, it’s a bit more complicated. There’s THE Witches, which would be the Witches of Sin, who possess a Witch factor, like the Sloth Witch Factor that Betelgeuse possessed in season 1, which transferred to Subaru after his death (as Beatrice mentioned way back in episode 2 I believe? And echidna upon her first meeting with Subaru) which allowed him to use that invisible hand you saw in the last episode, that is largely what makes someone a Witch, having possessed one of those. There’s more factors involved, but that’s the barebones answer - consider it the first step at least, merely possessing a witch factor allows someone to qualify as a witch. As for Emilia’s claim to being one, I cannot say at this current moment in time, but will save for a later episode, so keep that on the back burner for the moment. As for the ‘My Brother and Sister’ and Geuse correcting her, I got no idea, pure speculation here, but I guess it’s possible Fortuna had a sister as well as a brother? And maybe Geuse was just seeking clarification, but as I said, that’s speculation and no confirmed answer. But yes, you are correct that Emilia’s mother must have been a human, as she inherited her fathers silver hair and eye colour, and her mothers shape of eyes, as Fortuna’s family all have ‘mean eyes’ as they put it, so that does rule out Satella being her mother as she is a half elf already. Hope yous enjoyed the episode! Again more questions raised, some will be answered, many will not be, but as long as you enjoyed the episode that’s what matters most! Looking forward to the next two next week!


idk if someone has said this already but i think you guys might be a bit confused! puck isnt dead, he made an appearance last episode in fredrica's gem.


whenever fortuna would say "brother and sister" Geuse would reply "you mean you brother and his wife". she's probably just referring to her sister in law


Yeah of course that’s the actual case, but they were mentioning it was kinda weird to say that when technically speaking, her brothers wife would be Fortunas sister in law, therefore it’s not really inaccurate to say sister?


Next episode is one of the best of season 2 of Re:Zero it has endless hints and mysteries that we non-readers just have to wait if season 3 will answer any of them


I think they made the distinction that Emilia resembles her father so as to make it clear that she is not the witch of envy's daughter, as then she would resemble her mother as well.