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Hello! <3 I was meaning to ask you guys one thing, I'm planning on opening a sculpture commission slot soon, after I'm done with my current projects (including patreon sketches). It's supposed to be exclusive for my patrons, but honestly idk how to make it fair for everybody.

I know that a few people would be interested in sculpture, but I'm not able to take few comms at once. Any ideas how should I do it? I'd love to hear your ideas. :)

Thank you! <3



You could make a checkmark sheet with boxes. Each box would represent a slot, Any slot with an x could show a taken slot, and any empty one would show an available space. That sounds fair to me.


I’d say you should at least only give everyone one chance a year if this is a monthly thing as well just so one person doesn’t hog it all the time unless no one else can get the slot