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Hello! As you've probably noticed I was away for quite a while and I'm really REALLY sorry for leaving without saying something or giving you guys any update. 

I really don't feel right talking about most private aspects of my life since when I do, I feel like a burden to everyone. And also I know that you're not here for my whiny personal stories... ;) I know that whatever happens in my life, it's no excuse for leaving without saying anything. And for that I'm really sorry.

Long story short, for those of you who are concerned what's going on, I'm in the middle of moving. Again. I'm trying to find some place I'll be able to afford and which will allow me to work on my sculptures... And it's kinda tough. I need some kind of basement to varnish my sculptures freely without landlord being concerned about damage of property. So yeah. Also, christmas time really took a toll on my mental state. I spent it all alone, working, trying not to think about anything, I felt awful...

But now I'm slowly recovering, I think I found a solution for my problem and I'm hoping for the best. :) 

I'll try and upload a lot of stuff today to make up for the lost time. Again, I'm really sorry and I'll do my best to not let this happen again.

Thank you for reading and for all the support, you guys are the best :)


Jay Jay

I hope everything goes alright for you.