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My recent days were filled with KIEŁBASA! Why you ask? Well, of course because of our national polish holiday of course - Majówka! But what is Majówka you ask? It is like a long Mayday weekend in Poland. It’s the beginning of May, and time for a holiday in Poland, with May 1 and May 3 formally designated ‘free days’ to mark May Day and Constitution Day. In between falls Flag Day (May 2) – not officially a holiday, but one that in fact many will take off from work to allow a long weekend that is called Majówka.
We usually celebrate it by meeting with the family and GRILLING like there's no tomorrow, personally I prefer my sasuage grilled on firepits so I am full of grilled sasuage from fire and I regret NOTHING 🤤🔥🔥🔥🔥




3 days of nonstop eating?! Damn bet it’s hard to walk through doors with that massive butt LOL