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4 PREVIOUS PAGES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kitten-comic-1-4-44424145

I've decided to re draw the eight page, through working on this comic I've noticed something that i had been ignoring and that is a sense of scale in the illustrations, id like to re-draw them all but it i also want to get something out and not spend forever on this. 

I really missed an opportunity here with all these still flat panels with Avery, I could have shown scale a lot better. every panel is eye level and it doesn't look very intimidating. all I had to do was lower the camera a bit and it would have a totally different effect.

Anyway I will be aware of this going forward, i gotta go fix up that avatar comic now, and maybe take a few hours to acknowledge the new year 

edit: just noticed Rebeca's name tag is empty, ill fix when i post the 8th page 




Oh shit, I really like this. Love your work man!