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She... lost...

She watches the recording of the rating game once more with a frown on her face. Thinking over every possible thing she could have done differently.

It has been a few hours, but it still hasn't sunken in.

Riser... used some of his father's peerage.



It... isn't against the rules. She checked. It's just really unsportsmanlike. For the past like thirty minutes before the game, Riser's Knight and Bishop were replaced by his fathers.

She knows that sleazy bastard is going to rub it in her face that what he did wasn't against the listed rules.

She'll ring his fucking neck! She's down two fucking peerage members and he has to run off to daddy dearest?!

This was a problem for the younger generation damn it! She would have cleaned his entire peerage out if it wasn't for those two older BITCHES. Both of who were nearly taken out by her own adorable little servants!

If phoenix tears didn't exist they would have won. Her peerage would have won against pieces with DECADES of rating game experience.

She refuses to let this stand.

She freezes as she notices something.

Hold on...




"Rias Gremory has chosen to forfeit. The match goes to Riser Phenex."

She blinks down at the recording.

A devious grin crosses her face as she comprehends just what this means.

She can't do anything about Riser swapping his peerage out... any more than he himself did by shooting his reputation in the back of the head, but what she can do is drag him through the dirt and render the entire rating game obsolete... meaning he ruined his own reputation for NOTHING!

She won this rating game.

Riser made one teensy little slip up.

He used three phoenix tears.

'His' knight used the first on 'his' bishop after her darling little Koneko nearly one shot the saggy bitch, his queen used one when fighting against Akeno... and his bishop used one to restore the knight's arm moments before she gave up.

If she had followed her fear and gave up even two seconds sooner... this wouldn't matter.

But she stuck with her gut and dragged it out a little.

"YES!" She grins.

She won on a technicality. Not as sweet of a victory beating Riser half to death would have been, buuuut she'll take it.

She studied Riser's Phoenix tear placements. It's always one on Yubelluna and one on Ravel... it appears that he forgot to take the Phoenix tear away from Yubelluna.

Sure, they might say 'she was surrendering anyways, why should it matter?' BUT OHOHO IT MATTERS ALOT! She's going to enjoy dragging Riser's name through the filth where he belongs.

Even if by some unknown means this farce becomes a situation of 'Just have a rematch', the Gremory girl's going to ADORE swapping out the pieces she was FORCED to not use with some others...

"I wonder..." The girl idly comments with a feral victorious grin.

She has one unused bishop and one sealed bishop.

One sealed rook.

"I wonder if big sis would let Mr. Mathers and Surtur out to play?" The red head questions.


Pov: Elsewhere.

"That was an uncool win, Brother." A blonde drill-haired girl lowly growls as she crosses her hands in front of her chest. "I used to look up to you but that was lowly! She would have won against you if you hadn't done that."

"Don't you think I know that?!" The boy snaps suddenly only to pause and sigh, bringing his hands to his head. "You... don't understand the sort of pressure I am under, Ravel."

"Why not just lose to her?!" The blonde drill haired girl scoffs.

"It's not that simple Ravel." The young adult sighs.

"Then simplify it!" The girl growls.

"…" the blonde playboy things for a minute then sighs. "Ravel... mother and father's love for you is... unconditional. You are their only daughter. They cherish you. I have been waning on their patience... I party too much, I'm lazy, arrogant, and cause more messes than I fix. I am the third son. While yes, they love me, I have a purpose for them. I can't be good at rating games, Ruval is already the fifth greatest player and it's doubtful I'll ever be as good as him. I can't run a company, Romaine is the CEO of the most profitable news network in the entire underworld with numerous merchandise brands and more... I... my job is to Marry Rias and produce a devil which has the potential to become a super devil. That is all I can do to stand out."

"They love me, yes, I know that they do, but I have been immature. When I saw just how powerful Rias peerage was on the last day before the rating game... when that blonde and the tiny one sparred... I got scared. I went to my father and asked for help mere minutes before the rating game. He agreed and traded over his Knight and Bishop... but I could feel it as I left... the sheer disappointment he felt in me..."

The Phenex lets out a quiet sigh, clutching the sides of his head. "I've fucked up. My reputation was already low, but this is going to make it even worse. But I just... didn't know what else to do!"

He looks up slowly. "But I have to go through with it anyways... at this point... I'm too deep in."

"Rias is never going to accept this." The drill-haired girl points out.

"I know... which is why I'm going to be forced to double down."

"Wh- just give up Riser! You'll make an even bigger fool out of yourself!" The younger girl exclaims.

"Maybe... but... there's a chance I can pull through."


"Riser..." The girl quietly growls. "Your STUPID pride is going to get you hurt!"

She turns and storms off stomping as she disappears out the door, shouting once over her shoulder. "YOU IDIOT!"

How to double down... there's one way but...

Fuck... he might really get killed for this.


Pov: elsewhere.

A woman with long red hair stares sadly down at her little sister, a dejected look on her face. "Rias... I am so sorry. If I had known they were going to swap out a bishop and knight at the last moment... I would have allowed you to trade your peerage with mine."

"If you want, I'll march right in there and cancel the entire thing right now. That was an unearned victory for Riser. Adults shouldn't meddle in the fights of children."

"It's fine." Rias shrugs, now wearing an elaborate white gown.

"Alright I'll go do it right- wait what?" The blue eyed beauty blinks owlishly.

"It's fine." The younger red haired girl repeats.

"…" Seras stares her younger sister down with a confused look. "Huh?"

"LIke I said... it's fine. I have a plan." The smaller red head states with a sly smirk.


"And that plan is?" Seras questions.

"I won the rating game, sister." Rias smiles "Riser's side forfeited mere moments before I did."


"After all, his side used three phoenix tears... and the limit is two." Rias idly comments as she brings a hand to her mouth to hide her mischievous grin.

The gears seem to turn in the back of the Satan's head.

"Oh." She hollowly whispers, a vicious grin slowly forming on her face.

"Very well. The marriage is called off." Seras states. "If you want to stay home I can casually proclaim the information of the engagement's dissolution when I arrive."

"No..." Rias declines. "I want to do it myself."


"So... that left a bad taste in my mouth." I hum idly as I quietly tend to the stove which is cooking what's going to be a LOVELY lobster bisque.

"It's technically not against the rules though as nobody did anything like this before." Mittelt shrugs. "Just a major hit to reputation... if this gives anyone ideas, they'll probably make a 'Peerage member must be a part of the peerage for X many months' or something rule."

"That's lame as hell."  I growl.

"yep." The girl nods.

"It pissed me off!" I continue.

"Mhm." She nods.  "Can't do much about it."

"Maybe I will!" I scoff over my shoulder. "If Rias is married to that jackass, I can't tease her!"

"No, you won't." The girl states, sounding as if she were chastising a dog.

"I could claim that I took Rias' virginity."


The girl's chair creaks slightly as she turns to stare at me. "Did you?"

"No." I answer honestly with a small headshake.

"Oh good. You better not though, otherwise you'll probably be hunted for sport."

"Eh, I'd live." I shrug.

I quietly lift a spoon and-

A rift opens and engulfs the end of the spoon.

It comes out a second later without anything on it.

Another gap opens next to my ear.

"Needs more salt." Yukari supplies.

I pause as something comes into my sensing range as the rip slams shut. I can hear the Tv in the other room abruptly turn off as I assume Yukari makes herself scarce.

"Anyways, school's been pretty fun." I hum as I allow my prosthetic clad arm to fall limply to my side.

The girl blinks slowly but catches on immediately. "That so? I thought you were too busy running from- and I quote- 'that tomato girl and her cult'?"

"Eh, Rias isn't so bad. Annoying sometimes, sure, but at the end of the day I think she means well."

I glance down as a magic circle appears beneath me.

My eyes skim the circle for a moment as a smile crosses my face.

"Yukari take care of Mittelt or I'll never cook for you again." I smile as with a flash... I am teleported away.

When I open my eyes... I see prison bars.

A purple haired woman stands on the other side for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. She looks to two guards and gestures to me. "Watch him."

"Ugh. The other guards are guarding the banquet, why do we have to be here?" The first man asks to the second.

I sit in place for a moment before smiling.

A dark chuckle escapes my lips as with a wave of my hand...


Three perfectly cut bars clatter to the floor. Cut along the tops and bottom.

"What the hell?!-"

"Die!" I grin as I point at the two devils.

They collapse like they had their strings cut.

Collapsed because I cast deep slumber, of course, I just wanted it to appear that I killed them both with a mere word in case anyone was watching.

I make a showing of me 'dispelling an illusion' as I transform into 'Argo' the same kitsune who trained Rias.

I bob back and forth with a grin. "Ohoho I knew he was going to try something like this!"

"Hey Yukari, if you're listening can I have a list of everyone vaguely powerful in the Youkai faction? I need it for a thing~"


"I'm going to assume you heard that." I nod once as I leave the room with my head held high and turn invisible.


I let out a low hum as I stand by the table with dozens of finger foods and drinks of dubious alcoholic content.

"Excuse me... I don't believe I have ever seen you before." I hear a voice speak up from behind me.

I turn around seeing Sona stood with her queen at her side.

"Ah, I don't believe we have ever met before, my name is Argo Dot Anevil, I was recently promoted to High Class.

"Argo?" The girl mutters as she pushes her glasses up slightly a ghost of a smile appearing on her face. "How strange... I could have sworn Rias told me someone with a similar name was helping her train."

"Should I perhaps swap the D and an N and add a space?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You could... it really depends on my mood." I answer with a slim smile.

"Oh? Quite the statement... are you perhaps here to do anything?" She asks.

"Hn? What could I possibly do? This is the first high class gathering I have gone to." I reply as I wordlessly take a piece of skewered meat. "Even if I was going to do something, first I'd watch things play out for a little while. Let the drama come to a crashing crescendo."

"…" the spectacled girl stares for a moment.

"So, like, I've got a question for you, aren't devil senses an eleven out of ten, why do you wear glasses... a fashion statement or something?"

She doesn’t say anything.

"Argo?!" A voice behind me gasps.

I turn around to see a small white-haired girl with a black cat hairclip, idly noting Sona speed walk out of the conversation as my attention is drawn elsewhere apparently having broken out in a cold sweat at my question. It appears she wasn't ready to be called out like that.

"You may have me confused for someone else. I am Argo Dot Anevil."

She stares for a moment before continuing in a deadpan tone. "How do you do that with your aura?"

"Let's leave it at the fact that I'm special." I shrug off as I quietly cast a 'silent table' spell.

"Did Serafall reincarnate you?"


"Did someone else?"

"No. I am a pure blooded devil who recently got powerful enough to become a 'high class devil'. Nothing more, nothing less. I hold no relation to any youkai who may or may not have trained you." I smile nonchalantly.



"Why are you here for real?" She questions.

"Ah. That's a bit of a secret." I lowly mutter.

"Hn. Please tell me?" The girl pleads in her blank dandere tone.

"I have a very high IQ and I predicted something would happen, so I did a thing and said thing I predicted happened, bringing me here."

"…" she pouts slightly.

I let out a long self-loathing sigh. "You know that white haired guy Rias is obsessed with?"

"Mn hn." She nods twice.

"You know how Rias isn't going to accept this loss?" I ask.

"Mn hn." The girl nods again.

"What would you do if you were an arrogant devil... in order to enforce her to accept the loss and marry you?"


"Would you perhaps target a non-supernatural human Rias seems obsessed with in order to force her hand, not knowing that a big brain fox boy told the white-haired boy's girlfriend to take said white haired guy and fuck off for a little while so the tricky fox could assume his identity for roughly four hours?"

"Riser tried to do something to Nagure?" The girl whispers.

"And in turn kidnapped me instead." I nod slowly. "I'm just waiting here to watch everything here blow up. The chaos my mere presence here will bring is going to be absolutely delectable"

My eyes are drawn to Rias as she struts into the room, head held high.


Satisfaction, Maliciousness, Arrogance.


"Does Rias have a plan? she seems far too calm." I question.

"She might have a plan, she might not." Koneko shrugs idly. "Something something.... high IQ."

"Heh." I huff.

We both silently watch as the girl calmly places herself in the circles of the room, speaking with other high class devils.

"By the way, Koneko, I am genuinely so proud of you." I idly comment.

"H-Huh? But... I lost..."

"You still would have taken out someone with decades more power and experience than you if Phoenix tears didn't exist." I point out. "Don't let this loss affect you."

"A-Alright..." The girl slowly nods.

I choose this moment to overlook her appearance, she is wearing a simple pink dress that goes down to about her knees, and black stockings underneath, she wears a sash around her waist with a rose on it.

Our attention is drawn to a pillar of fire as a man appears in the room, a murmur crosses the room, some scoffing and snorting in amusement as if he is some sort of elaborate joke.

I mean, he is, but they should perhaps be more subtle about it.

"Greeting renowned devils of the underworld. On behalf of the house of Phenex I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming today."

Another round of snickers cross the hall, but Riser either doesn't hear it or ignores it.

"This is a historic moment for the world of devils, and I would like our dear guests to be the first to know."

"Two great dynasties are about to become one. Lord Riser of the distinguished house of Phenex, shall wed Lady Rias of the illustrious house of Gremory."

"May I present, my bride... Rias Gremory." The blonde man grins as he gestures across the room.

A spotlight shines down on the white dress wearing girl.

"Yeah. No." Rias calmly states as she points a single finger up towards the sky.

A miniature blast of her power of destruction rockets up and utterly vaporizes the light shining down upon her.

Sparks rain down from the ceiling as she glares at Riser. "I, Rias Gremory. Am NOT your bride. I reject this union."

With a blast of demonic power that engulfs her entire body, Rias' wedding gown is replaced with a simple red dress with a slit just below her hip, she wears red high heels and wears simple jewelry.

"Are you one to go back on your word, Rias?!" Riser lowly growls as he struts forwards. "Think of the dishonor you are bringing on your family."

"Dishonor on my family? Do you even hear yourself speak? The sheer hypocrisy off that statement is rich." Rias hums, a smirk on her face as more devils around the room seem amused.

'Oh... so she does have a plan... interesting. I'll sit this one out for a while.'

Something prods my wrist causing me to glance into my sleeve.

A tiny rip in reality appears and a finger pokes out of it, gesturing to the table.

I let out a quiet sigh and place an illusion over the entire table.

In the next moment a rolled up piece of paper slides into my sleeve and the food from the table disappears.

"You forfeited the match, Rias." Riser growls.

"Yes, I did. However. You cheated before I did so, rendering the entire game obsolete."

"Swapping out pieces is not against the listed rules of our engagement." The man in a white suit states with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, you are correct, but there are some things that you just shouldn't do." Rias replies with a headshake. "Why are we even talking about this? No. I was not referring to you being a pathetic little disgrace and whining to your father at the first chance you got. I was referring to the true instance of cheating within our rating game."

"You had best watch your tone, Rias." I hear Riser lowly hiss, my ears perking up underneath my illusionary disguise to pick up just what was said. "Unless you want that little human you've been obsessed with to have more than an arm and eye to worry about."


Rias' power of destruction flows off her in waves as the fancy marble floor beneath her feet is blackened and tarnished, turning into nothing more than sand and it billows away from her feet.

"What did you just say, Riser Phenex?" She questions in a hissing tone, I can hear the barely restrained wrath in her tone.

'Oh wow. Her rage is making her stronger... neat.'

"So not only do you cheat in rating games, you kidnap people from other devils territories in order to try and blackmail me?!" The red head snarls.

Ah this is getting good.

"Koneko, Kiba, Akeno. Go find the dungeons in this place." The girl growls. "Crush anyone who stands in your way."

Aaaaand debute time.


The mood is utterly ruined by me loudly dragging a wooden chair squeakily across the floor, it turn it around and sit in it backwards with a grin, arms crossed atop the backrest. "Howdy."

"A-Argo?!" Rias mutters as her power of destruction fades because of her pure shock.

"That's right." I nod.

"If you're here... then Serafall's already aware of what he attempted?"

"Incorrect." I smile.


"You see, I'm a bit of a big brained individual, I knew your ex here would try something like this, so I found that white haired amputee that you seem obsessed with, found his girlfriend, and told her to take him and fuck off for a little while."

"Then... the person Riser kidnapped..." Rias whispers.

"Was me disguised as your crush, yes." I nod with a bright smile.

"He's not my crush!" Rias growls.

"Hn, don't you spy on him even when he's having intimate moments with his girlfriend?" I observe bluntly.


"Seems like a crush to me." I shrug.

"Who... are you?" Riser lowly growls.

"Oh wow you are slow." I hum as the surrounding devils snicker at the sudden popup circus being performed in the center of this hall. "I'm the guy you kidnapped dumbass. I broke out of your little prison an hour ago and have sort of been wandering around your house. It's really tacky by the way, what sort of deranged pompous douchebag uses solid gold wallpaper?"

I brush a hand down my black kimono and slowly rise to my feet.

"Wait... he kidnapped... you..." Rias mutters to herself, gears begin to turn in her head.

The guards at the edges of the room now slowly move in towards me, spears in hand.

"Guards! Get rid of this intruder." Riser snarls.

"Oh? You do realize that one of my students literally amputated the arm of your father's knight, right? And the other almost killed his bishop in one shot." I scoff.

"My students." I reiterate as I glance around to the guards, a menacing smile on my face as I tilt my head back slightly. "I wonder what sort of life insurance policy you give them, because at this point you're practically asking them to have a nice long bath with a plugged-in toaster."

"You were the one to train Rias' filthy peerage?!" Riser snarls.

"I was. What you gonna do a-bout it biiiitch?" I question with a smug smirk.

He glares at the guards. "Kill him!"

I smirk as I point at one of the guards who clenches his spear tightly and rushes forwards. "Die!"

Him and three others stood beside him fall like they are puppets without strings.

Once more asleep.

The amused murmurs die out in a single breath.

An eerie silence echoes throughout the room as my gaze drags its way around the room.

"That was a sleeping spell by the way. I sure fooled you people." I hum with a mischievous smile.

"KILL HIM." Riser demands again.

Rias suddenly busts out laughing, its quiet and melodious, but she seems to have discovered the most hilarious thing in the world.

"Oh... I see... he kidnapped you. Yeah, that's going to go well for him." Rias snorts.

"Riser Phenex." She declares. "You have just made the biggest mistake of your insignificant life. A mistake that won't merely effect you, but possibly even your family and the entire devil race. Good luck with that. I'm going to watch your downfall from the sidelines. Goodbye Riser. This might be the last time I ever see you."

She turns and walks over to the drink table, Riser's gaze follows after her, he appears in deep thought, as he cautiously looks over me.

A purple haired woman walks into view, she wields a staff in one hand, Riser's queen Yubelluna.

"Oh cool. It's the girl who talked shit, was forced to use a phoenix tear, and still got her ass kicked by someone with a good four to five years less combat experience and training."

Her eyebrow twitches.

"Riser... should I throw this man out?" She questions, pausing next to the blonde man and glaring hatefully at me.

Riser says nothing and continues to glare for a moment.

"You know, I can't even begin to understand the reason for this marriage contract." I sigh as I shake my head. "Rias is the heiress of the Gremory family... yet if the marriage was to go through, she would have been forced to shirk her name and marry into your family... marry to a third son nobody. Rias Gremory, who nearly utterly defeated you, despite having an incomplete peerage and being forced to NOT use two of her strongest pieces... she still nearly gave you a crushing defeat despite your rating game experience and age. The only reason you won that game is because you had to run to your mommy and daddy because you were terrified that you would lose to someone years younger than you with no formal or informal rating game experience."

As I continue my rant, I can see his rage piling.

"I mean really, dude? This was a matter that should be disputed by the younger generation, yet here you go, involving your parents and not only making yourself the laughingstock of the entire underworld, but lowering the reputation of your parents as well. Disgusting."

His hands twitch, a scowl appearing on his face as he glares hatefully.

"And the best part is? Despite including some of your parent's strongest pieces, you apparently STILL had to resort to cheating in order to gain something even closely resembling a victory! That's fucking SAD!" I cackle as I cover my mouth with a hand. "You're like a cosmic joke, nothing more than a stain upon the reputation of that 'distinguished' house of yours."

I blur forwards suddenly as a magic circle appears around me, my elbow crashes into the nose of his queen and sends her crashing into the wall behind Riser with a shuddering boom.

I scratch my chin as I stand next to Riser, facing the same way as him. "Hmmm... Whoops. Sorry about that. My body tends to react quite violently to hostile magic."

Make them think that I did that without thinking...

Never let them know my entire body was coiled ready to lash out at any magical effect that targeted me.

Make them think I am in complete and total control of the situation. Quite easy... considering I am.

I turn and walk away, arms folded behind my head as I let out a low hum. "Hn. We can add assault to the kidnapping change."

He grits his teeth and lets out a low growl. "Leave."

"Huh, you know, normally people would be frothing with rage or a sobbing mess after experiencing one of my casual character breakdowns. Doesn't change the fact of how badly you've fucked up though."

"And believe me if I could, I would. This party's an utter drag. The food is frankly boring... I can make better when I'm barely trying. If I was adept at teleportation magic, I would leave, but alas, I can't, and let me just say that certainly isn't a good thing for you. You've probably pissed off a lot of people."

I pull out a roll of paper. "In fact, I have a list of basically everyone you've pissed off with this stunt."

I unfurl it, using illusions to make it appear to be a comically long list.

*Ahem* I clear my throat and take a deep breath.

"Serafall, Serafall's ultimate class Rook, Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, Issane, Sari, Azazel, the four satans- when they find out how much work you have just made for them-" I take another deep breath and continue on, the magic in one of my rings pulsing as someone tries to punch me from behind. I pay it no mind and continue on, the attack never landing. "Shou Toramaru, Minamitsu Murasa, Toyosatomimi no Miko, Byakuren Hijiri, Reisen Udongein Inaba, Misumaru Tamatsukuri Keine, Kamishirasawa, Reimu Hakurei, Nue Houjuu, Iku Nagae, Mamizou Futatsuiwa, Fujiwara no Mokou, Kaguya Houraisan, Yuuka Kazami, Eirin Yagokoro, Shinmyoumaru Sukuna, Hina Kageyama, Megumu Iizunamaru, Sanae Kochiya, Raiko Horikawa, Ran Yakumo, Suika Ibuki, Yuugi Hoshiguma, Kanako Yasaka, Suwako Moriya, Kasen Ibaraki, Okina Matara, Kunou, Yasaka, Magari, Nurarihyon..."

I take a final deep breath as I toss the paper over my shoulder. It erupts into flames and becomes nothing more than ash as it strikes the floor.

"And, finally, the one and only Yukari Yakumo." I smirk.

"Now, I don't know like... eighty percent of the people on this list, but alas, I've been told by someone that I deeply respect... and sort of fear... that these people would be very pissed off by your actions, Riser."

A stunning red haired woman in an elaborate dress walks into view, her eyes stray the room.

Unconscious guards, a woman imbedded in the wall and bleeding heavily, the mask wearing rook of Riser being suspended in the air, clutching her throat, a general sense of unease permeating throughout the entire hall.

"Hello there. You must be Lucifer." I smile brightly.

"Who... are you?" The woman questions slowly, there's some vague caution in her voice it appears she heard my previous statements as she was walking up.

"Oh, hello, my name is Argo. I am the one who trained Rias' peerage to their current state." I smile brightly. "Your little sister's Ex Fiancée here kidnapped me because he thought I was someone else and was planning on using said someone else to blackmail Rias into marrying him."

The woman's eyes narrow. "Is that so?"

"It is... so." I nod.

"Your claim of people being angered by this action... how much truth does it hold?" The woman questions.

My ear twitches slightly underneath the illusion as I hear something in the distance.

"Why don't we see for ourselves?" I question as I gesture to the door behind the woman.

"Three. Two. One." I count down.

A knight wearing black armor crashes through the double doors breaking them, ice clings to his body as he lets out a weak groan.

A woman struts into the room as another knight flies over her shoulder, crashing into the ground with his legs bent the wrong way.

Another guard lands crumpled at her feet as she steps over him and lets out a loud snarl.  "Who the fuck STOLE MY KITSUNE?!"

A green-eyed black-haired girl with twin-tails flips over her, her hand wrapped around the back of a knight's head, the metal of his helmet creaking inwards at each of her fingertips.

'ah. Neo's back in her disguise.'

She slams the man's face into the tile floor, cracking it, grinding the face plate along the floor as she slides to a halt, a furious expression on her face as her eyes dart around the room.


A large rip in reality forms in the air as a blonde woman in a fancy dress and a mobcap sits on the edge of it. "Yes... I would also like to know the answer to that question... my my, it's as if the devil race can't help but place themselves in the Youkai faction's sight."

The girl version of Sirzechs casts her gaze around the room slowly. "Partygoers. Leave. This is an order of the Lucifer."

She lets out a quiet sigh as she looks up to Yukari. "I believe it is time for Negotiation. I will call Grayfia."

"Good." The blonde woman smiles menacingly. "In that case, I do believe I'll hold off on erasing the Phenex family."


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