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I give a slightly lazy wave to the class. "Hello, my name is Nagure Kuraudo, it's my first year in public school, so uh... please take care of me? That's something a new student says, right?"

I mutter the last part to my teacher who gives me a look that holds poorly concealed pity, I can see her eyes lingering on my eyepatch and static unmoving black prosthetic hand.

"Does the class have any Questions for Nagure here?"

One of the boys in the back raises a hand.

"Yes?" The teacher questions.

"What happened to your eye?"

"I ran with scissors." I shrug idly, cutting off the teacher's furious shout before it could truly begin.

"What about your hand."

"They were really big scissors." I scoff as I roll my eye.


The woman quickly turns to me. "I am so sorry for their lack of manners, Nagure. Please, take a seat wherever there's an open spot."

I offer her a single nod and walk forwards, taking a seat in one of the furthest back seats I can find.

I prop my head up with my remaining hand with a bored expression... I can feel the eyes of the supernatural resting on me.

I refuse to glance at any of them, not Sona or Rias, nor Tsubaki and Akeno, not even the beast tamer, Kiyome Abe.

I've got a second continuous quest...

Hidden among the supernatural:
What a fun game of cat and mouse! Serafall seems to think so! She wants to test her little sister and her friends to see just how observant they are! A tricky kitsune who can completely hide their magical aura should be a nice test! Even if you get found out quickly, it might lead to a REALLY hot threesome with two of her greatest loves. Sona. And Cat boys... er, well, animal eared boys in general.

Appear to be 'Non Supernatural' for 1 day [ ]

Bonus Objectives:
Total Number of days without Rias or Sona discovering you: 0 (Ongoing Objective)
Remain undetected for 7 days: [ ]
Remain undetected for 1 month: [ ]
Remain undetected for 6 months: [ ]
Remain undetected for 1 year: [ ]
Remain undetected until 'Canon' starts: [ ]

Between this and my limbless quest, I think I'll be more than happy to sit back and relax.

Quietly pretend to be nonmagical while gaining incredible wealth and power, a new 'not boring' arm, and a 'cool' new eye.

If it isn't cool I'll just use a scroll of regenerate. There's literally zero reason for me to not milk these two quests as they are giving me things to NOT risk my life.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Rias looking at me like I am a mystery she just HAS to figure out. Perhaps it’s the fact that I seem so disinterested in her. Is Rias the type to cast spells on herself to make her appear to be more popular? Who knows.

I can't wait to go home and go to bed.


Pov: nearby

Oh? To show such boredom in HER presence, despite the fact that she cast a spell that should have had every guy in this classroom fawning over her?

That is certainly strange.

He doesn't feel magical, so there's really nothing that should stop her spell.

It is something to look into certainly.

Maybe he is a potential peerage candidate? Is he hiding his strength? Does he have a sacred gear?

He doesn't lust over her like her disgusting fiancée, plus he is quite easy on the eyes like Kiba, the white hair and amber eye is really exotic! He looks like he could be Koneko's older brother. Plus, the eyepatch and hand make him look mysterious and roguish! Like a pirate!

His gaze strays over to the red-haired woman's own, they lock eyes for a long moment, his bored one eyed stare meeting the red haired girl's intrigued one.

After a moment he turns his head to look out the window, managing to do so right before the red haired girl completed some form of eye based hypnosis magic, not to force him to do anything, of course, just to see if he was affected by it and confirm or disprove her hunch.

It seems her tactic unluckily failed.


He's probably just depressed.

Depression in Japan is sadly very common.

She might look into him just a little bit if she ever gets bored, though.


Pov: returned.

I let out a long yawn as I lounge on the couch of the small apartment Serafall got for me.

She really went all out in this little game of hers.

I have my own place to stay now, small, but mine. All of it paid for by my 'parents' who are in Tokyo.

By parents, I mean my Sugar Mommy, Serafall.

She lied about the Tokyo bit, though.

I just have to look cute, fluff my ears and tail around a little bit, and the woman practically flings money at me.

My eyes- well 'eye' glances to the window, I blankly stare out of it.

'yep, the bat is still there'.

A red bat with a face that looks far too human floats in front of the window.

It is under an illusion so I don't react when it presses its face up against the glass, nor does my eye follow it as it floats alongside the window.

The sun just falls enough in the sky that it begins shining through the window, causing me to cringe, shielding my face with my hand as I stand up.

I approach the window and close the blinds, then go lay back down, ignoring the bat as it begins peering through a small uncovered section of the window.

A quest has been completed:

Hidden among the supernatural:

Appear to be 'Non Supernatural' for 1 day [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Total Number of days without Rias or Sona discovering you: 1 (Ongoing Objective)

Rewards: 110 Electrum.

That's a pretty good amount of electrum.

To level up to level four, I need nine hundred, so that alone takes me more than a ninth of the way there.

OR. On the other hand, I could buy some feats, or maybe some stat points to increase my physical abilities.

My strength of nine isn't even considered 'superhuman', just 'extremely athletic'... Apparently a 'normal' human has eight in all stats. Maybe a nine for slightly exceptional ones.

As it is currently, I guess I just farm my quests, go to school, and quietly increase my strength.

The arm quest has been doing quite well.


Last 1 Day with the loss of your arm and eye [x]

Bonus Objectives:

Total Number of days without regenerating your crippled limb or eye: 16 (Ongoing Objective)
Refuse regeneration for 7 days: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 1 month: [ ]
Refuse regeneration for 6 months: [ ]
Refuse regeneration for 1 year: [ ]
Refuse regeneration until 'Canon' starts: [ ]

Rewards: 230 Electrum

I'll probably get dozens more quests around canon. All I need to do is wait, deal with Serafall discreetly, and whatever else comes after me... also maybe purchase a magic item that conceals my scent so my cover isn't blown by Koneko.

That'd be a good idea.


Pov: elsewhere

"It is not every day that the leader of the Western Youkai faction makes contact with the northern faction. I would love to use this time to catch up, but... that's not the reason you have requested to meet, is it?" A pink haired woman with two straight rock-like horns on the side of her head looks over the nine tailed woman kneeling upon cushions at a small table, upon the table are a few food items, mostly sweets, but there are two wide rimmed saki cups, one placed on each side of the table.

"You would be... correct." The Kyuubi woman announces. "It is something of great importance."

"Oh?" The Oni mutters as she slowly walks to the table, brushing a hand to straighten her pink robe and kneeling down, taking a seat across from the other youkai woman. She snags a ball of mochi off the table, eating it in one bite. "What is it?"

"It is something that could affect the four youkai factions." Yasaka sighs. "Thank you for coming to meet me on such short notice, Kasen."

"Psssh." The Oni huffs while shrugging, causing the chains connected to her arm bands to jingle. "Think nothing of it. It's the least I could do."

The fox woman slowly lays a wrapped object upon the table causing the expression on the Oni woman's face to fall slightly. "Is that-"

A certain sickening magical aura permeates off the object as the nine tailed Youkai unwraps it.

"A Youkai slaying weapon." Kasen breathes, teeth gritting. "Where did you get this?!"

The oni's eyes stray to her right arm, starting at the shoulder, bandages go down its entire length, it looks as if she had wrapped her entire arm with white bandages, but that is actually incorrect...

That is her arm. The bandages contain dark Youkai essence which the Oni uses to manipulate the limb.

Her original arm was severed by a blade that radiated the same aura... albeit far stronger.

"This is the reason I called you here. Eight exorcists from the Kushihashi clan hunted down a kitsune and brutalized him... he lost his right arm and his right eye. The worst part is, that he only fought back when they have him no choice. They hunted down a peaceful youkai with youkai slaying weapons. A male kitsune at that."

Killing intent begins radiating from the Oni as she glares down at the blade. "I see. And what of these clan members?"

"Two were killed by the kitsune in question, and the remainder are being held by the devils as they are in a political bind between the youkai faction and the five principal clans." Yasaka dully explains. "They are the ones who saved the kitsune's life, but they were just slightly too late to save his arm and eye."

"I see... I will certainly have a word about this to Yukari. An incident of this scale might actually cause her to stop being such a shut in."

"I had noticed that she hasn't been public recently." The kitsune woman frowns.

"Japanese Melodramas" the Oni sighs as she slowly stands. "As much as I would like to stay and have that bottle of sake, I really should go tell Yukari about..."

Her gaze stray to the sword as she gives it a disgusted look. "That..."

"Actually..." The oni begins as she grabs the blade, causing it to disappear as she stores it with spatial magic. "I may need this to convince Yukari to stop being lazy."

The kitsune nods once. "Yes, please take it. We certainly have no use for it. I was planning on having it destroyed like the other seven after you had taken a look at it."

"I'll destroy it later." The pink haired woman nods.

"It was a pleasure to see you again, Kasen." The kitsune woman smiles.

"And it was a pleasure to see you again, Yasaka. The northern and western Youkai factions should really hang out more." The Oni smiles.

Her expression becomes slightly more strained. "You should really talk to your sister."

The Kitsune's expression hardens instantly, but she doesn't say anything.


"Right." Kasen sighs, shoulders slumping as she turns and walks away. "Goodbye Yasaka"


"But the truth is... the truth is that you are the baby's father!"

*Cheesy Dramatic noise*

"What?! That’s- no- that's impossible!"

*Dramatic Noise*

"But I am in love with your sister! I would have never cheated on her! How dare you lie to me!"

"But that is the thing, my love, we are cursed by a witch to swap appearances every twenty four hours!"


A blonde sits in a night gown, practically sinking into her couch as she lays there with her eyes shut, quietly listening to the tv as she tries to nap.


The blonde cracks open an eye as she glares at the tv.

What a boring twist. She predicted that hours ago.


She sits up slightly rubbing her eyes as she blearily looks around the room, idly wondering what that noise was.

Eh. If someone doesn't come to get her it isn't important.

"My love! I am sorry! Please, help me take care of our child!"

"You have betrayed my trust; you have sullied my honor... I... cannot make this right. Goodbye Oriana."

"The pain inflicted to Sumuru's heart was immense. He was unable to handle the newfound weight upon his consciousness."

"I am sorry, world. Why must life be so cruel to those who merely want to live? Goodbye Sirame. I hope that this will allow me to repent... may we meet again... in the otherworld..."


The blonde woman in a mob cap ignores the noise and the thud that shakes her wall, now reinvested back in the show.

"But before Sumuru could end his life... a voice called out! The voice of his late mother."

"Sumuru... poor Sumuru..."


The screen fades to black causing the extremely powerful youkai to silently curse the existence of commercials.

"Sooo what's your deal?"

"Oh, I'm a fast food consultant, I'll try your products and tell you if I like it... what have you got?"

"My Ninety Nine cent western cheeseburger. It's a jumbo patty smothered in melting cheese, onions, and my very own tangy barbeque sauce."

"Ok. I'll eat that."

"What do you charge?"

"Twenty Five Thousand Dollars."

"Any Takers?"

"All I need is one~"

Multiple fast food bags appear on the screen.

"So the twenty five thousand is-"

"Per nugget."

Damn. Now she wants food.

This is a conundrum.


The door to her left is kicked off its hinges, it soars across the room and violently smashes into the wall across from where it was resting, the wood splintering and breaking as it creates a large dent in the plaster wall.

"YUKARI!" A voice snarls as a sword fly through the air, it sinks into the large Tv up to the hilt, sending sparks cascading across the floor as the Tv's screen flickers to black. *Chzzzz*

"Nooooo!" The blonde woman weakly groans. "I was watching that!"

"I have been trying to get your attention for the past THIRTY minutes!" The pink haired woman booms as she stomps inside.

"What is it?" The blonde deadpans. "Didn't you and Okina say you were able to take care of everything?! What could possibly-"

The woman pauses abruptly, looking over to the tv, particularly the sword that is stuck inside of it.

A sickening aura is produced from the sword. "A youkai slaying sword... where did you get that? I thought most of them had been destroyed."

"That is what we needed to talk about." The pink haired Oni announces. "We believe the principal clans have been making more."

Oh. That is quite an issue.

Damn it! She just wanted to nap a little bit longer! Putting the fear of Youkai into the entire underworld the year before last when she whisked away a few devil houses took a lot of effort.

Effort to get out of bed, that is. The task itself was fairly simple, just mentally draining.

But back then, it was worth it. They made little Chen cry... and that was more than enough to get her to maim hundreds of devils.

The woman rubs her temples as she slowly stands. "Alright, Alright. I'm up."


Pov: returned

I cup my chin as I look over produce.

'What do I need for homemade ramen?' I quietly question to myself. 'Well, first off, I'll need noodles. I'd like to try homemade, so I'll need some flour, water, salt and maybe some yeast? Serafall got me an automatic pasta roller because I can't really do much with my plastic hand, so it'll probably be decently easy even with one arm.'

I pull out my phone, briefly tapping in a recipe into my search browser.

I frown at one of the ingredients. 'One gram of vital wheat gluten? The fuck is 'Vital Wheat Gluten'?'

"Excuse me..." A feminine voice behind me begins.

"Hm?" I hum as I turn around.

A girl with short blue hair stands before me, she has a single streak of green in her bangs, she wears the Kuoh middle school student uniform and she has a cross necklace around her neck.

"Yes?" I question.

"Err... I'm sorry, I'm new to Japan and I'm still... no good... with some words... what does this say?" The girl questions while gesturing to the front of her ramen packet, she doesn't look up at me as she asks this.

"That's Chicken flavored supremely spicey ramen. I wouldn't recommend it. I tried it once and felt like I was dying." I state as I turn back to looking at my phone.

"Oh. I see. Thank you." The girl nods her head as she turns and walks back to a nearby rack and places the ramen back where it goes.

She looks back over to me and flinches at my appearance.

'Well, there's Xenovia. Now I just need to meet Asia and Irina and I'll have filled out my 'church girls' bingo card.

I refocus on the produce before me. 'another key question I have to ask myself is... Chicken or Pork?'

Do I want pork or chicken in my ramen?

It's actually surprising that in this world, these are my conundrums.

"Excuse me yet again." The girl beings as she walks back over. "Do you need any... help?"

"Hm?" I hum as I blink at her in confusion.

"Do you need any help uh... carrying your groceries?"

"Nah, I'm fine." I state with a slow head shake. "If my whole arm was gone, sure, but I can still use it for some things."

"O-Oh. I see." The girl awkwardly mutters. "Do you... mind telling me how it happened?"

"Blender accident." I shrug idly.

The girl looks absolutely horrified covering her mouth with her hands. "That's horrible!"

"A-And your eye?" She whispers with a nervous stutter.

"It was a very violent accident." I idly hum.

"I will pray for you, poor soul." The girl announces as she claps her hands together. "Don't worry! It'll get better!"

"Mhm." I idly hum as I step over to the colder refrigerated selection of meats, turning off my phone and slipping it back into my pocket.

'Pork it is.'

I cast my gaze across the produce smirking as I spy the highest quality piece on the rack.

I pick it up and place it in my basket which is held in the crook of my elbow.

Those ranks in 'Profession: Chef' have been useful. I used to be totally untalented in the kitchen, now I have some legitimate skill.

I may be forced to live without an arm for like two years, but I certainly won't be eating cup noodles the entire time!

I have my pride damn it!

I turn and walk away, leaving the praying exorcist behind me. 'Now I need some eggs.'

It has been about a month since I started going to school, my quests have been giving me that sweet, sweet, electrum, and my arm hasn't been that much of an issue.

I can't open jars, sure, and sometimes incredible pain flares down my phantom limb, but eh. I'm making like... one hundred electrum per week. I got more than enough to grow to level four, which I already have done, unlocking my second level spells and I am steadily on the path to level five which I need one thousand six hundred electrum for.

Life is good. I've got a magic item that hides my scent, now I just need to cast a certain spell every four days or so to hide the magical aura of my scent suppressing ring and my magic aura hiding necklace.


With a satisfying crunch, my knife slices through a bundle of green onion, with a few more quick chops they are diced into extremely thin rings which lay static on the cutting board.

With a pair of tongs, I fish a tangle of stringy noodles from a large pot filled with water, placing them in a bowl with some awaiting vegetables then I spoon in a few ladlesful of soup stock.

I sit a few cuts of braised pork along one side and two halves of a soft boiled egg on the other, then I sprinkle the green onion overtop. With one final nod I grab two white and red spiral fishcakes and place them atop the noodles.

"Wooooow! I didn't know you could cook, Gure~" the black-haired woman sitting at my table gasps.

"It's just something I've picked up in my month or so of living alone. I can't live life off takeout after all~" I hum as I gently grab the bowl and place it on the table.

I blink as a second black haired girl appears in the seat on the other side of the table. "Oh. Hey Neo."

She offers me a wave with a bright smile.

"Do you want some too?" I question as I turn back to the stove, looking over my shoulder to wait for her reply.

She nods once.

I swiftly fix her a bowl as Serafall begins eating the one I have fixed her.

"WOW!" The woman gasps. "This is really good!"

"You're probably saying that just to make my feel better." I deadpan over my shoulder as I walk back to the table with Neo's bowl. "As a devil, you have tons of money so you probably are able to eat at the best restaurants in the world whenever you want."

I place the bowl before the disguised girl and return to the stove.

"No! I wouldn't lie to you, Gure-tan!" The woman gasps horrified. "This is about the limits of human cuisine... and well, not many supernatural creatures ever get into cooking seeing it as a 'worthless' skill! So really, you are probably within the top twenty percent! I didn't know you had such a talent for cooking!"

'with four ranks?!'

I mean, for me, that grants me a plus nine to my cooking checks.

Most humans are probably not over level one so they are limited to a plus four or so... maybe the best chefs count as having the 'skill focus' feat in cooking as well.

Huh... maybe my powers are more overpowered than I thought... could I gain the knowledge of a history major with just a few skill points? The pitch of a pro baseball player? The knowledge of a chess grandmaster?


"So... Serafall, Neo... is it really exactly safe for you to be here? I thought that this would go against your little game."

"Oh, you won't need to worry about that, Nagure~ Sona and Rias went home this weekend. They took their peerages and their Familiars with them as well... besides! They've pretty much stopped stalking you after that first week!"

"Yes, but they still have their familiars drop by sometimes. Probably whenever they are feeling bored." I state with a simple shrug.

"But you have been doing REALLY good, Nagure~ an entire month? Maybe I do need to have a word with them about upping their training."

"I mean, I don't really get how they would be able to detect me. I do nothing special and have no magical aura at all."

Neo nods twice as she quietly slurps the noodles I have given her.

"I'm practically a perfect spy at this point as long as I mind my own business." I continue.

"I... wouldn't say that, Gure-tan. Ria-chan has a youkai as a peerage member, she'll probably be able to sniff you out."

"Doubtful." I state with a small head shake. "I took care of my scent ages ago. Admittedly she might be unsettled when she comes across someone who smells like nothing at all, but I'm not sure if that'll be more telling than the smell of 'this guy is literally not human'."

"Hnnn." The woman hums. "I guess that makes s-"

She pauses and glances to the side suddenly.


"What?" I question with a frown.

"It appears a stray devil has come to Kuoh." The woman mutters.

"Oh. That's bad." I announce slightly indifferent to that statement as I turn back to the stove. "I'll keep the food warm. Maybe work on some desert."

I feel Serafall's arms wrap around my torso. "Nope! You're coming with me! Yasaka told me to help you cultivate your power, and what better way than to pit you against a savage murdering beast that needs to be put down anyways! This way you can practice your more dangerous techniques without worrying about your opponent!


"Serafall. I have no damaging techniques. My worst just takes someone out of commission from anywhere from six to twenty four seconds. My body is still too weak to capitalize on that."

"You'll never know for sure unless you try!" She beams as a magic circle appears beneath me. "Besides! There's no danger! Neo and I will keep you safe!"


With a blinding sparkle that I quickly blink out of my eyes, I am suddenly elsewhere.

A Quest has been received:

I minimize the screen as I look over my shoulder with a blank, deadpan expression.

"Awww come on, Gure-tan! I want to see you fight! If you do good, I'll give you a reward!" The woman pleads.

"What kind?" I question idly.

She reaches over and boops my nose with a bright grin. "That's a secret~"

"Fine." I sigh as I turn to look at the large warehouse

I silently trudge up to the dilapidated building with Serafall and Neo behind me.

"You know, maybe stray devils wouldn't come to Kuoh if you didn't have blatant 'this place is totally haunted' buildings absolutely everywhere."

"I can't believe the psychopathic monster who wants to eat people went to the abandoned clown factory. Whoever would have guessed." I continue with an eye roll.

"We actually keep places like this abandoned so they go there instead of residential areas." Serafall explains with a bright smile. "It makes them easier to track, lets us be more destructive, and gives us less memories to alter when it's all said and done."

"Oh... hn. I see." I frown as we eventually make it to the doors.

The black-haired woman to my side shoves the large metal double doors open with one hand. "Don't worry, Nagure~ we've got your back... and if it's something beyond your strength, we'll step in before you even try to fight it and kill it dead!"

Neo nods twice.

I guess we are doing this, then.

With a flash, my ears appear atop my head, my twin tails quietly swishing behind me, with that I turn and walk into the building, a frown on my face as I slowly proceed through the dilapidated warehouse.

"Attention. Weird ass devil who wants to eat people. I'm a youkai. A kitsune at that. I'm really weak and scrawny and a cripple. But you'd totally get a tremendous power boost from eating me... so why don't you come on out!" I call out as I continue silently walking.

My ears twitch as I tense, crouching slightly as I leap abruptly, carrying myself away from a large figure that smashes into the earth.

My nose crinkles in disgust at its as I look over its body.

It is covered in scales and sits there crouched on all fours, its mouth is foaming slightly as its slitted pupils track me, a large jaw filled with razor sharp, shark-like teeth, actually its entire head looks like one of those monkeys with the blue and red face... a mandril I think it was?

Its body posture is all wrong, some of its limbs are double jointed, two small bat-like wings rest on its back. "HEHEHEHE! YOU! COME HERE BRAT!"

"Hn. Alright." I idly shrug as I raise a hand and snap my fingers.

"PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" A shrill shrieking laugh leaves the devil's mouth as it hunches over slightly. "AHAHAHAHAHAHHA"

It flails slightly as I begin jogging forwards, the devil slamming a fist on the ground as it continues to cackle madly.

With shocking speed I appear beside it, legs bending as I leap, easily gaining enough height to come to roughly head level with the beast.

It continues laughing as it watches me, unable to do anything.

Power swells in my body as I grin.


The creature's flesh ripples in three spots as three rapid jabbing kicks stab into the side of its neck.

There's a weak groan as the stray staggers to the side, but he just keeps laughing, his voice now having a slight gurgled undertone to it.

A sudden tiredness fills my body as my brief boost to my strength wears off, I quickly catch my breath, taking two quick slightly weakened and winded steps back.

The laughing stops abruptly as the devil's teeth rear back. "YOU LITTLE- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH"

I strut forwards and point a finger at the stray's neck. "If kicks didn't do it... let's try this."

I draw a fairly simple orange sigil in the air, the air heats up and begins to shimmer as a moment later a beam of orange energy shoots from it.

It drills right into the exposed neck of the stray devil, and as it lets out a shriek of pain, the beam pierces through the other side.

A quest has been completed!

I glance over my shoulder. "Was that fine-"

I find myself being picked up by the busty Sitri devil as she lets out a small cheer. "That was SOOOO good! You kicked his butt Nagure!"

"Yeah." I sigh.

"You are sooo much stronger than you were just a simple month ago!"

"Well, yeah, I grew and extra tail and figured out how to tap into Senjutsu." I blankly state as I allow myself to sit in the older woman's grasp.

"Nagure-tan is so COOL!" The woman grins as she spins me around. "Neo can you please take care of the stray's body, I'm going to go give Nagure his reward!"

The black haired girl gives Serafall a cautious glare, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Bye!" Serafall hums.


I stare at the ceiling with a small frown as I take stock of my current situation.

My arms are wrapped around two sleeping black haired girls. The first, the smaller of the two, in nothing more than a T Shirt and panties.

The other, the bustier twin-tailed Sitri deciding 'fuck it' and slept in the nude, her breasts smush against my side as she more or less forced me to cuddle with her.

Neo, having seen what she was trying to do, decided to sleep here as well to prevent Serafall from doing anything beyond the line of getting naked because she's jealous of Serafall being so forwards.

She's laying on my crippled side and I have just enough arm left to pull her close alongside Serafall.

This was my 'reward' by the way.

Stray Devil Extermination:
Is it a rat? A bat? A snake? Or cat? Why not all of those things at once! How eating people mutates you into a disgusting monster, I don't know but the fact still remains that if SOMEONE doesn't take care of them, they'll hurt the poor people of this city!

Survive Against the Low Class Stray Devil: [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Kill it without any help: [x]
Don't get hit once: [x]
Kill it in one shot: [-]

Rewards: 350 Electrum, one randomly generated Pathfinder magic item of up to 10,000 gold pieces.

I'll make use of the random item soon enough, I can't exactly 'summon' it right now, nor could I really explain it in the future... unless I get some basic magic item creation abilities.

I may pick up 'Craft Wondrous Items' or something sometime in the future just to explain away why random items appear sometimes.

I force my eyes to close as I feel Serafall shift slightly, letting out a small groan in her sleep.

"Nagure..." I hear her lowly breathe as her lips press against my neck.


"Ow! Neo!" The woman gasps before quickly getting her voice under control. "Don't slap my boobs! That really hurt!"


"You're just jealous you don't have the courage to do what I do!" Serafall whispers to the girl on my other side, presumably responding to something she wrote in the air.


"Nuh-uh! I have standards! He's just so cute that if he asked for that I'd let him do it, simple as that! We both know you'd let him do the same. Hmph!"

"Can we please try and go to sleep." I cut in, causing Neo to flinch in my grasp. "Serafall if you try to give me another hickey, you and Neo can go sleep at your mansion."

"I'm sorry Nagure! We'll behave, right Neo?"

I assume Neo writes something along the lines of 'you are the one causing trouble' as the pure-blooded devil lets out a 'hmph.'

'ah well, the arm sucks but I've adapted, this is pretty good.'


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