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Alright. It should be done.

I offer the little scanner a sole nod, then turn to Loki who is curled up on the bed.

I point it at him and pull the trigger.

A red laser seems to wash over him, one of his ears perking up as he cracks open one of his eyes.

I look down to the screen.

Species: ?
Ability: ?
Moves: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Size: 1'1 Feet tall, 1'9 feet long
Size Comparison to Species Average: *Null*
Weight: 17.2 Pounds
Weight Comparison to Species Average: *Null*
Physical Strength: *Null*
Spiritual Strength: *Null*
Agility: *Null*
Durability: *Null*

Not enough sample size...

That's mildly annoying.

But. It looks relatively finished!

I quickly go inside and edit the 'species' label to Eevee, then scan him again, nodding once as the correct species pops up.

If said change will remain when I go off to scan another Eevee, is the question. Another being 'will it even correctly compare the statistics'.

The statistics are categorized similarly to their in-game counterparts. Physical strength is 'Attack', Spiritual Strength is 'Special Attack', Agility is the Speed Stat, then Durability is sort of a package of Defense, Special Defense, and Health, as unlike the games, if you look at a bulky pokemon like... let's say Gigalith. An armored titan, covered in rock and rubble. Defense stat of around twice its Special Defense stat.

Melee attacks are rebounded quite easily, it's literally just like striking a wall of stone.

Said wall of stone would not suddenly become half as strong just because you swapped from using peck to gust.

Anyways, back to Loki, from what I've researched, according to this scan he's a bit bigger than the average Eevee who sits at around one foot even and weighs a little over fourteen pounds.

I'd need to scan a few Eevee before I can really 'tier list' him, though. That's the annoying part.

I haven't been down to the Terrarium before, actually. Do they have Eevees down there? I mean, I'd assume, right? Those are like one of the most popular starter pokemon statistically.

It's probably safe to assume they have a few dozen around.

I glance to the clock on the wall.

'Oh good. It's late enough I can reasonably go to sleep now.'

I will deal with getting more data tomorrow.


Allright. Lets see here.

I watch a trio of Eevees run in circles, near the elevator.

They appear to be practically domesticated as they dart around the little picknick area that is just outside of the way down here, leaping over tables, slipping under benches. Apparently one of the students already own them, they're just allowed to run free around here instead of taking them to their room.

One of the elder students walks over to one of the tables, causing the three foxes to leap atop it and preen just in front of them.

They seem to deeply desire pets. But they're not as cute as my Loki, so I can more or less just move onto what I was originally doing.

I look to the scanner which I have already used upon them.

Species: Eevee
Ability: ?
Moves: Covet, Tackle, ?, ?, ?, Quick Attack
Size: 1 Feet tall, 1'6 feet long
Size Comparison to Species Average: -2.6%
Weight: 15.3 Pounds
Weight Comparison to Species Average: -2.7%
Physical Strength: -48.27%
Spiritual Strength: -60.08%
Agility: -52.34%
Durability: -45.5%


Well, I mean... it works.

Loki just has skewed the results massively.

Holy fuck he's strong.

What the shit?


I have no real way of knowing how powerful those Eevees are.

I'd imagine they are at least decent, but Loki's addition to the average still skews his capabilities above those three by about two fold.

If you consider that the 'average' is steadily moved towards the, well, average, you could look at Loki being... perhaps four to six times stronger than those Eevee?!

What the fuck...

Well, regardless, this is more than enough to sell my case, even with the ability part being a question mark.

Now to just find Mrs Briar.

I return to the elevator and go back to the surface.


"So what is it that you want to ask me?" Mrs Briar questions as she straightens out a few pieces of paper on her desk.

"I want to know if it the school has any contacts in the technological industry to sell inventions to." I ask quietly.

"Pardon?" She blinks

"I made an advanced form of scanner in my pastime that is more advanced than a pokedex." I smile brightly. "One moment let me show you."

I reach into my bag and bring out the scanner. "I've been working on this for a pretty long while, actually... the designs at least. I only recently had enough money to buy the materials to make it, though."

"What... is it?"

"It's basically a more advanced Pokedex." I smile as I reach to a sphere at my hip.

"Here. Loki." With a flash the fox appears.

He looks around the room briefly before trotting up to me. "Vee-Eevee?"

"I just need to scan you."

He sits down, cocking his head to the side as I point the scanner down at him.

A wave of light washes over him.

Species: Eevee
Ability: ?
Moves: Covet, Quick Attack, Swift, Double Team, Takedown, Bite
Size: 1'1 Feet tall, 1'9 feet long
Size Comparison to Species Average: +7.5%
Weight: 17.2 Pounds
Weight Comparison to Species Average: +9.3%
Physical Strength: +158.62%
Spiritual Strength: +157.2%
Agility: 155.03%
Durability: +128.88%

Yep. The little bastard is super strong.

I show the scanner to Mrs. Briar.

"This is..." She whispers, cupping her chin. "Hm."

"This is pretty interesting. What's with his ability?"

"Ah, that leads to a few of the... downsides with the scanner. Yesterday all of this was question marks. The species, the moves, the ability, but after some time I filled it out somewhat. I left the ability section blank as He seems to have something different than the standard 'Run Away' or 'Adaptability'."

"Oh? I've heard that some Eevees have a sort of sixth sense to danger, it could be that." The woman hums.

"Oh... you mean Anticipation? Probably not." I look over the scanner.

"Another issue with the scanner is sample size." I admit. "This is the average of four Eevees. Loki included."

"Regardless, if it's accurate, those are impressive capabilities." She compliments, causing the little fox to puff up slightly with some pride.

I send him back to his Pokeball.

The woman thinks for a moment. "I personally don't have any contacts, but this does look pretty impressive if it is given time to grow."

"Every breeder, gym leader, trainer, and poke-center would want one." I nod slowly. "It just needs more sample size, and a bit of time and effort to categorize moves and pokemon species."

"Well, there's not much I myself can do to help you... you should go see Blanche... but she's in the middle of the tech elective, right now, so you'll probably have to wait till about six... maybe six thirty? I'll send her a message to expect you."

"Thank you, Mrs Briar."

Well, now to twiddle my thumbs for a couple of hours.


Pov: Elsewhere

A black haired woman with glasses sits within a video call with dozens of other people.

"Fennel. I have heard that you have something vitally important to say." An older man with sandy grey hair begins quietly. "Something that Doctor Kenzo and Flora also attest to."

"Its- it's horrible." A man with brown hair whispers from one of the boxes on the screen.

"I have, Professor Oak." The woman sighs sadly. "I have just found perhaps the largest perversion and monstrosity of science that has existed in the past decade, if not more."

"That is... quite a claim." The pokemon professor frowns, eyes flicking across the screen in front of him. A lot of life seems to be sucked out of him. "Considering that you have gotten this far, you must have irrefutable evidence to these claims, so... what is it? What has been done?"

"It all started about a week ago, now. When one of my students came forth with a fossil for revival... it was quite standard, and as our shipment of pokemon fossils were taking longer to arrive I leapt at the chance to do a class before the month-long date I had originally delayed them by." The woman sighs, taking off her glasses and cleaning them. "What I didn't expect, however, would be the fact that the pokemon that was revived... was an entirely new species."

"An entirely new species?!" The pokemon professor gasps, a small glint in his eye. "What sort? Oh, this is incredible! May I speak to this boy to research this pokemon? I will be sure to compensate him."

The brown haired man from before speaks up again. "Mr. Oak. Please focus."

"Ah... right. My apologies." The older gentleman sighs. "You know how I get around new species."

"I have already bought the pokemon from my student for a considerable portion... I will send it over soon enough." The woman nods slowly. "But we have much more pressing matters at the moment. Please look at this file that I have now sent to all of you. It is a set of photographs of the new species, one that we- myself and the student- have named 'Dunklevish'."

The faces of the people before her are illuminated by their screens as they seem to swap to bright backgrounds.

"I will admit. This is relatively interesting, but how is it related to a perversion and monstrosity of scienc-hrk-" one of the people in the call begin, only to stop abruptly as they get to one singular image, a look of horror on their face. "What- what the fuck is this?!"

"That... is Dracovish. A fossil pokemon that was revived last year by Doctor Cara Liss." Fennel informs.

Professor Oak's grandfatherly and cheerful demeanor slowly falls, the corners of his mouth turning downwards as his eyes narrow slightly.

"This... Dracovish... are you certain?" He questions quietly only to scoff and shake his head. "No. Of course, you are. This pokemon just doesn't look right"

He closes his eyes, steepling his hands in front of his face. Seemingly thinking for a long moment.

"What they have done to this poor creature, you have my word as a Pokemon Professor that they will not get away scot-free. I will make it my mission in the coming weeks to make sure each and every license and doctorate is torn away from the creator of this abomination. This poor life... it must be in ceaseless agony..."

"We need to be careful about this." Another voice continues. "We allowed such incompetence to run free for over a year. It will be a massive blow to how the public perceives the revival of fossil pokemon as a whole."

"That is inconsequential." Professor Oak frowns. "I do agree that we shouldn't go public with this information yet. This... Cara Liss might try to run away, and I will not allow that. First and foremost, we need to get the international police involved. They, if given enough time, can discover where she is, what she is doing, and if she has any accomplices."

"Ensuring that this woman and all of her accomplices face justice is our first priority. Then, we should figure out how we can stop this from happening in the future."

"Now..." Professor Oak sighs. "I have a few calls I need to make... Doctor Fennel, I look forwards to your analysis on Dunklevish and will contact you in the future to conduct my own examinations upon it... also, in the meantime, I would like to note... Cara Liss has revealed two pokemon... both of which look to be a combination of two separate pokemon on a closer viewing. That means that in addition to dunklevish, there are three undiscovered fossil pokemon that we do not know yet. It would probably be beneficial to our case if we were to find those three pokemon."

There are murmuring agreements throughout the call, and then, the gathering of some of the greatest scientific minds within the archeological field has ended.


I sit alone in the library yet again, reading a brief overview of the creation of Porygon.

Tech isn't my thing, but next year I might take the Tech elective... mainly because Digimon exists, and they might overlap with Porygon.

A porygon is absolutely boring, it's just a Minecraft duck looking thing. but a random dragon that can climb out of the internet?! That's pretty interesting.

I glance up as a stack of books is sat right across from me with a quiet thud.

Ah. It's crazy girl again.

Courtney sits across from me, not even really acknowledging me, and just taking a book from the pile.

Seeing that she isn't really bothering me, I go back to my book as well.

My talk with Mrs Blanche went pretty well. Apparently, tech students being scouted by companies like the Devon Corporation is fairly common.

So, I'll have an in with them soon enough... just before winter break.

That is four months away. Or, well, about three and a half.

That leaves me with a little time to flesh out the database...

Ooooor. It'll give me time to start looking for a house to buy.

I'm already down about one hundred and fifty thousand for buying the supplies Merlin needed. That's leaving me with a little over two point eight million.

I should be able to easily afford a house with that money. But I'd want it to be out of the way. Distanced from any nosy neighbors.

Preferably in a smaller town... honestly plumbing and electricity are probably my only requirements. But... said requirements are quite flexible. If I get Loki a thunder stone, I could probably have him charge up batteries and power machines when needed.

Theoretically... couldn't I also use the system to buy a house?

My eyes flick to the side.

One-time use Capsule House: (2,000,000 Poke)
A small hand-held capsule which transforms into a massive (In comparison) house when the button is pushed. This home has three rooms, A kitchen, Bedroom, and an empty room you can refurbish to be whatever you want, this home doesn't come connected to any sort of larger power grid, but it does come with a generator which can be charged by electric type pokemon, thunder stones, or electric type gems. It also lacks a source of clean water, but a sewage tank is included. Further customizations may be made upon purchase and capsule activation, such as windows and layout.

HAH fucking no.

I could get a two-story house with five bedrooms for like... a fourth of that price. The only benefit of this is that reasonably I could put it anywhere.

That is not something I'm about to shell out more than two thirds of my current money on as it could very well be destroyed or taken from me if I put it out in the middle of nowhere.

Those four pounds of gold should be arriving in about two weeks. Then Merlin can do his thing. Then, bing bang boom. Figure out doctor strange magic.

Can't do it in my room because rotom could float off my bedside table at any time and meander over to wherever I am.

The room given to me by this school isn't that big, honestly.

Just a little square. The main portion is L shaped with a bathroom in the top right corner, completing the square. The L has my bed, desk, and a miniature kitchen.

I... could always lock myself in the bathroom to train? Rotom loses its ghost type ability to pass through walls when it has possessed an object, so it's not like it'll just pop in randomly.


Alright. Sounds pretty good. I'll start learning after I finish reading this!


I walk back towards my room, arms folded behind my head.

She's following me.

I glance over my shoulder at the pink haired girl just behind me. "Are... are you following me?"

"No. I am merely returning to my room." She denies instantly.

"Oh. Okay."

I make it back to my room, watching the girl continue on past me.

She stops just in front of the next door, causing me to blink as she offers a wave.

"Wait... the rooms aren't separated based on gender?!" I whisper.

"It appears that way." She smiles kindly.


"Well, that just in general seems to be a horrible idea." I scoff with a small eye roll. "How much do you want to bet one of our classmates will be pregnant before the end of the year?"

"That is a foolish bet, as most teenagers are perverse, shortsighted, idiots who think with what is between their legs without considering if their actions could potentially ruin their lives."

"True." I shrug. "Anyways, I've got some work to do, see you later, Courtney."

Might as well be polite to her as she is close enough to slip into my room and stab me in my sleep.

The corners of her mouth turn upwards as she offers another wave.

Then we both slink into our rooms.

As the door closes behind me, I reach to my hip and call out my pokemon.

Loki appears with a flash, shaking himself off, then trots over to my bed and leaps up on it, curling up on the foot, seeming deciding to go to sleep.

Today was relatively difficult for him. He fought against a Timburr that evolved mid-fight into a Gurdurr.

It was a poor type match up, and the other pokemon, a sawk, was certainly no help to the difficulty.

Though, now that it has evolved, it's likely that we would win if we were to fight again.

When a pokemon evolves in battle its sort of like a 'power of friendship' bullshit moment. Wounds heal slightly, and they are given a nigh endless reservoir of power. It's a defense mechanism. They are given capabilities similar to the peak of their species, as before humans came around and made pokemon battling a sport, typically a battle in which you go through evolution is one of life and death, so their bodies make sure they have enough power to potentially even win the fight.

It's called the 'Herk Effect' if I remember correctly? Named after its discoverer Robert Herk.

Anyways, since Loki managed to defeat it even when it underwent evolution mid-battle, it's safe to say that team won't really be a threat to us in the future.

Loki sure is an agile motherfucker.

That was probably the only reason he won, using his size and speed to his advantage to not get hit, then using takedown to repeatedly bludgeon himself into his opponent to reinvigorate himself whenever he did slip up.

That ability is fucking busted... and, has likely caused all of my class to think he is a total monster.

Honestly, it's sort of a shame that most other moves don't have a recoil capability like that.

Like, sure, there's Flare Blitz, but... I'm unsure if that'd work, as if you really think about it, isn't the recoil not fire-based in the slightest?

Sort of wish I had him fight that Duraladon at the start of the year... I wonder how good he could do against it.

Anyways, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

"Merlin." I call out causing the Lotad to slowly turn towards me.


"I need your help with something." I begin.


I let out a small grunt of exertion as I swing my hands in front of me, drawing an invisible line up and down as I follow the exact course of action Merlin had showed me quite a long time ago. through the use of telekinesis to manipulate my body.

There is no spark, nor even a minor... 'pull' like my energy is being taken. Just... nothing.

I swing my hands creating a circle around the line- that would have appeared if my casting of this spell worked- then punch my hand through it.

I then cross my arms in front of my face, then create a sort of diamond with my fingers and thumb, then push out with a quiet exhale.

"Do... Again..." Merlin orders.

I have been doing this for the past... month and a half or so, yet there are no changes no alterations, not even a little ember of magic.

It's honestly a little disheartening.

However. I will persevere. I will make this power my own. I will get a badass floating cape that has the personality of the magic carpet from Aladdin. And I-

Should start getting ready for that Archology field trip...

Mrs Fennel told us to be ready by about nine and it is... eight o'clock.

That gives me an hour to shower and an hour to get out there.

I've already collected all of the things that I'll need and put them in my little pocket dimension backpack- yeah, those exist in this world. I was a little surprised, but then I remembered the fact that we carry magical spheres that can shrink down giant rock dragons into the size of a golf ball.

Yeah, sort of makes sense now that I think about it. Plus, it sort of explains how all the game characters can keep nine thousand potions, eight billion pokeballs, and an entire bike in their backpack...

Of course, there are limits to what these backpacks can carry, with the more expensive ones being able to store roughly the size of a king-sized bed, but even the cheapest are about twice as large as they appear.

Technology in this world is strangely advanced.

Phones and other electronics are super resistant to electricity- as every region has an electric rat- most internet crime is nonexistent thanks to attentive porygon who can track Ips and login data, and can destroy even the most potent viruses, and, well, cars are fairly uncommon. Most that exist being electric.

Perhaps some legendary pokemon took issue with pollution and nipped it in the bud before 'big oil' could get off the ground.

Now, the main methods of transport are boat, train, and plane.

Anyways, for the field trip, apparently over the next week we are going to be heading towards Castelia City by boat. Should take us two days to get there, then, we'll be heading north into the desert, where we will be guided to some sort of ancient ruin... we'll stay there for a while, then head back, take another two day trip, and probably have one day of rest back at Blueberry Academy.

Oh boy. I can't wait to go look around a dusty tomb for a few days!

I close my eyes and sigh, rubbing my temples. 'no. Don't be like that, Xander. There might be some interesting things happening there.'

"I think this is probably good for now." I sigh as I open the door.

The Lotad floats after me as I quickly toss a microwave dinner into the, well, microwave.

Loki walks over to me and sits down, gazing up at me with a pleading expression, begging for literally any morsel despite the fact that I fed him not even an hour ago.

I walk past him, clutching my heart briefly as he raises up on his hind legs.

Ignore it. Ignore the adorable brat.

I go into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

"hooh." I breathe out a sigh of relief as that cute cognito-hazard is out of my view for the moment.

That brat is too cute for his own good... and he knows it and is keen on abusing it.

I look to my arms, gazing at the faded marks traveling down my forearms.

Still not gone, huh? Well, I doubt they'll ever be. Oh well. Looks like I'll be forced to wear those sleeves-

Oh god. I only bought black arm sleeves!


Not much I can do about that right now, but that's definitely something I should fix in the future.


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