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"Welcome students, I will be your teacher this year. You may call me Mrs Briar. It is always a pleasure to see trainers like yourself who desire to get a much deeper understanding of pokemon before they venture out into the world to begin their journey." A woman at the front of the class begins, she has short blonde hair, wearing a fairly tight looking purplish blue jacket with a black turtleneck underneath. She also appears to have red leather pants.

"Allow me to explain a few of our classes here in Blueberry Academy. Your schedules can be found on your academy granted Rotom Phones."

Ah. Right Rotom Phones.

Only the rich schools get those. But it's not like we keep them when we graduate.

Honestly, it's just something that can be used to spy on the students. But I'll make use of it while I'm here.

"But, Blueberry Academy offers numerous classes. The required ones are Math, Language, History, Home Economics, Biology and Battle Studies. But after that, we have numerous optional classes that you may elect to take during your time here. Poke-studies, which will cover the habits of most Unovan pokemon, Survival classes to better assist you in the wild, Archology classes, Art classes, technological classes. If you can think it, we likely have an extracurricular class for it."

"Now, I will be going around the class. I'd like for you to tell me your names aspirations!"

"Let's start with you in the back..." The woman smiles, pointing right towards me.

Ah. The curse of sitting in the back corner of the room.

"My name is Xander Welsh and I want to research pokemon."


"Is... that it?"

"Yes." I deadpan, sounding thoroughly bored.

"I see." The woman mutters, moving on. "What about you-"


I look through a high powered microscope at little disc.

"What are you looking at?" The floating phone behind me asks.

"Dna for my Eevee. I want a good baseline comparison between it as it is now and after it evolves."


"Why?" The little ghost questions.

"Because I believe that through the Dna I could at the very least tell how my Eevee evolves, as in, what changes between now and after his evolution and what trainers might be able to do in order to induce evolution to types an Eevee Evolution hasn't been discovered in yet."

The rotom phone continues to float just behind me.


I turn. "Alright, can you float back, like, just a smidge. You're crowding me."

"Yes sir!" The phone beams.

'you'd be more useful if I were a roboticist. I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't made 'Rotom Mecha' yet.'

I look back through the microscope.

Sooo good news and bad news.

Good news.

I was given this microscope as 'school supplies'. This microscope is quite a bit more powerful than the ones we have back in my home dimension. I could likely clone Loki with enough time and money even with just this thing- and of course a large tank like Cell from Dragon Ball Z was made in.

Bad news.

This microscope isn't powerful enough to categorize, list, and identify all the little parts of what I need. It looks like a blur to me right now. I will be forced to create my very own microscope. One much larger than this little one here. One a lot more expensive than this one here.

I wince. 'Ah, fuck. I need money.'

More bad news is this Rotom Phone here is nosy.

"You look displeased." The rotom observes.

"I am. This microscope is too weak." I explain. "To accurately observe the changes I will need to make my own. Do you know a way to make money fast?"

"There are a few clubs who hold tournaments with cash prizes!" The device chirps. "Battle club, Contest club, Video game club, cooking club."

"I only have one pokemon, I'm bad in front of crowds, I've never played any video games before, and I somehow manage to burn water."

"Really?!" The ghost gasps. "Water shouldn't be able to be caught on fire! That's amazing! We should study it."

"It's just a figure of speech."

"Ah." The Rotom mutters.

I drum my fingers on the table as I look from the computer in front of me, to the piece of paper, beginning to add up the general cost to get the microscope of my dreams.

The numbers just keep adding up and up.

Two million.

Fucking two million-

I draw two lines under the number.


Two million will be incorrect.

This microscope is larger than a fridge.

Thus, reasonably, I'll need someplace to put it... and not just some random ass apartment.

I steeple my hands in front of my face, my eyebrow twitching slightly.

The main place I can think of- that is both close to Blueberry Academy- and large enough would be the villas in Undella Town.

I could buy one, but the cheapest one here is placed at around six million... then I'd need to worry about taxes, bills, and feeding myself...

A long breath leaves my lips.

The main reason they are so expensive is because they are beachfront properties... plus, everyone important seems to own one. Lance, Cynthia, heck, even Professor Oak has one, though I doubt it sees much use.

I'll probably want a special crafted villa, though.

So. To get a place I can really work with... I'll need about... let's say thirty million for the construction costs. Then I'll need samples to work with, so I'll need to buy things from the shop, and let me just say, things there are hilariously overpriced. I mean, really. One million for a Dratini tooth.

I could just buy an ENTIRE Dratini for about that cost. A little more, actually, but regardless, I'd rather spend that money on a full thing rather than a simple tooth!

It seems the blackthorn clan really has a chokehold on the buying and selling of dragon type pokemon, huh.

Fuck. Those are the coolest pokemon.

The cheapest dragon type you can get would be Swablu, but even still, it is deeply desired, so you'd be down like forty thousand dollars getting one.

Ah. Wait, these are 'pureblood' prices. So, like, pokemon with near perfect Ivs.

I let out an annoyed huff, looking away from the screen. 'I'm thinking too far in the future. Right now there's only one real thing I need.'

I begin adding up yet again, this time coming to a much more reasonable five thousand.

My first goal is making five thousand poke.

Then, I can get a patent for another twenty. After that, I can turn around and sell the design to someone and make a better version for myself later on.

What am I making, you might ask?

A pokemon scanner that utterly blows the pokedex out of the water!


"For battle studies, we are going to do something different... show of hands, who here has actually been in a pokemon battle before?"

I notice that most people raise a hand, I am among the very few that don't.

"Well, today that will change. I will randomly pair up each of you with an opponent, at which point, you select one of your pokemon and do battle.

'Ah. Fuck. I wanted to keep Loki a secret for a longer.'

I have been training Loki in private more or less for the past two weeks.

You know, I'm actually surprised it took me this long to get into a battle at a pokemon battling academy.

Regardless, the one thing Loki is lacking... is combat experience... and it looks like he's going to get it today.


"Allow me to randomly generate our pairs quickly." Our teacher, Mrs 'Briar' begins as she gestures to a nearby rotom phone.

A holographic screen appears from the rotoms eyes as two wheels appear upon it.

"First battle..." It intones as the wheels spin rapidly.

After around ten seconds both stop. "Carmine Versus Amarys."

"Well." Mrs Briar continues. "Everyone besides Miss Carmine and Miss Amarys, please take a seat in the surrounding bleachers.

I gaze around my surroundings and slowly make my way to the side, a frown rests on my face as I gaze across the arena.

It appears that impossible hair girl and bolt-head are going to fight.

"Heh Look like I'm up first!" The girl with impossible hair grins. "The name's Carmine! You better remember it as I make you eat dirt!"

She throws out her pokemon...



Fucking Poochyena

I try my damnedest not to facepalm.

The other girl, whose name by process of elimination must be Amarys, raises her arm, elbows locked like some sort of robot, then pushes the button on the pokeball to release her own. "Go. Skarmory."

I watch Carmine's arrogant smirk become nothing more than a flat line.

Ah. Skarmory. I don't know if Eevee could take it... primarily because of the normal type resistance. If I had some sort of other type of move, sure, I'd consider giving it a go, but fighting a bird with sword wings? That's just asking for Loki to get hurt.

Arrogant smug girl shakes her head, steeling her emotions.

"Carmine... are you sure you want to proceed with this?"

"I am!" She nods, a determined frown on her face.

"Are you... sure?" Professor Briar asks.

"Yes!" She exclaims.

"Fine." Our teacher sighs. "Are both trainers ready?"

Seeing that they are she holds out her hand. "Begin!"

Immediately the Skarmory takes to the sky, spiraling upwards with a loud reverberating cry that sounds a bit like a hawk or eagle.

"You've got this Poochyena. Wait for it to circle around and hit it with a bite!"

The dog barks.

You know, it's a little weird that some pokemon say their own names- like Pikachu's 'pika-pi' while others just sound like normal animals.

"Air cutter." The robotic, monotone-sounding girl orders.

The skarmory flaps its wings as they gain a slight glow, then a large X-shaped blast of wind rockets through the air towards the Poochyena."

"Dodge it!" Carmine shouts.

The small dog dives to the side.

"Again." The steel type trainer orders.

This time the dog is head dead on, it is hurled aside, rolling to a halt just in front of its trainer, fully unconscious. "Poochyena!"

"Winner. Amarys." Our teacher sighs as the two trainers return their pokemon.

Her rotom phone begins to randomize the next fight.

"Drayton Versus Xander!" It chimes after a short moment.

I let out a quiet sigh and Rise to my feet, my opponent is that white haired guy with a leather jacket, he looks punchibly smug. "Let's get this over with."

He makes it to the opposite side of the arena first and draws a pokeball. "Come on out Duraludon."

With a loud booming thud, a massive metallic figure slams onto the arena. It lets out a small roar, thudding its large club-like forearms on the arena floor.


I look to Mrs Briar. "Do I really have to fight that? My only pokemon is an unevolved normal type. That knows only normal type moves. The only thing that I would be accomplishing fighting a dragon steel type- one that is comparable to a Haxorus- would be injuring my pokemon."

"Er..." The woman begins. "No... you don't."

"Cool. I give up." I turn and walk away.

Eevee remains a secret for yet another day.

"It seems there is quite the disparity in the strength between your teams..." The woman turns towards the Rotom. "Perhaps... I should look through your teams and set reasonable opponents for you all... ah... is there anyone who wishes to fight Drayton here?"



The teacher lets out a quiet sigh. "Well... please go sit back down, then. Rotom, could you generate me two more?"

"Yes!" It replies in a cheerful tone.

It randomizes yet again...

"Courtney and Lacey."

I watch some boring looking girl walk over to the middle of the arena, then- hang on...



The team magma admin...

The one who was fully willing to crash a meteor into the planet because their team lost...

I need to tread carefully from this point forwards.


Thank you, Blueberry Academy for giving out free blueberry points every week or so.

It's not a lot mind you, but it's enough to treat yourself to sweets and more than enough to afford a pokemon's 'combat diet'.

If I save, I should have my prerequisite five thousand poke by... the first week of next month! Then I just need to order the parts online and wait for shipping.

But, there's a slight issue with my whole thing going on...

I need one object before I think of selling my device as there's one singular little aspect that would make it worth A LOT more.


My scanner allows the user to look at a pokemon and compare their strength, speed and durability to other recorded pokemon of the same species to compare.

Now, reasonably, if you got your hands on an Eviolite... you should be able to determine each and every pokemon that can evolve with such a device.

But, from what I've seen.

They don't exist.

Or rather... they are so excruciatingly rare... that nobody has any... or those that do have no idea of their capabilities, using them as just simply pretty violet gemstones.

I can buy one in my little 'Gamer Shop' but it, like everything else, is ludicrously expensive.

I mean, really. A potion for two thousand five hundred poke dollars? That's ten times the cost I would pay at any pokemart...

The benefit of this little system seems to be one key detail... lack of a paper trail.

As long as I have enough money, I can pull basically anything out of my ass. Potions, Evolution stones, mega stones. Hell, I could even buy legendary pokemon... that is, for so much money I'd likely crash the economy merely holding onto all that money. Commerce grinding to a halt, a good seventy five percent of the wealth on the planet coming to rest in my pocket.

I'm over exaggerating, obviously but still. To get the DNA for even one of the weaker 'there are several of these guys' legendaries, like Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos I'd need to shell out around a billion dollars.

That's crazy. No way in hell can I afford that shit.

Allow me to say even less about the more powerful legendaries.

That being said, there are a few useful things in here.

Mega Stones for pokemon who didn't have one in the core games, and, well, frankly a bunch of Dna for creatures I have never seen before.

Of course, there's some I do know. Blue eyes white dragon, red eyes black dragon, Agumon, heck there's even dna for Dragonoid from Bakugan in here.

Those are all ludicrously expensive as well, but I suppose those are not only new species, but also about as powerful as legendary pokemon.

There are a few things that interest me, though.

There's a few creatures that have been listed as 'compatible with Eevee' whatever that means. The first one is actually fairly cheap, only one hundred thousand. It'll probably be my first real attempt at any genetic alteration... after I practice with a few lab-rattata, of course.

Scanner, profit, home, research.

This sort of begs the question... where should I put my new home?

Prices in Undella Town are far too high to even really be plausible. I'll do that after figuring out a way to get money regularly. Like creating some sort of company... or some sort of grand academic career.

Honestly, I'll probably genetically modify some pokemon, give them unique abilities, then sell them at auction. That sounds pretty good.

Noooow I'm going to go get some studying done. Blueberry academy has an expansive library and I plan to read through at least half of it before I graduate.


Pov: elsewhere.

A pink haired girl in a dark red horned hoodie slowly meanders through the library, book clutched close to her chest, her eyes skim the shelves, looking for one little- ah! There it is.

The natures of Volcanic Pokemon by Robert Fern.

Getting to blueberry academy took quite a lot of effort. She took out a loan to cover the remainder of her tuition, then left behind all she knew to pursue her education.

Her family certainly won't miss her. Nor will she miss them.

Them with their damned golden child favoritism.

She isn't like those utter fools in her prep school. Striving out into the world with only the barest bit of preparation.

Tch. Those fools. How they ridiculed and insulted her. All because she is just a little different.

Smarter... a bit... ah... emotionally muted. It is just typical that the intelligent loner would be singled out and bothered by her lessers. She was ever so close to snapping each and every waking moment in that school. But blueberry academy at the very least seems to be better.

But this begs the question?

How long until groups form. How long until she is ostracized and events from her past school replay themselves.

Would this happen?

No... surely not. There are people here who are act even weirder than she does... primarily that Amarys girl.

Even if it does, it won't matter. She must complete her education to become a pokemon researcher.

Her what is her focus, you might ask? The nature of volcanic pokemon and the potential hidden world underneath the surface within the world's deepest magma chambers.

Why is so focused on this sort of research

She... saw something. Like... a prophetic vision!

She looks to her journal, opening it up towards the center where a sketch resides. It is certainly not perfect, the proportions are a bit wonky, and more detail was added through using colored pencils, she isn't an artist, after all, but it does give enough visual stimuli for her to accurately recall her memory of the event.

A titanic creature climbing its way out of a volcano and letting out an earth-shuddering roar. Molten rock is sent spewing in all directions as it causes the very smoking mountain beneath it to erupt. Magma pools over its body, crashing into its underside and sending waves of lava flowing down the volcano's sides.


That is what has gotten her into studying the... connection? That's not really a word that works well, but it gets across her general feeling the girl supposes. She is studying the connection between volcanos and pokemon.

Or rather, volcanos as a habitat for pokemon.

The pokemon that live within volcanos.

It is her belief that pokemon that has never been discovered before exists deep within the earth. Hidden away in magma chambers and underground caverns.

She wants to become a researcher and study that... this is her calling. Being bullied won't stop her.

What bullying will make her do is seek out her past classmates and, if they are actually moderately successful, drug their pokemon with steroids before they can compete in the Vertress Conference.

Thus, the pokemon league would find out, and their career will be left in tatters.

She turns the corner, letting out a small cry as she bumps into someone.

She looks up to see a whitish light greyish blue haired boy who was picking out a book from the shelf beside him.

His baby blue eyes widen upon seeing her, he peers down at her. "Oh! I'm sorry."

"Are you alright?" He questions, offering a hand to the girl.

Suddenly, she is seeing orange.

A mirror image of the boy in front of her stares dead ahead, the nice carpeted floors of this room peel back revealing warm rocks, a sulfurous scent rests on the air.

He looks... a little bit older, actually. The most striking change being, of course, his eye color which is now a deep burning orange. Like two little embers.

She finds herself not in the library anymore. The sky is cloudy and darkened up above, she appears to be quite high up as well as she can see forests go on and on as she gazes over the teen's shoulder.

He doesn't even really seem to be looking at her...

"Groudon, Huh?" He hums, his voice sounding lightly echoey and ethereal.

The girl turns, seeing the titanic volcano pokemon that she had seen in her dreams nearly half a decade ago. Her hands shake as she stares in just... pure awe of the creature.


Her drawing of it...

It is really unflattering, actually.

"You know, I could never understand how it could be a RIval for Kyogre... Kyogre's a water type, it's a ground type. Heck, it even gains the fire type when it goes under primal revision. That's a four times weakness."

"Vee Eevee."

The girl's gaze snaps back around, gazing at the boy, a dark figure looms behind him, perched upon his shoulder is a small black Eevee with piercing red eyes that seem to bore into her very soul.

But once more, it isn't even looking at her.

It's as if she isn't even there.

"You know what, Loki?" The teen slowly drawls.


"There's two possible options here." He continues.

"Vee vee?"

"Either... the stories are full of shit, and the walking volcano here gets his ass kicked by Kyogre every single time." He nods forwards towards the frankly awe inspiring figure. Talking down to it despite the fact that its mere presence is causing untold destruction.

Trees are igniting, rock is slowly becoming molten, despite the great distance between them, possibly miles she can feel a greatly unpleasant heat.

"Or... they are true." He mutters, hand coming to his chin as he looks over the titanic reptile with more scrutiny. "In which case... Groudon would have to be far more powerful than Kyogre to get over the elemental weakness."

"That's pretty interesting, no?" The teen grins.

"Eevee~" The black fox sighs dramatically.

"Oi. Don't sound so disinterested you little brat!" The boy growls, causing the Eevee to lets out a few quiet laughs.

"Regardless..." The white haired teen states slowly. "Him waking up is typically a bad thing. He's probably going to wander directly towards the ocean to pick a fight with that giant whale... likely obliterating Lavaridge town on its way. Heck, depending on its path, it could hit either Mauville or Verdanturf as well... and, well, that'd be problematic. Especially if it devolves into an all-out brawl between him and the whale that can apparently flood the entire planet. Heck, even it might show up and put a stop to their bickering."

"Do I want to see Rayquaza... that is the question for me today." The teen hums, cupping his chin as he looks over the giant bipedal creature take one step out of the volcano.

"Eh. Nah. I'm good. You're up Biggums. Put him back where he came from... oh, and if you knock a tooth loose, bring it back, if you would."

Her ears ring, as an extremely loud roar torments her ears. Then with that, the looming figure behind the teen rushes towards the stomping calamity.

What the- what is going-

Suddenly her vision darkens and she is back in the library, her eyes rapidly look around her surroundings.

They lock onto the hand held down towards her, she swallows nervously. From his expression, he didn't see what just happened.

What was... that vision?

She quickly grabs her journal and the book she was looking for, then gets up from the floor and quickly speed walks away.

Her mind is in utter disarray.

Who... who is that guy?

It sounded like he knew a lot about that pokemon.

What else could he possibly know?

The corners of the girl's mouth slowly curve upwards. Feelings she is unused to bubbling up inside of her. She wants to analyze him!


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