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I step into the library quietly, fixing my suit's collar with a smile on my face.

"It's so good to see you again!" I hear the young Arthur descendant in my peerage chirp.

I blink slowly.

"I'm glad to be back... I hear you are quite a bit stronger now." A male voice replies.

'Oh? Did Arthur finish his business?'

My footsteps echo out into the library, there's an audible 'Fwoosh' noise of my wings as I float up to the second floor. The two pendragons hear my flight and are glancing over to me, the younger waves with a bright smile. "Oh! Hey, Gaius!"

"Le Fay." I smile as I touch down on the railing, allowing my wings to dissipate, I turn to Arthur and nod once. "Arthur. It's good to see you again. How have you been?"

"I have been quite good. I had to deal with a small family matter, but it has since been taken care of. What about you?"

"Oh, I've been training mostly. Plus, I've been forging. I made a sword that is roughly on par with Durandal." I state with a proud grin on my face.

The glasses wearing young adult widens his eyes. "Seriously? Something that is on par with the destructive power of Durandal?"

The Mansion rumbles slightly as there's a dull flash of light blue outside.


The two blonds slowly look over to the window.

Arthur begins to speak. "Was that-"

"Yes, yes it was." I confirm with a slow nod.

Le Fay looks over to me, then to her brother. "Oh! If you are here to see me that must mean... that you want to train."

She looks a little saddened as she glances to her brother. "Oh..."

She bites her lip and looks back to me. "I'll be right there; can I just have a little bit longer with my brother?"

"You can have as long as you want with your brother as there's not much I can actually teach you... what I can do, is give you a bunch of spell books for you to learn in your own time, and I'm talking spells you have never even seen before."

The girl blinks slowly. "Oh! That's wonderful!"

I pull out a ring and toss it to the girl. She fumbles for a moment, but eventually claps the ring in between her palms.

"That ring is a storage ring... inside is numerous magic books that'll teach some potentially new types of magic to you." I explain. "I've left some sticky notes, as some books actually require you to know the magics of other books to proceed so it should be a lot simpler."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" She beams.

"Another thing to note. Those books themselves are magical. Allowing the holder to cast a weakened version of a spell by merely holding the book... these spells are far weaker than normal, perhaps not even reaching twenty five percent power. In addition, for someone who knows the spell, they can be used as a focus, multiplying the potency of the magic by roughly one point five."

"Seriously?!" She whispers. "If I could figure out how to infuse spells into books it would be utterly revolutionary!"

"So please be extremely careful with those books. They are more or less one of a kind so I'd prefer for you not to use them in a rating game, as they could easily be targeted... oh! And be sure to share with Meredith. I know she doesn't have skill with attack magics but there are some spell books in there that she may be able to use, and I have labeled them with different colored sticky notes."

"Don't worry! I will!" She smiles.

She looks down at the ring, eyes gleaming as I shoot an amused look at Arthur.

"Le Fay. This is an order." I point to Arthur. "Stop thinking about the books for now and spend time with your brother."

The girl pouts at me before sighing and smiling impishly at her brother. "Fiiiine."

"See you around, Arthur." I wave as I turn and hop over the guard rail, allowing myself to fall to the floor below.

"I will see you later, Gaius." The prim and proper tea enjoyer nods slowly.


I look to the pink haired maid who bows her head at me, a plate of tea gently placed on the table. "Here is the tea you requested, master?"

I take a sip and let out a low hum.

"Is it acceptable? Did I get it too cold? Did I get it too hot? Is there too much water? I messed up the tea! Will you punish me for it? Perhaps by stripping me down and dripping a burning candle over my body? Or maybe forcing me to kneel on sharp slabs of stone? What about placing me in the stocks and whipping me until my back is raw!" She exclaims as she bites a thumb, squirming in place for a moment as she rubs her legs together. "Maybe even place me on a Spanish donkey with weights around my ankles?"

"The tea's as good as always." I deadpan with a half lidded stare.

"Oh." The woman weakly states. "I see."

"N-Not even a little cold?" She questions suddenly.

"Nope. Perfect as always." I smile kindly at the woman much to her growing disappointment.


I lean over and slap her ass.

"Mhhn!" She moans.

She rubs her rump and slowly walks to the side of the room and stands there with her hands folded in her lap.

"You know Virgo... I'll make a little deal with you. If we get through the entire rating game season... without you being defeated a single time. I'll give you the punishment you really want and deserve."

The pink haired woman perks up. "Truly?"

"Compile a list and I'll see about tackling your twisted fantasies one by one, but I want you to take the rating games seriously. If we lose, I won't punish you... but when we do? Ohoho the things I'll do to you... of course, the chaos after I take first place will probably take up a bit of my time, but I promise you, the punishment will come as soon as I am able."

She stares at me with a small blush on her face. "I see. I will not let you down, Gaius."

"Oh, I know you won't. You're well within the top thirty or so strongest beings in the world. The third strongest in my peerage behind myself and Calamitas. I know you won't let me down... which is why you will get the punishment you truly desire."

"I will look forwards to that day, my lord." The celestial spirit smiles as she bows her head. "May I be excused? I need to swiftly take a trip to the library."

"Very well, you are dismissed." I smile as I gesture for her to leave me with a small shoo-ing motion.

"Thank you, master. I will not let you down." She states as she turns and swiftly speed walks out of the room.


I sit side by side with a short blonde who has twin-tails, she wears a simple gothic Lolita dress, and is fairly flat all things considered.

"So, are you worried?" I question slowly as I look to the small fallen angel.

"Worried? No." She shakes her head. "I know we are going to win, I'm just not sure if I'll be able to leave a mark."

"Mittelt." I sigh. "You are an eight-winged fallen angel with a Longinus. Soon you will be a ten-winged fallen angel with a Longinus... and in time, you'll be a twelve-winged fallen angel with a Longinus. You literally have nothing to prove. You're set to surpass your father as the strongest fallen easily."

"Well..." The girl begins slowly as she tilts her head, nodding once at my point. "Yeah."

We sit in silence for a moment as her eyes slowly stray to look at the side of my head. "Shouldn't we be... training?"

"Oh, no. I'm just using this as an excuse to spend time with my peerage members mostly in a one-on-one environment... well, there is some training, bringing Weiss across Remnant to slay a mountain sized Wyvern, a Kraken, numerous massive bee hives, endless waves upon waves of beowolves and ursa, a sea dragon, a couple nevermore, geists, and apathy... then I gave Le Fay some books to learn... other than that? Just an excuse to hang out."

"Hang out? Seriously?" The girl asks slowly.

"Of course." I smile. "I got Virgo to promise to take the rating game seriously after I said I would punish her if she did, and then Neo and I did some... training..."

"Training?" The fallen asks with a raised eyebrow as she slowly looks around her room.

"We fucked." I dully explain, causing the girl's head to whip around with an audible and slightly sickening pop.

"You what?!"

"Are... you okay?" I whisper with a look of concern on my face.


"Ow." She blankly states before shaking her head. "No, I'm fine, what I want to know is why?"

"Why not? We were both horny teens and- you know what, I feel like I should be at least a bit honest to you as you, along with Neo are basically the only ones who really know about the 'morally grey' side of me, but I'm making an active attempt to make every girl in my peerage a part of my harem."

"…" the blonde stares for a moment, not really showing any real emotion. "Including me?"

"What part of 'every girl' don't you understand?" I deadpan.

"What happened to 'I want you to act on it'?" The girl scoffs.

"I got a little tired of waiting." I shrug with a small wink.

She stares for a long moment before her shoulders slump. "Ffffine. I was going to ask about a month ago, but then training happened and I had always forgotten about asking and well... I've been too tired to fantasize much recently so it's been out of my mind, but now... I feel that if I don't hop in now, I'll be left behind."

"You sort of will. In one day, Weiss proclaimed that we should begin dating and I took Neo's virginity."

"And now you're after mine?" She asks with her eyes narrowed.

"Well, I mean, I certainly wouldn't say no. But nah, I'm good with just hanging out." I smirk down at the girl.

"Ugh. You're despicable." She scoffs as she scoots over and leans on my shoulder. "But it feels nice to be seen as a woman instead of an annoyance."

I slowly wrap an arm around the girl as we both slowly look to a flat screen sitting atop her dresser. It's turned off at the moment, but we both know that could well and truly change as soon as one of us stops being lazy and gets up- or uses magic- to grab the remote.

"So... I've got some time... what do you want to do?" I question slowly.

"I don't know... maybe watch some Tv?" She suggests with a slight shrug. "Tv sounds nice."





"Ahhnn G-Gaius! It feels so good! Fuck! I should have asked for this months ago!" The blonde fallen on top of me moans as she straddles my waist, accepting my entire length inside of her, her bouncing speeds up as her head lolls back, one of her hands idly placed on my chest, she licks her lips slightly as she leans forwards, a dopey smile on her face.

How we got into this situation is... a little strange.

She made her interest in me known, I made my attraction to her known as well, we were watching a movie and everything was innocent, but then it started, a small grope here, a drifting hand there, eventually we couldn't keep our hands off each other and it sort of escalated to this. Where I found out that all fallen, not merely Akeno, are fairly kinky. She requested to be in control, which, I calmly accepted.

That lead to my current situation, hands handcuffed to the small girl's headboard while she rides atop me with a look of ecstasy on her face.

"Ahn! Hnn! Mmmn!" She moans.

We've been at it for roughly an hour now, her sex drive is fairly surprising all things considered. It's her first time, but she appears to be learning scarily quickly...

Maybe Azazel's blood is actually good for something.

Akeno got Baraqiel's lightning after all, but what about Azazel, what does being his descendant give someone?

His degeneracy perhaps?

Her bouncing speeds up yet again, as I find myself growing ever closer to cumming.

"Just a heads up, I'm about to cum." I announce with a lustful smirk. "I didn't know if you wanted to pull it out orrrr- ah. I see. I'm being ignored. I'll let this be a surprise, then."

She slams down roughly as clarity returns to her eyes, pausing for a moment. "Wait... did you say something?"

Her body shudders as she arches her back suddenly, she lets out a loud moan as I paint her insides with my seed.

She flops back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling for a moment. She slowly looks down. "W-Wait... d-did you just cum in me?"


"What?! Why?!"

"You wouldn't get up... also it's your first time. I want you to experience the whole thing."


"Did you use contraceptive magic?"

"That's taboo." I snort with a slightly smug smirk. "We devil nobles are supposed to continue our bloodlines, but because of how low our fertility rates are, using seed blocking spells are frowned upon... so no. I just came in you with no protection beyond my shitty fertility rate."

"YOU PRICK!" She snaps.

"I warned you. But did you listen to me? Noooo" I snort with an eyeroll. "So can you get me out of these handcuffs, please? I don't want to break them or your headboard."


"Fuck you. We're not finished." The girl growls as she slowly climbs on top of me yet again.

A smile crosses her face as she tries her best to be menacing. "Because you already took my choice of a creampie away... I'm going to punish you by making you give me three more. If I fail that gamble, more cum won't make me more pregnant after all~"

She shifts as she aligns me with her entrance. "I hope you are prepared for the consequences of your actions."

"Hm? Sure." I shrug, the handcuffs jingling slightly.


A blonde girl sits on her knees upon the couch in her panties, chugging a bottle of water that she is holding with one hand.

She lets out an extremely tired sigh. "Damn it, dude, you're like a machine. How are you still alright?!"

"Because I did basically nothing that entire time. You wanted to 'dominate' me so you were the sole person doing the moving. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy."

"Tch." She scoffs as she flops over dramatically, laying over my lap, looking up at me with a deadpan stare. "Do you cum in every girl you fuck, or just me?"

"Oh, every girl. One hundred percent."

She blinks slowly up at me. "Doesn't it bother you that... you are taking a gamble each and every time?"

"Oh, believe it or not, the gambling part just makes it more exciting! Thinking that every time I do it, I may just shake up our lives really teases the Thrillseeker part of myself." I smirk down at the girl as I brush her hair out of her face, it had begun clinging to her sweaty forehead as she had let her hair down a while ago. "And besides, I do technically need to have an heir... sometime... I'm not about to drink a fertility potion- unless a single certain situation happens, and merely to bind that world shattering existence to myself via a child- but I'm not about to make an 'un-fertility' potion for myself... that's a lot of work."

"Contraception. You are looking for the word Contraception" the fallen scoffs. "And what the fuck do you mean bind a 'world shattering being' to yourself?! What sort of thing are you planning on boning?!"

"I'll let it be a surprise." I quietly comment with a dismissive shrug.

"Why the hell are you considering baby-locking it as well! You are genuinely insane!"

"Mayhaps." I smirk.

I prod her stomach idly with a finger. "But are you truly the one who should be complaining like this?"

She rolls her eyes "I already checked with magic. None of my eggs were fertilized."


"You're not going to be cumming in me for the foreseeable future." She deadpans.

"That's what you think." I state with an amused smile as my eyes are drawn to the Tv.

"Yes. I do think that. Which is why you won't be." The girl lowly growls.

"Whaaat? Come on. Really?"

The fallen huffs, shifting to a seated position beside me and wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "I'll think about letting you do it inside as a present for holidays... or your birthday."

I pout down at her.

"Oi! Don't give me that look! If you want to creampie someone, do it to someone who doesn't mind getting knocked up by you! Like Xenovia... or Vivi!"

"Fiiiine." I sigh as I reach down with my other hand and pettily mess up her hair more than it is.

"Oi! You dick!" She growls as I slowly stand up.

"I've got other people to meet."

"Other people to bang?" She snorts with a droll glare.

"Maybe only Ravel." I shrug idly as I make my way to the door.

I pause before leaving and look back and point at the girl. "Oh, by the way, this is an invitation for you to sleep with me in bed whenever you want. The only rules are no pants, no shirt, no bra."

"I'll think about it." The girl announces as she crosses her arms.


"Ravel." I begin slowly to the girl sat in the bath beside me, she looks up slowly, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, Gaius?"

"You genuinely have no idea how proud I am of you." I warmly smile at the girl

"E-Eh?!" The girl flinches back, heat quickly crossing her face.

I reach over and slowly brush a strand of hair from her face with a finger, then lay a gentle kiss on her lips. "You... in a mere month, went from someone who was merely a spectator... to an ultimate class devil."

"W-Well, your training certainly helped." The Phenex girl smiles brightly as she leans against me, pressing her breasts into my side.

"You surpassed two of your brothers, and are well on your way to surpassing the third. To think, in a mere month, you went from a fairly weak high class to a low ultimate class. That is insane." I reiterate.

"W-Well, like I said, I would have never reached this strength if it wasn't for you!" She smiles brightly.

"I can't force you to train, nor can I force you to get stronger... your newfound strength is through your own efforts... I merely helped along the way. You, even as you are now, are a fitting wife for the Fifth Satan. I love you, Ravel."

Her blush grows as she bashfully looks away. "I love you too, Gaius!"

She frowns for a moment as she looks me over. "Did... you have sex before taking a bath?"

"Oh? How'd you know?" I question.

"I could smell it." She replies, causing me to remember the fact that I didn't exactly use a prestidigitation spell before the bath. "You can do basically whatever you want with your harem, but I do sort of feel like I have a right to know."

"Oh sure." I hum. "There was two times today, first with Neo, then with Mittelt."

"Really? That quickly?" She blinks. "Well Neo was expected, she has been really touchy feely recently... plus she has been stealing my lap. But Mittelt is a surprise. I thought she didn't like you very much."

"Oh no, she does like me, she just has a bit of an abrasive personality... thankfully not as abrasive as Tyra's though." I note with a small smirk.

She lets out a quiet sigh as she cups her chin. "Who would you say is in your Harem exactly?"

"Oh, that's simple. You, your mother, Virgo, Sona, Serafall, Vivi, Valerie, Mittelt, Weiss, Neo and finally Xenovia. Those are who I consider to be officially in my harem, there are others that certainly could eventually enter it, but at the moment, its just you eleven."

"I see." The girl mutters. "I was also unaware Weiss saw you that way."

"Oh, that's more of a 'today' thing as well. She confessed- sort of like how you did- saying that it would be mutually beneficial for us to court, and we may fall in love someday."

"I see I see." The girl slowly nods.

We fall into a comfortable silence for a few moment, but eventually a thought comes to mind as the conversation had been steered this way. "So, Ravel would you maybe like to uh-"

"Have Sex?" She cuts in.

"I was going to find a better way to put it, but basically yeah." I nod slowly

"That sounds lovely." The blonde smiles.


I let out a quiet yawn as I wipe my eyes.

I glance to the gothic fallen sitting on the corner of my desk looking around the room. "You know, I'm honestly a little surprised you joined us last night."

"it's just sleeping." She shrugs.

"Fair, fair." I nod slowly.

"I-it did feel sort of nice though, sharing a bed with you, Ravel, Valerie, and Vivianne and all..." She quietly mutters. "I felt so s-safe... so loved... it was a special experience. Something that I hadn't ever done before."

"I'm glad you joined as well." I nod as I quickly shuffle through some paperwork.

It's some last-minute finalization for the fifth white apple cider factory in the underworld. I'll be gifting this one to Weiss... as soon as we finalize our relationship.

And by that, I mean I'll give it to her when she lets me fuck her.

I take a quiet sip of the apple cider sitting in the glass and look over to Mittelt, offering her a sip.

"Seriously? Sharing a drink like that?" She asks. "That's asking for germs to spread."

"Bitch, you've sucked my dick. An indirect kiss is the least of your worries." I deadpan.

She lets out a dry huff as she takes the glass... and promptly finishes what was left. It was seventy five percent full, so it takes her a few seconds.

She lets out a long breath. "Wow. I normally don't drink, but that was really good."

She leans back slightly, looking over her shoulder. "Also, fairly alcoholic. If I had like a dozen more of those, I might be inebriated enough to make the bad decision of letting you creampie me again."

"Is that an offer?" I question slowly.

"Mn. Nah. It's a good drink, but damn it, my legs are sore." She sighs, shoulders slumping.

"You seem to be quite willing to let me do it again when you made a huge deal out of it the first time."

"I'll admit, it felt pretty good, but I'm not dumb enough to risk having a child for it... often..." The girl scoffs as she crosses her arms over her chest.

A screen appears from the ceiling, showing the foyer. "Master... it appears that Rias Gremory has sent a message that she would like to see you."

I blink in surprise at the pink haired maid on the other side of the screen, watching as a red bat flutters around behind her. "What?"

Mittelt and I share a stunned look, she is fully aware that we have had a slight falling out.

I look back to Virgo. "Virgo, please tell Rias that she can drop by at her earliest convenience... provided it isn't the day after tomorrow."

"Very well." The girl bows her head and turns to the familiar.

The screen winks out a moment later.

"That is... unsettling." I note with a bored tone. "We didn't exactly leave on so good terms the last time we spoke."

"I wonder what she could-" I begin slowly.

The screen appears again. "Master. Rias Gremory is here."

"Please let her in." I tell the maid.

"Right away." She bows her head.

Mittelt shuffles off my desk and sits in an arm chair at the corner of the room.

We sit in silence as we wait for the Gremory girl to appear.

'hm. She seems to be here to apologize... I should really guilt trip her. Hit her with a preemptive 'I'm sorry'.'

Eventually the red-haired woman enters the room, followed shortly by her black-haired queen, Rias meets my stare for a moment before her eyes trail to the floor.

"Gaius..." She begins slowly. "I'm-"

"No, please, me first." I cut in. "Rias... I am deeply sorry for what I said to you... tempers flared, and I said some hurtful things which I shouldn't have, I'm sorry... to both of you. That doesn't excuse the things you two have said... but... I shouldn't have snapped. I apologize."

"No! Gaius! Stop apologizing! You did nothing wrong!" The red head exclaims as she slams both hands on my desk, leaning over the top slightly. "I should be the one saying sorry! What I did was rude, crude, and out of line. I should never have insinuated anything like that to you."

She slowly backs up, looking at the floor. "You... were right."

"I-I I'm immature! I-I foolishly thought that my peerage would be fine just because I was there! I made so many childish mistakes, a-and you were right! I don't deserve my peerage! I've just been holding them back! Putting band aids over their traumas when I should be trying to help them!"

"Rias." I sigh, shoulder slumping as I slowly look over her. "I obviously forgive you. You are allowed to be childish... you are allowed to make mistakes. How else would you learn? I never said you were immature, foolish, or that you didn't deserve your peerage... honestly, all of them would be far worse off without you... despite you not fixing them, you have stopped them from getting worse and that already is something to be proud of. Your peerage cares deeply for you, Rias. Anyone can see that."

I tilt my head slightly as I give her a kind smile. "Another thing, is that it is just so easy to be overly critical with yourself... you'll see flaw after flaw and simply look over any good traits you may find... it's not healthy to do that. You, like everyone, have your very own quirks and flaws, it doesn't mean that you are defined by those flaws. They are just a small aspect that makes a person a person. A good friend will care for you despite any flaws, so don't worry too much about 'flaws'."

The red-haired girl looks up slowly, a small glimmer in her eye. "T-Thank you, Gaius."

She quietly and nervously squirms for a moment "I... this... those thoughts have been making me quite sad recently. I am glad that you forgave me, and I... want to go back to the way things were before."

"That sounds lovely." I smile. "Sure, we can go back to the way things were... but I'll warn you, I am going to be extremely busy... far more than I was beforehand."

"Hm?" She hums slowly.

"I'm competing in rating games." I smirk.

"What?!" The girl gasps. "Are you even old enough?!"

"Technically- and don't we know how the devil race loves technicalities- I am five hundred years old. A middle-aged devil, much like your brother, Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium. I am well within the age range to compete in rating games."

"Oh! I see." The girl notes. "In what bracket are you competing? I'll be sure to watch you."

"The Championship bracket." I smirk as I interlock my fingers.

Her eyes widen as she takes a single step back. "W-What? But don't you have to be an ultimate class to even qualify for that?!"

"You do." I confirm with a slow nod.

"Then you- no... you defeated Kokabiel... it makes sense." The girl mutters as she cups her chin. "I see... I'll be sure to cheer for you."

"My next match is in two days... against Tannin."

She stares for a moment. "That's bad."

"Oh, not really." I smile. "I see it as an opportunity. If you want some easy pocket change, I'd suggest betting for me. My peerage... ohoho it's horrifying. I genuinely, and no joke here, have the strongest peerage in the underworld. I know this for a fact."

"Are you sure you should... be this arrogant?" The girl mutters cautiously

"How many devils in the underworld have a peerage member comparable to the heavenly dragons in their prime." I question as I pour myself another drink.


"Wait... what?" The girl hisses. "What do you mean?! A heavenly dragon?!"

"I mean... Ddraig or Albion." I state as I briefly slosh around the drink before taking a sip. "She's a bit of an oddity, Grey skin, horns, reads Necronomicon's like it's the Sunday paper, but I care for her all the same."

I gesture to the bottle sat in the corner of my desk. "Care for a drink."

She shakes off her stunned stupor looks to the label. "Oh? Is this the white apple cider I heard your family was making?"

"It is." I nod.

"I am more favorable to wine, but I did quite enjoy the apples you gave me. Perhaps a small glass?"

A crystal glass appears on the table as the bottle floats, the cork is popped off as the glass is filled to roughly twenty percent capacity.

She takes it and takes a small sip; her eyes widen slightly as she flinches. "W-Well, it is certainly strong, but the flavor is quite nice."

"But really." She continues after finishing the glass and sitting it down gently upon the edge of my desk. "A heavenly dragon?!"

"It's a secret so let's keep it on the down-low. I'm fairly certain only Ajuka knows the extent of her power... maybe the other satans if he told them."

"Where did you even find her." She questions.

"That is classified knowledge." I frown. "Only my peerage, my familiar, Azazel, and the four satans know... not even Sona."

"You and Sona will certainly be told before the rest of the underworld, but the time isn't quite right... I am unaware when we will go public, but it'll certainly be after this rating game league."

"I see." The girl frowns. "If the Satans want you to keep this a secret, I can understand why you would."

Her disappointment morphs into a small smile. "I am so glad we finally worked out our differences. I did miss talking to you."

"And I missed talking to you, Rias." I smile back.

"If you are about to have your first ever rating game match, you are probably extraordinarily busy... I'll let you get back to training." The girl states as she begins to turn.

"Wait." Akeno whispers.

Rias turns to the black haired girl.

"There is something I need to say." She announces as she turns her attention to the twin-tailed fallen sitting nearby.

She quietly steps over, looking down at the small blonde.

Akeno bows her head slightly. "I'm sorry."

Mittelt blinks owlishly. "Huh?"

"I wrongfully judged you... I allowed my anger to the fallen angels blind me... I never considered you could be just like myself. I thought horridly of you, but now, I can see those thoughts are unfounded. I apologize."

"It's f-fine." The seated girl stutters, glancing to me in an attempt to get a hand.

I mouth the words. "Sink or swim, bitch."

Mittelts eyes slide back to Akeno. "You're fine. Most fallen are douchebags, assholes, genocidal maniacs and mad scientists."


"Or fucking perverts who can't keep it in their damn pants and have hundreds of children." She lowly growls the last part as she glares at the floor.

She looks back up. "So, it's fine that you thought of me that way. You had like... a fifty percent chance of being right."

She lets out a quiet sigh and glances up at the ceiling. "You know, it's sort of morbid, but I'm glad my friends stabbed me in the back and left me for dead... Gaius is a much better boss that those in the Grigori... he actually remembers my name. And despite the piece he used to revive me, doesn't treat me like a pawn."

Akeno looks sadly down at the girl and shakes her head quickly to rid herself of the apparent thoughts she was having. "Yes, that is all I wished to say, I hope you do well in the rating games."

"Thank... you?" Mittelt weakly mutters.

She turns and walks over to Rias' side. "Rias, we can leave now."

Rias give the black-haired girl a small smile, clearly pleased that she made up with my pawn- a pawn who had no idea that Akeno even hated her to begin with. "Yes, Akeno. Let's go."

The two girls turn and make it to the door.

"Oh! Rias." I call out.

"Yes, Gaius?" She questions as she turns to look back.

"Tell your parents congratulations."


"For?" She mutters in confusion.

"Oh, they'll know."

"I will tell them, I suppose." She states. "I will see you soon, Gaius."

"See you around Rias."

She steps out of the door a moment later, it clicks closed behind her.

"So... about getting drunk." I ask the petite fallen.

"No." She deadpans.


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