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"So, how was the show." I ask idly.

"Awesome!" Serafall grins as she shoots me a pleased smile. "You've gotten even stronger, huh?"

Azazel looks at me with a genuine look of surprise. "What the hell was that?! You manhandled juggernaut drive?! I was about to step in when Vali was doing that, but you just beat him to a pulp?!"

"My boosted gear has the power to negate any and all continuous effects I so choose." I shrug with a sly smirk. "You might be able to see how that causes someone who's main weapon relies on stealing power doesn't really hold a candle to me."

"So. About Vritra." I continue as I step past, my shirt is cleaned with prestidigitation, as is my body as I take a seat in my desk.

"You're seriously ignoring the fact that you casually made your sacred gear go from a mid-tier longinus to among the highest class?!" Azazel questions with an exasperated but relenting glare as I snag my blazer off the arm of my chair and slip it on.

"I mean... if that tripped you up... just wait until I tell you about the new undiscovered Longinus I have I my peerage."

"Y- wh- you what?!" The sacred gear researcher studders, eyes practically popping out of his head from the look he is giving me.

Even Serafall seems vaguely surprised by this information as I take a seat.

"Oh yeah, a mid-tier sacred gear that got a subspecies that pushed it to Longinus level pretty nifty if I do say so myself-"

I freeze abruptly.

"Gaius?" Serafall whispers. "What is it?"

"I just had... an idea violently shove its way to the forefront of my train of thought." I mutter slowly. "Ah well, I'll get around to it later."

I look over my shoulder. "Ravel, could you please get me directions to the Leviathan Preventive Symphonia Hospital in Lucifaad."

"Hm?" The girl hums, her head tilting slightly as she seems slightly confused. "Alright?"

"Oh, and if possible, could you please try and get me a meeting with the head of the board of directors, Delamere Pruflas. It's not completely important as I could easily probably walk in there and get a meeting, but it would help to have one scheduled."

"Don't worry. I'll try my best!" The blonde states a she turns to Azazel and Serfall and bows her head. "Azazel. Miss Leviathan."

She swiftly disappears out the door a moment later.

"Why the hell are you going to the Leviathan Symphonia Hospital?" Azazel questions suspiciously.

"G-Gai-tan! Are you sick?!" Serafall gasps

"Oh... you know... reasons... You'd think they'd keep the half-human comatose leviathan descendant with a fairly-really powerful sacred gear in a less obvious place."

"Wh-" Azazel begins to ask, but I cut him off.

"So, Azazel, what's your opinion on dimensional travel." I smile brightly.

"What the hell are you even on about?!" The man questions.

"Dimensional travel. What's your thoughts on it."


"Like from earth to the underworld?" The man blinks

"No, I'm more talking, taking a guy from TV show one, and moving him to a completely unrelated TV show two that has completely different rules, history, and lore than TV show one." I shrug.

"That's ridiculou-"

"I can do it." I smirk. "And if you give me the rest of Vritra, I maaaay consider letting you in on it a little early... before we go public with it."

"…" the man stares blankly at me for a long moment.

"Fucking-" he lets out a long sigh rubbing his temples. "Why?! How?! What?!"

"You are legitimately giving me an aneurism, kid. Not to mention that you SOMEHOW know about some descendant of the original leviathan with a sacred gear."

"I've known for a while." I shrug. "She has devil sleeping disease so I really didn't think it mattered."

Three objects are sat on the table as I cross my arms.

"If you show me how you bind those to souls, we'll be even." The man mutters slowly.

"So, you're just going to ignore the extra dimensions?"

"Don't put words in my mouth, brat." The Governor general of the Grigori scoffs.

"Hm. Sure." My phone is pulled from my pocket as I give the fallen a bored hum.

Wordlessly I type out a text with my thumb. It is sent a moment later.

"Who are you texting?" Serafall slowly mutters. "Your adorable scaredy cat pawn?"

"Oh." I hum as I turn the phone around. "His daughter. The one who has Absorption Line."

"Ha ha kid." The Governor general scoffs, seemingly reading the message I sent Mittelt.

"Mittelt, your manslut of a father is here. He brought the other pieces of your sacred gear, please come to my office ASAP. I promised to let him watch me stuff it in you." - Gaius 2:34

"WHAT" - Mittlyteelt?? 2:34

"I am not incorrect." I shrug with a bright smile as I cause the phone to disappear into my dimensional storage. "Nor do I like to lie."

"Is that why you told me the exact location of a leviathan descendant with a sacred gear?" The man asks. "Never lying honestly seems like a political disaster waiting to happen."

"Oh, no. I was telling Serafall. Not you. I just simply don't care that you're in the room. We may be at peace, but as of right now it is tense... I doubt you could waltz right into a hospital in the middle of Lucifaad. A power move, if you will. I kicked your dragon's ass and now you are questioning just how deep my information goes... what projects do I know of? What secrets? Do I know that you have at least eight Gabriel body pillows or is the exact number still a secret?"

The man frowns at me, narrowing his eyes slightly.

I turn to Serafall. "Now, I was telling you because it might have hurt your feelings for me to suddenly pull a leviathan descendant out of nowhere. I understand that you adding her to your peerage would truly be a large boon to your position as the new Leviathan, but I also really want her as well. I wanted to alert you of this beforehand, because I believe that after I possibly succeed to awaken her with my 'Negate' I will give her a pitch about becoming one of my peerage members."

"Hm." The woman hums as she frowns slowly. "Is there anything I could do to convince you otherwise? It would really cement my place as the Leviathan should I have one her descendants as a servant of mine."

"If I'm right about her sacred gear, it would be of great use to my peerage." I frown slowly. "But if you are truly insistent, we could Negotiate later."

"Noooow." I continue, moving onto other matters.

"Mittelt's door is around three hundred feet away, so as long as she wasn't indecent... she will be here in about five four three two-" I am cut off by the sound of the door being flung open.

Mittelt is stood there, a little frazzled looking and slightly out of breath. Her eyes stray the room, briefly pausing on Serafall before sliding to the blond banged man who is looking at the door with a cheesy grin.

"Mittelt, it's been so long~" he states in a sing-songy tone.

Her eyebrow violently twitches as her hands clench. Her pointed glare bores into his forehead as her eyes slowly slide over to me.

She takes a sudden deep breath then exhales. "Fuck off."

She slowly walks around the twelve winged fallen, making sure to keep a good five feet of distance at all time, then she sits on my desk with a half-lidded stare. "Don't act like we're close."

"Well now, that's certainly rude." Azazel states with a small huff of amusement as he crosses his arms. "I certainly didn't raise you like that."

"or... at all." I cut in with a half lidded stare.

"Jeez. It almost sounds like you hate me, kid satan." The fallen pouts as he turns away.

"Hate is a strong word... dislike is perhaps a better one." The innocent smile on my face grows as I finish my sentence. "You'd the type of guy I wouldn't mind sharing a drink with, but god forbid you get any responsibility. Said responsibility would probably be on fire within an hour."

"Is that how you really think of me?!" The man gasps.

"To be fair... you don't exactly dissuade those thoughts with how you act." Serafall adds in with a small smirk.

Mittelt slowly looks over her shoulder. "Can we get this over with. Please? I have thousands of better things to do."

"Alright. I understand you are being extremely patient right now, and I appreciate it."  I compliment with a small nod and a pleased smile.

"Mn." She comments idly as I slowly stand, taking the first sacred gear from the desk beside her.

"First off. Could you perhaps show him your sacred gear."

"Whatever." The twin-tailed blonde shrugs.

A fingerless glove appears on her left hand.

"As it is, she can create dozens of tiny strings to drain power, she can also infuse a light spear with a draining effect which can cause someone to hemorrhage magical power for around thirty seconds. The amount isn't a lot, but it scales depending on several factors, the first, how deadly the wound was, so a mere scratch would barely drain any, while a critical wound would drain far faster. The second factor is if she is actively draining the magic with her strings. If she targets the wounds with her strings, she can speed up the drain speed severalfold."

Serafall has decided to quietly watch what happens next. Perhaps she is taking mental notes of my pawn's strength, perhaps she is thinking about how she wants to go and lewd her little sister... or perhaps she is trying desperately to imagine me naked. Who knows, really... even with my abilities, I doubt I'd be able to handle the constant chaos within her head.

"Interesting, interesting." Azazel hums with a gleam in his eye. "There's never been a sacred gear which modifies light spears- in a in a meaningful way, that is... there was a Staring Red user in the past... they could create a light bow like the sacred gear was supposed to, but it also changed his blue light spears into red permanently and made them slightly stronger... like thirty percent or so."

"Nobody asked." Mittelt snaps with a pointed glare.

"Good point Mittelt. Good point." I sigh as I look to the gauntlet in my hand. It looks much like the original absorption line gear I took from Saji.

Delete field. It does that freaky tongue thing as well, yet this one seals the power of whatever it is wrapped around- within reason of course. A baseline human couldn't seal the powers of a Satan level being after all.

With a flash it turns into a purple crystal orb.

"WAIT! Woah woah woah, what the fuck did you just do?!" Azazel waves.

"Turned it into a sacred gear 'spirit'." I answer idly. "What? You don't think I shove physical objects into people's souls, right? That's like... a nonmagical human trying to stab a ghost with a kitchen knife."

I press the crystal orb against Mittelt's back, it quickly sinks through her clothing and into her back, I feel a pulse of magic power from Azazel as he seems to be intently studying what it going on.

With a dull flash, a fingerless glove appears on Mittelt's other hand, both gloves slowly grow backwards as well, growing about an inch past her wrists.

"Do you still feel fine?" I question slowly as I look over her gloves. The golden rings on each finger gleam as the light hits it just right, and the diamonds on the back of the palm shimmer, glowing dimly with newfound power.

"Mhm." The girl nods slowly.

"That should be... impossible." The fallen leader mutters.

I pluck a knife from the table.

Blaze Black Flare... it was apparently a knife before Saji got his grubby little mitts on it.

I look up to Azazel slowly with a smirk on my face. "You've only got one shot left after this one, so I'd watch closely. I'll even do it slowly! Just for you!"

With a flash the knife transforms into a purple crystal orb... at almost the exact same speed of the old one... albeit fractionally slower.

Azazel brings a hand to his temple as he lets out a low hiss of annoyance. "Fuck! Damn it! That stung like a bitch!"

He inhales, then exhales, seemingly incredibly irritated. "Alright. At least I know more now."

I gently shove the orb into her as well, mentally noting that his scanning spell seems to have backfired.

Mittelt's gloves extend up her forearms, stopping just before the elbow.

"Still good?"

My pawn looks over her shoulder and nods once.

"Alright, here's the final piece." I hum as I reach across the desk and grab a... belt buckle?

Shadow Prison is a belt buckle... apparently.

It transforms into a crystal orb, much like the other two and is promptly shoved into Mittelt as well.

Her hands begin to glow, the bright, piercing purple light is almost blinding

With a sudden gale of magical power that sends papers flying around the room, her sacred gear transforms. Gone is the fingerless, durable looking, leathery gloves with golden ascents and purple crystal... now on both of her hands are lacy black silk gloves that go up just past her elbows

Elaborate purple swirls trail up the lace gloves, starting at the middle finger on each glove, each beautifully crafted design, looking much like paint strokes, ends just before the end of the gloves.

The girl blinks owlishly down at the gloves before slowly bringing a hand up to her neck, feeling a cloth choker which had appeared there. A purple gemstone sits in the very center of it.

"I- wha-" she whispers.

An Achievement has been completed!

The text is minimized before it can even appear.

Azazel strangely has a serious look on his face as he pulls out some form of device. It crackles to life, sounding vaguely similar to a Geiger counter.

"Hn." He hums as it begins to click slightly.

"What is it?" I question in a bored tone with a half lidded stare.

"I... can't exactly tell if this should be a Longinus or not." The man mutters.

My eyes snap to the gloves.


I mean, yeah, Vritra's four gears are fairly powerful yet I don't think they made Saji THAT strong when he had all- oh... right... Vritra's gears have powers which aren't meant to work together. They all followed along with Absorption line, yet... it was a bunch of powers which really didn't work well together. Sure, there was some overlap, but I doubt he could have even used some of the other gears at even fifty percent of their original power... Azazel clearly didn't know how to do what I did... so he might have used some imperfect transfer method.

I seem to have completely combined all four gears into a true sacred gear... a little unexpected, but I'm all for it.

"Longinus..." He nods slowly as he causes the device to disappear. "She should technically have access to some form of juggernaut drive... and that alone makes it a Longinus level threat. Albeit probably the weakest in existence."

The man looks up slowly as he cups his chin and nods. "It's not every day you see the birth of a Longinus. Frankly, the people in this room are probably the only ones to see it ever."

"Sooo. What's its name?" Serafall mutters, entering the verbal fray once more. "We can't just keep calling it the 'Vritra gear' after all."

"Good question. We don't exactly know what it does yet, but considering what the old gears did... Vritra Void?" Azazel suggests with a bored shrug.

"That name's horrid." I deadpan as I cross my arms over my chest.

'Almighty omniscient powers... what is the name of that sacred gear?'

"Then why don't YOU come up with one." The fallen huffs in annoyance.

"Oh? You want me to come up with one, fucker? I'll give you one!" I snarl with narrowed eyes as I stand up.  "Asura... Asura Shrestha"


"Fine. Whatever." The fallen leader as he turns away and walks to the door, trying desperately to not say that my name is better. "I'm leaving now. I've got a bunch of things to put down in writing so I don't forget."

The maid waiting just beyond the door promptly begins leading him out of my mansion where he can go pick up Vali's unconscious body.

I glance to Mittelt. "You. Stick around. We need to see your new capabilities."

"Alright." The girl replies with a slow nod as she gets off the table and takes a seat in one of the few arm chairs littering the room. Of course, she sits in it incorrectly, throwing her legs up over one of the plush arms and using the other as a head rest as she gazes at her new silken gloves with a small smile.

My eyes stray to Serafall. "As for you... thank you for hanging around. I've given our situation a little more thought as I was brutally thrashing the white dragon emperor."

I look back to the clip board and gain a sly smirk as my eyes scan over the text yet again. "These fucking idiots left a massive loop hole in these laws... it states 'a member of the FOUR newfound satans.' As the fifth satan... I wouldn't be subjected to most of this! They probably NEVER considered the potential of a fifth satan! There are still things that affect me, of course, like the 'a satan shan't marry a second satan' clause, plus the wording on the harem thing is just obscure enough to apply to me... but for other things in the way that it is worded, wouldn't have to abandon my position as the head of the Decarabia family. Nor would my future wife have to shun their clan name as well. Hell, I could probably make a case about the harem thing for myself, as the entire rule seems to be based upon the 'four' new satans instead of 'all' new satans."

The Leviathan's eyes gleam mischievously. "Ohoho I see."

"The main issue we face is the 'a satan can't marry another satan' thing. It's actually fairly simple to get out of that, though... we just don't get married."

The magical girl pouts as she looks down at the ground. "Hmph! I can't believe Zekram did this! I'm so mad that I want to raid heaven!"

I wisely ignore her Serafall-ness and continue on. "Also, nothing says that a Satan CAN'T be part of a harem. Just that they cannot have one of their own, which I guess would technically apply to you as well which puts us in a bit of a grey area as you want to bang both Sona and myself, right? But the glorious little loop hole here is, that it takes THREE to become a harem! At least by casual Japanese anime standards... which I have now been incredibly confused by because this shoddy law doesn't exactly make its preferred definition of harem known, no? As long as you stick merely to myself and Sona, they technically won't have a leg to stand on."

"We can kiss, hug, fuck, be engaged, and even have children, but as long as we aren't officially wed, they can do nothing. It'll practically be marriage, but instead of husband and wife, we'll be forced to stay Fiancé and Fiancée."

"What's... going on?" Mittelt asks suddenly as she glances between the two of us.

"Oh, just discussing stupid laws." I reply with a lazy smile. "We are still going to do the whole 'rating game' thing, right?"

Serafall nods. "That would certainly be for the best. We will announce your position as the fifth Satan after you have bested Diehauser Belial. And if in the coming months... a simple 'four' appears in front of that little segment about new Satans not being allowed to have harems, well, well, it's such a small change. Whoever could have guessed that we were going to add a fifth Satan! Certainly not me!"

The magical girl leans over the table, grabs my shoulders and kisses me on the cheek. "Bye bye, Gai-Tan! I must go scheme with Sirzechs and Ajuka."

"Not Falbium?"

She gives me a half-lidded stare, wondering if I REALLY just asked that question.

*Snrk-* I snort, revealing that it had just been a joke. "Bye Sera-tan... maybe next time you'll kiss me on the lips instead of the extremely boring cheek kiss? Hell, at this rate I'll be making out with Sona years before you!"

The magical girl lets out a horrified gasp. "Y-You! Hmph! Stealing So-tan's lips like that! You're so mean, Gai-tan. If you do that, I'll be forced to take your lips to steal an indirect kiss from So-Tan!"

The petite fallen gives the Satan of foreign affairs a confused look, then looks to me and mouths. "What the fuck?"

I shrug at her question.

"Bye Gai-tan! I guess you can keep the Leviathan descendant I made do without and with her in your peerage you'd have even more right to a Satan position." The Satan smiles as she teleports away.

A beat of silence passes in the room as my eyes stray to Mittelt. "You do realize that your dad will probably pester you a lot more now that you are stronger, right?"

The girl slumps in the chair, letting out a long sigh. "Yeah... but... honestly? Who cares. Why should I give him that much thought? Why should I let him live rent free in my mind? Dude didn't care about me when I was weak. Why should I even humor the idea of him caring about me when I'm strong."

"To be completely and totally fair to him, he might have loved a few of his first children, buuuut when most of your race starts out as two-winged fallen..."

"They died." She nods slowly. "Yeah... that probably happened far too often. He got tired of heart break and started to distance himself from everything. I'll give him some slack... not too much, though."

"I'm honestly impressed, though." I compliment with an easy-going smile. "You were really mature."

"Yeah yeah. Considering my parent, not exactly in my blood, is it?" The girl huffs humorlessly.

"So you didn't want that compliment?" I ask as I slowly make my way over and lean on the wall next to her.

"No. I never said that!" She exclaims as she abruptly sits up. "Compliment me more!"

"I was aware that you thought of me when you masturbate, but I didn't think my words had that much impact." I note with a small teasing smirk as I tap my chin and look as if I'm really giving my next words some thought.

"S-" The fallen flinches. "Stop bring that up!"

"Pfft-" I huff as I look down at the seated girl. "Well, as soon as Ravel gets me dirrections and possibly a meeting with the head of a hospital, I'm going to need to leave... so, while we have time, let's go figure out your new gear... fifteenth Longinus."

"oh! And before I forget!"

I slowly walk over to my desk and reach under the lip of the front of it, grabbing a small device and crushing it in between my fingers. "He thought I wouldn't notice?"

It's honestly why I was so hostile.

"What a prick." I note with a bored frown as I glance to the girl seated behind me. "Well, let's go Mittelt."


Several burning spears of purple fire pepper the ground, leaving a crackling inferno of dark fire in its wake, the aura of these flames just seem... wrong... even to me. Even with my fire immunity. I still get burnt.

That was mildly unsettling... but it's mainly because these flames target the soul instead of the body... I resist the heat and fire damage, but I can do nothing as it shaves off portions of my soul.

A dangerous ability. Befitting of a Longinus.

But that's merely an add-on to Asura Shrestha.

I wouldn't call it a 'true' ability of the sacred gear... it's sort of just slapped onto it like the boosted gear's 'Transfer' and Divine Dividing's 'Half Dimension'. Her true ability... is an extremely volatile curse that takes the abilities of Absorption line, Shadow Prison, and Delete Field and pushes them to the maximum.

A curse that can drain, seal, and restrain gods. A Longinus indeed.

I mean, it's weak currently, but as soon as Mittelt gets a little bit stronger, she'll be a true powerhouse.

By calling it 'weak' I mean that it scales based on who she targets with it and her strength compared to theirs.

She first used it on me after my encouragement, and I could only use about... ninety eight percent of my power, and that was a rough estimate by Ddraig.

Admittedly, I was not using the boosted gear at all, and she was targeting my base form. So, if I was boosted, her drain would probably go from two percent, to one percent, then to basically nothing, but she's merely a four winged fallen on the cusp of six.

I was able to figure out that it depended on strength because I had her use it on Ravel who in turn completely lost her ability to use demonic magic, regenerate, and even move. She just stood there, stiff as a board.

Then promptly fell over after around ten seconds as the power drain got to her.

Mittelt also kept her string ability from Absorption line... its power was increased, sure, and it can even drain power still, but the curse is still far better overall. Draining several times faster than the strings ever could.

I suppose she could stack them. Touch someone and curse them, then wrap them in a cocoon of string.

That'll probably restrain them even better and drain far more.

While she was messing around with her newfound power, I managed to look at some things I was REALLY putting off. First, a quest I got when I was teleported to the dimension to fight Vali.

Clash of the Heavenly Dragons:
Vali is picking a fight with you and who are you to deny his heartfelt request for an ass beating. Strongest white dragon emperor EVER? Huh. Well at the very least maybe he won't go down like a bitch and push you slightly.
Defeat Vali Lucifer: [x]
Bonus Objectives:
Allow him to use Juggernaut Drive: [x]
Defeat him without being hit once: [-]
Defeat his Juggernaut Drive State: [x]
Defeat him without using the boosted gear once: [-]
Defeat him without Balance Breaker: [x]
Beat him decidedly and utterly: [x]
Defeat his Juggernaut Drive State without Balance Breaker: [x]

Rewards: 50,000 Electrum, 1 random special quality.

Bonus Rewards: 390,000 Electrum, +2 to all stats, 'Strongest Red Dragon Emperor' Achievement, +5 to your lowest stat, 2 random special qualities, 5 free feats, 1 selected special quality worth 50,000 electrum or under.

This has in turn let to a lot of other notifications.

Strongest Red Dragon Emperor:
You alone stand at the peak of the red dragon emperors, the strongest wielder there has ever been and potentially will EVER be. Your strength technically rivals that of the dragon sealed within the sacred gear back in his prime.
Rewards: +2 Constitution, +1 Mythic Rank.

My randomly generated qualities range from fairly useless to incredible.

The TRUE level 20 bardic ability:
Bards, masters of music, a single skilled bard can turn a roving group of peasants into a group that can halt criminal organizations, give dragons pause, and even topple armies... but there is one singular art that all bards must figure out. One so vile and secret... one that causes parties across the world eternal strife.
The insatiable desire, and the unnatural ability to fuck ANYTHING... why else do so many damned half-races exist?
With this special ability you gain the ability to fuck anything that has a feminine form, and what is more incredibly impossible, impregnate said thing. You could bang an animated statue and have a half-elemental child waiting for you the next time you return. All of your children will be perfect 'hybrids' with the advantages of both races with lessened penalties of being a creature which should FUNDAMENTALLY not exist.

Stance Mastery:
Martial maneuvers. Born in third addition in a book commonly known as 'the tome of weeaboo fighting magic.' Those Strikes, Counters, Boosts and Stances have then also become a staple of pathfinder! But being able to only use one stance is just so constricting, right? Well no more!
A person with this special quality is able to enter two martial stances at the same time! There is a caveat, the two stances must either be 1: be of the same martial discipline. Or 2: Must be of a discipline that shares an 'Associated Weapon Group'. Otherwise, you cannot merge the two vastly different stances.

Meta-Material Component:
Metamagic spells are ridiculously powerful, you can do many things with them, force the spells to deal double damage, fire two spells at once, quicken them into spells you can cast with little to no build up, or even grant new crazy abilities if you are a Mythic Character! The only downside is the cost... but with this it becomes far more accessible!
You may add on a material component to spells these are typically rare herbs, metal powders, or gemstones worth a considerable amount of wealth. When you do so, you reduce the cost of Metamagic effects by a number depending on how valuable your reagent is.
(-1, 1000-2000 GP) (-2, 2001-4000 GP) (-3, 4001-5000 GP) (-4, 5001-8000 GP) (-5, 8001-12000 GP) (-6, 12001-15000 GP) (-7, 15001-20000 GP) (-8, 20001-26000 GP) (-9, 26001-32000) (+-1 per +50% worth)
Note: You may not reduce metamagic in this manner by more than your maximum spell level, thus, at level 1, you may only take away 1 spell level from metamagic.

The first is... meh... sort of the worst of the bunch, the second doesn't really affect me in any ways, so I'd call it meager. The final one is pretty decent... it's just a shame I have to shell out like three hundred Electrum worth of reagents when I want to cast a BIG spell.

It does also hint to something greater... tenth level spells and beyond...

In third edition these 'epic' spells existed. Taking incredible time and cost for a caster to successfully develop, it seems only right that I would gain these epic spells as well, no?

Wait- going back to the first thing... couldn't I TECHNICALLY have a child with Ophis? What would the repercussions of that be?

I'm blinded by the question 'could I' that I don't think about 'should I'.

Half devil half dragon god... demon god?

How would I even seduce Ophis?

Give her good food? She's a bit of a foodie... I could also possibly give her A dimensional gap. Doesn't necessarily have to be hers, just one.

Remnant has a Dimensional Gap, right? Maybe? Possibly?

'Partner these thoughts are legitimately insane. The ouroboros dragon is infinite in strength, and in forms. It would break you if you tried to get intimate with it.'

'ohoho you forget one thing, Ddraig. Regeneration! And one further thing to hold over Albion. 'oh yeah, my partner is comparable to the infinite dragon god what about you white shit emperor'?'


'your funeral.'

'that would put the fun in funeral.'

My eyes slide over to the shop page. I'm steadily sifting throughout the many abilities.

Martial Artist: (45000 Electrum)
Have you been reincarnated into a world where martial arts are a large part of the world as a whole? Do YOU want your very own supernatural bullshit arts? Purchase this and you'll finally achieve those dreams!
This perk allows you to select a single combat style from the 'Path of War' Alternative Rules System. Once you select the path, you know all of the maneuvers within, and your level is treated as your initiator level for the maximum level maneuvers known, and for any special feats that may or may not require you to have an initiator level. Finally, after you select this ability, select one of your six stats, from now on, that becomes your 'initiation modifier', increasing the DCs of your martial arts by said stat's modifier.
Note: this may be selected multiple times, every time after the first you learn an additional martial discipline and all of the maneuvers held within

I quietly select this.

It's honestly one of the better things for me at this price range.

My constitution is the highest, thus that becomes my 'initiation modifier'.

I'll pick a martial art from the list of twenty-two later.

I also got a small perk from Mittelt.

Create Longini:
God slaying weapons are commonplace in this world... however, only one being has been capable of creating a Longinus sacred gear, and for eons the thirteen original Longinus have remained static. Yet within a decade, Sephiroth Grall goes from a weak mid-tier longinus to perhaps one of the strongest, and TWO new Longinus were born... and all of them have fallen into the peerage of one devil... one even being instigated and arguably created by said devil. Clearly the entire realm of the Supernatural is about to shift. Who knows if it is for good or bad.
+3 Mythic Trials.

This, along with my previous mythic increase has placed me at Mythic Rank eight.

However... that's merely small potatos...

What is really big is a certain amount of Electrum I have gathered.

Current Electrum: 512023

Half a million electrum.

And that means...

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have unlocked Level 20 Clan Traits.

Your Mythic Rank has increased

Your Mythic Rank has increased

Note: Epic Levels are far more expensive than regular levels, are you sure that you would like to spend your-


You have Leveled up.

Epic Spell Creation Unlocked.

Epic Feats Unlocked.

Level 21 Clan Traits Unlocked.

Current Electrum: 22023

I crush the desire to begin madly cackling.

I understand now. It's as if a crucial part of myself has changed.

six levels at my current strength? Incredible. I feel as if I could take on the entire world.

Feat Selected: Subspecies Balance Breaker.

Feat Selected: Extra Demonic Power.

Epic Feat Selected: Epic Extra Demonic Power.

Mythic Feat Selected: Mythic Extra Demonic Power.

Feat Selected: Controlled Juggernaut Drive.

Mythic Feat Selected: Mythic Controlled Juggernaut Drive.

My magic power is suddenly more than half empty

"Fhhhhh." I let out a long breath, the corners of my mouth turning upwards.

I watch the fallen fluttering about the sky land before me, a small smile on her face. "This is great! I've never felt this powerful before!"

"I'm glad." I smile. "I'm also feeling on top of my game today... I feel like I could have probably even beaten Vali without using my sacred gear at all."

I push off the ground with my fingertips, rocketing up from my seated position up to my feet.

My eyes stray to Ravel who was seated next to me, looking a little tired. Getting drained by Mittelt apparently took a lot out of her.

I offer a hand to her, which she takes, allowing herself to be pulled to her feet.

"Well, Mittelt." I smile over my shoulder. "Ravel and I need to take a swift trip to the underworld to see about a new recruit."

"Hm?" Mittelt hums. "What's she like?"

She notices my apparent stare causing her to shoot one right back.

"What?" She questions. "I see a theme with your peerage. You could literally not be more obvious."

"It's a descendant of Leviathan."

"Oh goodie. Old satan faction. Also I already knew that from your little chat with Serafall" The blond girl scoffs as she crosses her arms over her chest. "

"She's a half devil." I continue as I slowly walk away, leading Ravel by the hand, she has a smile on her face at the casual show of affection.

"Oh. Oooooh." The blonde longinus wielder behind us breathes. "Alright. Fair play."

I select one final feat with an almost feral smirk.

Epic Feat Selected: Craft Sacred Gear

Greatness awaits.


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