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I look to six girls. A majority of them blond. Among them is my Queen, Valerie, my fiancee-slash-bishop, Ravel, my pawns, Mittelt, Meredith, and Le Fay, and my fiancee-slash-familiar. Vivianne. "So... you are probably wondering why I called you all here."

"Yeah. I am." The short twin-tailed fallen blond scoffs. "But what I'm wondering more about is... how did the peace talks go?"

"Oh, we're at peace now." I smile brightly. "And we didn't even need to tell them about this secret I'm about to show you."

"Which is... a good thing?" Ravel mutters quietly.

"Oh yeah. It's good." I nod slowly. "That means that for a short time longer, the devil race can reap the entire benefits of what I did."

"What did you do?" Le Fay asks, a bright grin on her face. "It must be pretty incredible for the four satans to consider keeping it under wraps!"

"Well, first off, I figured out the fertility issue for devils and have developed a potion that results in a pregnancy one hundred percent of the time." I idly shrug as I step around the group.

"You WHAT?!" Mittelt shrieks.

"Oh yeah. I did those ages ago. It's old news at this point... that along with what I'm showing you today is one of the primary reasons why I'm being considered for the position of the fifth satan."

""YOU'RE WHAT?!"" The group practically shrieks.

Vivi heard it during the meeting, so she's less surprised, she just arrogantly tilts her head back slightly as she floats there, letting out a low hum. "Hmph. To be expected of my Fiancee. I'd take nothing less!"

"Pick your jaws up off the floor." I scoff with a small eyeroll. "We haven't even gotten to the surprising stuff yet."

"I figured out Dimensional travel." I smirk suddenly.

Mittelt faints while the rest of the girls look absolutely gob smacked.

"W-WHAT?!" Ravel exclaims.

"Have any of you met my newest pawn, Weiss?"

The girls slowly share a glance.

"I... saw her briefly, but we didn't speak." Le Fay adds in.

"She's from another dimension... it's actually pretty neat." I shrug.

"Wait... so she's an alien?" Meredith asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, she's human... she just comes from a world where a majority of the planet is uninhabitable because of these mindless black shadow monsters with an insatiable lust for violence. But I suppose it would technically be wrong to call her a human... the humans there have magic in their blood, which seems to elevate them far beyond a normal human."

"So, they're sort of like me?" Le Fay slowly asks.

"Did you get rudimentary magic unlocked for you with a mere paragraph of words recited to you, and gain a mostly unique magic which can range from being able to tell the weather to manipulating time?" I question.

"Uh... I had a far easier time learning magic... but uh... I didn't randomly get something l-like that." The girl mutters with wide eyes.

"You might have been a lesser variant of what they are, then... Earth's magic is around a fourth of theirs anyways." I shrug.

I hold out a hand, slowly casting my spell. "Why don't we take a quick look at this new world!"


"So... you like... own interdimensional bars now?" Mittelt asks slowly as she gazes around the newly renovated bar.

"Not really 'own' per say. I just supply the alcohol and pawn off the work to a companion."

The horned girl behind the counter with long light pinkish and blue hair glances over with an unimpressed look. "Yeah. Sure."

"That sort of sounds like the exact definition of 'Own', dude." Mittelt scoffs with a half-lidded stare.

"I'm not sure I should be in here." Le Fay meekly states.

"The drinking age for devils is like... six... your fine~." I hum with a slight eye roll. "You don't have to drink anything, don't worry."

Ravel is rubbing her temples. "Other dimensions exist..."

"Heeeey bartender." An extremely short girl with blue hair hums as she slaps a hand on the bar. "Givv meee another drinnk."

We have been here for all of ten minutes and Vivi has already managed to get herself drunk out of her mind. I'm honestly impressed.

Valerie is also by the bar trying a Bloody Mary, cringing every time she sips it, then waiting for a moment, seemingly being drawn back to the drink and sips it again.

Oh, and I don't mean, a classic vodka, tomato juice, numerous flavors like hot sauce and garlic Bloody Mary... I mean a BLOOD and Vodka with dozens of flavors type of Bloody Mary.

A vampiric Bloody Mary if you will.

Meredith is boredly scrolling through this world's internet on a scroll I found.

"Soooo." I begin, cutting off the long awkward silence. "Show of hands, who wants to go see my other pawn from Remnant?"

""""Other Pawn?"""" Mittelt, Ravel, Le Fay, and Meredith echo at the same time.

"Yep, Weiss is my newest, but I reincarnated a single other person from this world." I smirk with a small nonchalant shrug.

Four sets of eyes slide over to the bartender.

"No, it's not her. She's just a dragon I have under my employ." I snort.

A small blue haired woman stumbled across the bar.

Luckily, we are the only ones here, otherwise she would be causing a scene.

"Heeeeey," she drunkily flirts as she leans on the chair beside me. "Gai- *Hic* Gai-yuss. Youuu wanna go and leave thish place behinnnd? Thass sounds fun? Righ?"

She rubs her face on my shoulder.

"Youuu did thisss to me? I'm hornney? Yooour falt."

Le Fay covers her mouth with a blush as the fairy starts tugging on my wrist.

"I'm drunk, and in... *Hic* I'm soooo easy righnow? And I..."

"Mnnnn." She groans as her face presses against my shoulder. "…"

I look to Le Fay, then to Meredith, then to Ravel and Mittelt, finally my gaze returning to the fairy who is now quietly snoring.

"Soo uh, let's go see that Pawn." I state as I pick up the very drunk girl in a bridal carry and get to my feet.





Free time!

Glorious, Glorious free time!

I grab the red hot hoop of metal with a bare hand and dunk it into enchanted water, causing a puff of steam to rocket upwards with a few motes of glitter.

I take the ring out of the water.

A four foot tall girl with wings floats by, the ring floating from my grasp and hovering above her hand.

The ring joins four others that are swiftly rotating around her hand.

She holds her hand out and the five rings shoot out, floating in the center of an absolutely massive magic circle.

"Hit it with all you've got, hubby!" The fairy shouts with a brilliant grin.

"All I've got?! Hehehe you've got it!" I grin as I slam my hand on the floor, allowing my crystalline ring to glow menacingly.




All of my boosted demonic power flows into the circle.

It is almost blinding in the room.

"SHIT!" The fairy curses loudly. "TOO MUCH!"

The magic circle visibly shifts, the runes along the floor slither out like snakes, coiling around the room, they crawl up the walls and crisscross the ceiling. But even that isn't enough to contain the magic power...

So the circle starts growing on the air as well.

A layer of magic circles mimicking the chaotic design below appears inches above the first, then a third appears above that, then a fourth. They all gleam brightly as whisps of power seep from them, trailing towards the central area which appears to have raised off the ground, the magic circle bending and forming some form of pedestal for the rings.

After around thirty seconds, the first layer dims and disappears, then the second, and the third, the rings slowly float downwards as the magic circle begins to recede, the circle grows smaller, and smaller, even beyond its earlier size, shrinking further and further, eventually becoming nothing more than a magic circle mere inches in diameter.

The circle flashes once and disappears completely.

Five rings, each radiating tremendous power float idly in the air.

Vivianne is stunned as she floats beside me. "I- wh- I didn't know it could-"

*Ahem* the fairy coughs while arrogantly tilting her head back and closing her eyes while pridefully placing her hands on her hips. "Yes! Verily! To be expected of MY enchantment technique! It can take the full power of the heavenly dragon without breaking! Clearly, I am the greatest smith in existence! Take that, God! You- uh- God, you!"

I slowly approach the rings.

Each are black in color with a hoop of red crystal imbedded around each. Agaresite. The stuff they make evil pieces out of.

These five rings are a set forged from the remains of Excalibur through the efforts of their original creator and her newfound apprentice-slash-fucktoy, each radiates incredible magic. Their creation process was nothing short of divine. You can feel the love that has gone into this creation. And perhaps even the love between the two smiths. Its personalized enchantment is quite impressive as well. Gaining a considerable power boost with each additional ring worn.  
For each additional ring worn beyond the first, the effects the rings produce are doubled.
A single ring will grant a wearer:
Protection from mental effects such as mind control or magic that induces fear or other emotions.
Regeneration 10
Damage Reduction 30/-
Elemental Resistance 30
Spell Resistance 4
Magical Potency 5 times greater than normal.

"Holy shit..." I whisper under my breath.

The fairy floats over, eyes wide as she also takes in the raw power of these rings.

"It- wow..." I mutter suddenly. "we just created a weapon with Longinus potential... easily."

The fairy whirls around suddenly and presses her lips into my own.

I'm briefly caught off guard, but I lean into the kiss and wrap an arm around her lower back.

After a couple of moments we both pull back, breathing heavily.

"I'm even greater than I thought I was!" The girl beams as she looks back to the rings. "I made something surpassing the completed Excalibur from mere remnants! And after being EXTREMELY rusty!"

The fey crosses her arms and lets out a hum as she gives the rings a satisfied nod. "The defensive enchantment I put on them have even surpassed Avalon! Incredible!"

Well, I mean, on their own they offer about a third of Avalon's protection. Three will surpass it, however. Four will be more than double, and all five will be nearing five times the defensive capabilities of Avalon... plus there's the magical potency multiplication effect.

"So what do we call it?" The fairy asks suddenly.

"Well, it's from the Excalibur fragments, so perhaps it should have 'Excalibur' in its name."

"What about Excalibur Magus!" The fairy grins.

"Hmmm... no." I sigh as I slowly shake my head. "What about... Excalibur Morgan... like Morgan Le Fay?"

"ooooooh! Yeah! That's a good name!" The fey grins.

The rings disappear as I shunt them into my spatial storage.

"Well now." I slowly mutter with a small frown. "Who to give them to?"

"Le Fay, obviously!" The fairy grins.

"Hmmm yeah. She's the one who could use it the best." I nod.

'Wouldn't this technically bring her from one of the weakest in my peerage to the very top? Potentially even surpassing Artoria? It'll definitely take her some time to gain full control over the power... I also don't really want her using it quite yet. A larger base power equals a far greater boosted power, after all.'

"The real question is 'should we give it to her right now?'." I ask the fairy who shrinks down and takes a seat on my shoulder.

"Hm? Why wouldn't we?" The fey questions.

"Well. It multiplies magical strength anywhere from five to eighty times. So reasonably, if Le Fay is currently merely a 'one' in the power scale, it'll make her an eighty automatically. But she's still young. And it is far easier to gain strength when you are weaker, who knows if she'd become a three, a four, or even a ten. Something she would have a harder time doing if she relies soley on the rings."

"Hmmm." The fairy hums. "What if you only give her one now, and tell her to only use it in emergencies."

"That'll work." I shrug as I turn and slowly make my way out of the room. The fires in the forge are snuffed out as I open the door, the fairy dispels an enchantment that makes her resistant to heat with a small huff of exhaustion. "But in that case, I may forget to give the rest to her. I might as well give them all to her just in case."

It takes a brief moment to find the Arthur Descendent, but we eventually manage. She is in the library excitedly whispering to the person that was reincarnated alongside her.

"Le Fay!" I call out as I slowly approach calling the girl to flinch slightly at my voice.

She looks over with a beaming smile. "Oh! Hello Gaius!"

"Do you need something, Gaius?" Meredith asks slowly.

"Oh, nothing much, I just finished up an artifact with Vivi here and I wanted to give it to Le Fay."


"I finished forging those fragments of Excalibur into rings." I explain as the five rings are pulled from my storage, they float above my hand. "This is Excalibur Morgan... and these will be your weapon of choice for the foreseeable future."

"W-What." The Pendragon gasps. "I-it's so powerful!"

"A single ring grants you a fair amount of protection and regeneration... then multiplies your magic potency by five."

"FIVE?!" Meredith exclaims.

"It also renders you completely immune to mental influences. Primarily mind control, but it also extends to things like fear or like... some form of spell the induces vertigo." I quietly explain.

"However... the most interesting part of this set is that with each additional ring worn, the effects are doubled. Eventually topping out at around five times the strength of the defensive enhancements placed upon King Arthur's sheath, Avalon, and granting you an eighty times multiplier to your magic potency."

"E-EIGHTY?!" The blonde shrieks.

"Yep." I nod slowly. "I'd rather you not use these, as you can still get far stronger without them, but I'd rather you did have them just in case something happened."

I nod slowly. "So, basically, you are banned from using them unless some crazy stuff happens."

"I- wh... isn't it easier to just wear them now?"

"Ah, but that's the thing, your power is currently a one. If you wore them now you'd become an eighty, sure, but what happens when you train. You put in a ton of effort and manage to become an eighty one! Congratulations. You take the rings off and suddenly you are a one point zero one two five... let's say that you don't wear them, and you do not even a quarter of the same training as you are now and become a one point one instead... you put the rings on and suddenly you are a eighty eight."

"oooooohhhh." She whispers. "I see..."

"The stronger you are, the harder it is to improve." Meredith notes slowly.

"Exactly." I nod to Meredith. "And speaking of which. I need to get you two more powerful, you are sitting at around high medium class for strength as you are now, which is honestly fairly impressive considering we haven't really been training much, but that's going to change."

"Because you're apparently the fifth satan and they'd target us to get to you?" Le Fay questions.

She seemingly senses my surprise that she got it first try.

"What?" She asks with a half-lidded stare. "I'm the youngest Pendragon... that was practically my entire childhood. Getting taken hostage because people wanted Caliburn."

"That's sad." Meredith notes with a slight head tilt.

"Yep!" The witch girl grins.

"How are you so cheerful all the time." I question slowly.

"Because there's no sense in being sad over things that happened in the past! It's best to look at the future with a positive outlook!" The girl smiles as the rings float from my hand, and begin levitating above her's. "Ooooh these are so pretty! I'll make sure I'm worthy of these!"

I sigh and shake my head exasperatedly as I cross my arms. "Honestly, you are too cute."

"E-Eh?!" The girl flinches back with a slight blush.

"I'll work out a training regime for the weaker members of the peerage later, the angels are stopping by later with the rest of Excalibur... and I'd like to speak with the excommunicated exorcists... maybe see if they want to be there."

"I-" Le Fay begins before nodding. "Alright. We'll be there!"

"Did you miss the part where he called us weak?" Meredith deadpans.

"We are compared to Artoria!" The wizard hat wearing pendragon beams.


"You know, thought occurs, Vivi..." I mutter slowly as I make my way through the house.


"Avalon was said to protect someone from even the punches of gods. Like... a devil could wield it and be repeatedly punched in the face by the god of the sun using light infused punches..." I continue.

"Yes?" The girl slowly nods. "What about it."

"We just made something that is... nearly five times better than that."

"Mhm?" The fairy nods, not really seeing my point.

"We made something that could withstand something five times stronger than a god of light against a devil... meaning we just made an artifact with THEORETICALLY trumps every single god in existence." I try once more.

The fairy freezes in the air. "Oh... Oh boy."


"TAKE THAT GOD! I'M GREATER THAN YOU!" The fairy cheers.

I give the couple inch tall fluttering woman a half-lidded stare.


My knuckles rap on the oak door as I let out a low, slightly bored, hum.

It takes a moment, but it eventually opens Revealing Xenovia.

"Oh, hello Gaius." She smiles briefly, she has dark circles under her eyes. Instead of the skin tight suit she was given to wear by the church, she is wearing a white short sleeved t-shirt and panties.

"Are... you alright?" I murmur with a cautious gaze.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine." The girl nods.

"Are you sure?" I question with narrowed eyes. "You look extremely tired."

"I'm fine." She reiterates. "I just... have been staying up fairly late recently."

"Are the others doing fine?" I question as I cup my chin and look over her, briefly allowing my eyes to stray over her long toned legs.

"Better." The girl sighs as her shoulders slump. "They've been doing better than they were."

I nod slowly. "I am going to meet shortly with the heavenly faction... and I feel that you three have a right to be there."

"Huh?" The girl questions, her eyes widening. "I-I yes. We'll be there. When is it?"

"It's scheduled for an hour from now, but they might show up beforehand." I answer, my eyes trailing downwards again. "Maybe you should put on some pants."

She pauses, glancing down. "Er- right... I suppose I should. I will get ready and see about getting the others out of bed."


I let out a long yawn as I cross one leg over the other and wipe the moisture from one of my eyes.

Two figures enter the room.

However unlike the two seraphs I was expecting... only one showed up.

"Hello Satan Satan!" The stunning blond with a halo waves, twelve large white feathered wings on her back.

Her smile grows ever so slightly as my eyebrow twitches.

"Can't you like... make your wings disappear?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "I don't really see the need for you to go walking around with twelve of them out. The halo gives you away anyways."

My eyes slide to the nun beside her, there's a halo atop her head, but her hair is almost completely covered by a veil, but her bangs barely peek through.

Oh. It's her.

The nun's eyes slide around the room, eventually locking onto the blue haired ex-exorcist who has frozen up and seems to be sweating nervously.

Xenovia's adoptive mother.

They don't move, keeping a tense silence as they stare at each other silently.

The seraph sits in a chair across from me, and with a pulse of magic several wrapped objects appear on the table. "Here are the Excalibur fragments we have."

I nod slowly, the fairy hitching a ride in my shirt smiling brightly at the sealed objects.

It looks like they never even repaired the ones that got broken... lucky me.

I nod slowly and allow all of them to disappear into my storage space.

"We have also removed our claim over Galatine and Arondight. They are now yours and yours alone." The Seraph continues.

Another object is placed on the table, wrapped in sealing cloth. "and this is the final part of our bargain... the holy grail."

I nod slowly. "I'll give this to Valerie later."

I turn to the others in the room. "You two. Go on. There's bound to be things you want to say to each other. Stop it with the tense silences."

"Mother I-" the blue haired girl begins.

"Xenovia-" the older nun states at the exact same time.

The older woman's expression softens as she slowly approaches the blue haired girl. "Xenovia... look at you... you're a mess."

She brushes a strand of hair out of Xenovia's face. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry you had to take this mission by yourself. I should have been there with you."

"it's alright, mother... we lived. That's all that matters at the end of the day."  the girl's eyes stray upwards. "You... were an angel? The entire time?! A-and you didn't tell me?"

"No..." The woman sighs as she shakes her head.

"The Angels got something similar to devil reincarnation... except it turns people into angels..." I cut in.

"Yes... that." The woman nods slowly before turning back to the girl she towers over. "But it isn't important. Are you eating well? You clearly haven't had much sleep, are you remaining healthy? Have you been sick at all?"

"I'm fine mother." The girl murmurs while looking away from the woman.

The nun falls silent for a few moments, slowly casting a glance over the three girls. "I would like for you three to return to the church."

"We were excommunicated. That's not possible." Xenovia replies with a shake of her head.

"You were excommunicated from the church, yes, but-" the nun glances over her shoulder. "My lady, if I may be so bold?"

The Seraph smiles brightly and nods. "Of course! If they weren't reincarnated as devils I was planning on asking them anyways!"

"Would you three wish to join Gabriel's suit?" The nun asks

"Suit?" The three excommunicated girls echo.

"It is similar to a peerage. But you'll turn into an angel and can continue serving the lord." Griselda explains slowly. "I know this is a big decision, but this way-"

"The lord... is gone." Irina slowly whispers, looking up at the woman with a slightly empty expression. "I-"

She lets out a shuddering gasp as she looks back down at the floor. "I-I don't know what to do."

"Irina." I let out a long sigh, butting my way into the conversation once more. "It's alright to feel sad, and to feel lost, but don't let those feelings overwhelm you... he is gone, but that doesn't mean you have to be sad about it. Would god want you to mourn him at the cost of your own health? Would he want you to not be able to get up in the morning? To wallow in your depression even while there are people out there starving, thirsting, and dying? Wouldn't he wish for you to go out and help people... to preserve the life he loved? To save people? To give hope to others? To continue using his name to bring happiness and joy to people across the world?"

The room falls silent.

The seraph sat across from me stares blankly.

Griselda is frozen, Irina audibly sniffles, tears brimming her eyes.

"Y-You're right! I- *Hic* I-I I want to help people!" The brown-haired girl sobs.

Asia covers her mouth and nods repeatedly; Xenovia seems to be thinking over something deeply.

"Oooh." I mutter as I scratch the back of my head. "I seem to have let my clan trait get a little out of hand, there. Ah well."

"So, you want us... to become angels?" Xenovia asks slowly.

"Ah. Counter offer. Xenovia, Irina, I have two pawn pieces with your names on them. What do you say?" I smile with a lazy shrug as I slump slightly in my chair.

The older nun's head snaps to me, shaking off her shock. "E-Excuse you?!"

"Just giving options." I state with a slightly smug smirk.

"Why Irina and myself... but not Asia?" Xenovia questions slowly.

"You can't seriously be considering this, can you?!" The reincarnated angel asks her adoptive daughter.

"A person in my peerage will be forced to hold a lot of responsibility... most of all, they'll need to be capable in a fight. Asia... from what I've gathered... does not like fighting. So instead of tormenting her with constant training for something that she will loathe, it's better that she finds some other way to better the world... being an angel and healing people is certainly an option." I answer calmly. "But Xenovia, you and Irina managed to stand against Kokabiel wielding Excalibur Rapidly, even if he was probably- most definitely- absolutely- toying with you. That in and of itself is a tremendous feat and I feel as if you both could grow into incredibly powerful people."

Xenovia's yellow eyes stare into mine for a moment.

"I see." She mutters slowly.

She slowly looks between myself and her adoptive mother, she seems slightly hesitant at the overbearing expression of the nun.

"I... will uh-" she glances over to Irina.

"We need to think about it." The brown haired girl states.

The nun frowns at the two girls and lets out a quiet sigh. "Well... I can't force you, even if you say no."

"Xenovia... even if you decide to become a devil..." The nun crouches down and places a hand on the blue haired girl's shoulder. "I won't stop loving you."

The fairy in my shirt looks up at me and lets out a quiet noise. "Why don't you hold me like that more often?"

"Because you are currently like seven inches tall." I answer, matching her whispered tone.

Xenovia's eyes widen as she flinches, the sudden sincerity and acceptance catching her off guard, her eyes water for a moment as she stands up and hugs the older woman who pats her back.

"You've been acting like a pillar again... haven't you?" The reincarnated angel hums as she pats the girl's back, letting out a small huff. "Foolish girl... you need to take care of yourself as well."

The door on the other side of the room is flung open.

"Gaius!" The blonde drill-haired girl who threw said door open exclaims.

Her fervor wilts immediately as several pairs of eyes lock onto her. "O-Oh... I didn't know you were in a meeting... I-I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?" I question with a small cautious frown. Something has gotten her really worked up and that typically isn't good.

Could the old satan faction be attacking?

"M-my thing can wait until you are done here." The girl meekly answers as she looks at the floor.

Oh. Well, it's nothing life threatening, then. That's a certain weight off my shoulders.

"Hn. It's clearly important. What's on your mind, Ravel." I ask with a raised eyebrow. "You wouldn't be this bothered if it wasn't something big."

"W-Well...  you're always so busy and I was looking for ways to help you... I wanted to help you out in your endeavors as the fifth Satan as like... a manager... so I was looking through the numerous devil laws and taking note of the ones that solely effect Satans and w-well..." The girl begins, trying to ignore the stares of Gabriel and Griselda. "It's Illegal for a satan to have a harem so you might face challenges in the future a-and I don't really know what to do and-"

"Wait what?" Gabriel blinks.

"E-Excuse me?" I mutter at the exact same time, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Devil law regarding the continuation of our race, section twenty-eight. It's a little obscure, and in the law book it's not where the majority of the other laws the Satans follow are held, it was added one hundred and twenty nine years ago and has remained unopposed since."


I slowly look over to Gabriel. "Did the old satans have harems?"

"Yes. Obviously." The seraph nods. "I'm honestly surprised that the current satans apparently don't."

"Sirzechs is the odd one out. Ajuka just doesn't seem to care about romance, Falbium is too lazy, and well, Serafall is female... that's pretty much the only reason it has been opposed for all of those years." I frown as I cup my chin. "But there's still no real reason for it to exist-"

I pause as my mythic power slots things into place.

"I see... the great king faction slipped it in the lawbook without the notice of the four satans- or if they did eventually notice they just didn't deem it large enough of an issue for them to cause problems over it... and they seem to have eventually forgotten about it entirely." I note with a small head tilt. "it was made purely to stop the satans from having children. As their children have the potential to become threats to the rule of the great king faction... ugh... what cowards. That'll probably cause some friction in the future. What a mess." I groan as I rub a hand across my face.


"Letting them place me in this scenario would allow me to immediately go for the nuclear option, however..." I murmur as I tilt my head.

"Nuclear... option?" The seraph whispers with a slow blink.

"Oh yeah, if I ever get in a position where they are all 'you broke the law and now you must give compensation otherwise you'll face serious jail time!' I'd be all. 'hm? Give me a single reason why I should let you live'. And I think that'd just be pretty cool and badass."

"I can see how you and Serafall get along so well." The seraph beams.

"Oh. Throwing insults hidden behind bright smiles, are we?" I scoff with a small eyeroll, watching as the blonde woman flinches ever so slightly.

"It was vaguely amusing when you were doing it to Serafall, but if you're about to do it to me, I'm going to stop you right there."

"…" the angels eyes dart around the room seemingly spooked that I discovered her 'dark secret'.

"Noooow. I have a formal resignation to sign in order to force the other satans to do something about this mess." I state as I slowly stand, swiping the holy grail off the table.

With a snap of my fingers a fruit basket appears. "You can take that with you, I suppose."

"Mnnn!" The fairy in my shirt pouts "I want fruit too!"

"You'll get some." I boredly comment.

I turn and walk towards Ravel as I wave a hand over my shoulder. "I hope for the continued cooperation between our races."

I idly spin THE Holy Grail on a single finger like a basket ball before snatching it out of the air as I walk past Ravel. "Come on Ravel, we've got a political shitstorm to take care of."

"S-Sorry for ruining your mood." The girl meekly replies.

"Eh, better ruin it now than for my mood to change to 'absolutely livid' in the future~!" I hum with a shrug as I shunt the holy grail into my dimensional storage.

I pat the girl's head. "Besides, Ravel. You know I could never be mad at you. Let's give them hell!"

"A-Alright!" The girl nods a smile worms its way onto her face.


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