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I let out a long yawn as I slowly stumble through the house.

That meeting with Serafall took longer than I wanted, but finally, now I can just go to bed. It has been a long day.

We hashed out the contracts, I'm going to be married to her fairly soon, and I am now the fifth satan... just not officially recognized quite yet.

If she keeps progressing things like this, she might even become my first wife despite being my fourth fiancée.

My arms stretch above my head as I-

I spy Xenovia silently sitting on the couch in the middle of the room where we had our earlier meeting.


Well, this is a thing now.

I approach the girl; her head slowly turns as she hears me quietly walk forwards on the wooden floor.

"Xenovia." I greet as I take a seat on a nearby sofa.

"Gaius." She returns the greeting with a slow nod.

I sit quietly for a moment, expecting her to open up, but it appears that I am going to have to be the one to speak first. "So... Xenovia, how are you handling things?"

"Fine." She states with a flat expression that lacks any real emotion besides indifference.

My stare hardens slightly as I frown.

Her shoulders slump as she lets out a long sigh. "It... has been tough, Gaius... everything I know has been brought into question... I- I don't know what to think... how much of what the church told me were lies?"

"I don't know, Xenovia. No one but the church could really know." I reply. "Have you been thinking about what you'd like to do in the future?"

"I... have, actually. I still want to help people, but one day I'd like to raise a family."

"Oh, that's a nice dream." I hum.

"But... I want to raise a family that's strong." She continues with a slow nod. "A family that couldn't be taken advantage of as a weakness to myself... if I'm going to keep exorcising demons, I want to be the weak link in my family. So my foes target me and me alone."

"This is starting to sound like a bit of a problem-" I begin, only to get cut off.

"That's why I ask you... let me have a baby with you." She declares.

"There it is." I snort quietly, but judging her expression she hears me as I give her an answer. "Hn. Maybe... also that wasn't really a question, more of a demand to be honest."

She flinches back. "Wh- you are seriously fine with it?!"

"I mean, not right now, of course." I scoff as I cross my arms in front of my chest. "I don't know anything about you aside from your name and a little bit of your history... but, you are attractive enough to at the very least get me interested in you. Give it a while for us to get to know each other, then maybe, maybe, I'll do it. But that's like... years... in the future."

"I see." The girl slowly mutters. "Yes... I can see how me asking for you to impregnate me might have sounded a little weird."

She has no idea.

"You know, if I had a nickel for every time a girl asked me to impregnate them today... I'd have two nickels... which isn't a lot, but it's strange that it happened twice in one day."

"Two?" The girl whispers.

I slowly get to my feet. "Anyways, I should probably get to bed, and you should as well... Asia and Irina probably need a pillar to lean on right now."

"Yeah." She sighs. "Irina hasn't moved in a couple of hours... she hasn't been sleeping either, just staring at the wall."

"Is she isn't eating anything, please let me know, I'll get her some food."

"Thank you, Gaius." The girl nods as she also stands. "I'll let you know."

I turn and walk away as she slowly follows along, eventually she splits off as we walk past her door.

I continue walking to my room as I let out a long yawn.

Ugh. Today was exhausting. The first meeting with the exorcists, sitting Kiba straight, killing Kokabiel, then Serafall showed up and we hashed out the finer details of our marriage contract...

Wow. I am getting married to Serafall.

That's only now setting in.

Suck it devil world. I'm living out literally every male devil's dream.

The 'Miracle Levia-tan' fandom is going to riot when they find out.

I love causing a little bit of chaos.

I make it to the master bedroom and twist the door handle, the door swings open slowly as I step inside and close in behind me.

"Alright, sorry that took so long, Serafall came to speak with me about a few things."

I turn around slowly and pause.

Ravel is sitting on the bed; her face is tinted red as she shakily looks around the room. "H-H-Hey, Gaius..."

My eyes trail slightly to the left to see Vivianne in her much larger form, her two large butterfly-like wings dispersed.

They are both wearing lingerie that barely covers anything, in fact, it looks as if the lacy black- in Vivi's case, and white, in Ravels- clothing were designed specifically to NOT cover anything, it leaves their rosy little nipples exposed and a gap in the panties large enough to show off their slits.

They both also wear stockings, each in colors that match their underwear.

You know... its staggering how you feel more naked when you have some clothing on. Like, we casually bathe together, yet that feels less personal than right now.

"Wow..." I breathe, causing Ravel's blush to intensify and an arrogant smile to appear on the Fey's face.

"Speechless, hm?" The fey asks. "Well, I can certainly understand, to have an otherworldly beauty like myself in your bed, patiently awaiting you to come forth and sow your seeds deep within myself to possibly produce an incredible sword smith of devil and fey heritage!"

"Three. Three nickels." I mutter under my breath. "What's with every woman's obsession with getting impregnated by me? It's getting a little weird now... I've had three people ask for me to do that in the past hour."

"Three?" Vivianne questions as Ravel blushes profusely.

(Lemon alert... my first Lemon... ever... I hate you all. Look at what you have done to me.)

I slowly walk towards the bed as I take off my dress shirt, revealing my toned muscles and six pack beneath. "As for you, Vivianne, we should really focus on making a sword... just the two of us... before we consider making a child... also, I'm not ready for a child. Those are a lot of work, and my current schedule is really chaotic."

The fey pouts as my eyes trail to Ravel. "So... Ravel... are you sure you want to do this?"

"I-I'm sure." She nods slowly. "You have been really respectable a-about my boundaries, and, w-well, I appreciate it a lot... I'm just a little n-nervous."

She squirms slightly in place as she looks down. "B-But... I can't help but wonder... w-what it feels like."

"Is that so?" I mutter as I take a seat on the foot of the bed, in between the two girls.

Their eyes lock onto the bulge in my pants as I lazily swing an arm around each of their shoulders and pull them close. "Well now... tonight's the night, then... the night Ravel becomes a woman, and I become a man."

"Mnnn." Vivianne pouts.

"Oh, you'll be there too, but..."

I turn towards Ravel and wrap both arms around her and lift her into my lap, she lets out a cute little squeak as she faces me. "Ravel's first."

She lets out a small nervous titter as I lean forwards, her eyes widen as she also leans forwards, closing her eyes as her lips meets my own in a deep kiss, she squirms as she feels my erection prod her mostly exposed slit through the cloth of my pants.

My arms which have been keeping her within an embrace finally achieve what I was trying to do and unhook her bra, it falls loosely off her chest and lands in between us.

'annnnd let's see what she really thinks about this.'

Bishop 2: Ravel:
O-Oh boy, she's really going through with it! She's so nervous! What if she's bad! What if he finishes with her and moves onto Vivi only to realize how bad she is at this?! What if he cums inside and the one in ten thousand miracle happens and she gets pregnant? I-its her responsibility to bear his child, but... is she ready for it? Will losing her virginity hurt? How good will this feel?

We eventually pull back from each other, Ravel lets out a panting gasp as I lazily grab the strap of the bra in my lap and toss it aside.

"Ravel." I sigh with a small exasperated head shake. "You're a nervous wreck... don't worry. you're going to be fine. I... am a little nervous myself."

"Really?" She whispers.

"Yeah." I slowly nod. "I am. I want it to be great for both of us."

I reach over to her hips and undo the ribbons that keep the lingerie connected and toss it aside.

"I guess I'll be over here satisfying myself until you're done." The fairy scoffs as she shrinks down to her small size once more and floats over to the headboard, her hand drifting down in between her legs

My pants disappear into my dimensional storage, causing my member to flick upwards, the tip rubs against the Phenex's slit as I smirk at the girl.

It eventually rests against her stomach as she looks down and bites her lip, shifting her body slightly.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"I-I... yeah..."

"Then go ahead." I shrug.

"A-Alright..." The girl whispers as she shifts forwards slightly, raising up as she does so, gently taking my throbbing erection and angling it towards her entrance.

She audibly gulps and lets out a shaky breath as she briefly hesitates, feeling the tip poke her.

I place my hands on her hips as she takes a deep calming breath and slowly lowers, the tip spreads the two lips as I am guided deeper and deeper inside, she pauses about two inches in, lets out a shuddering breath, then inserts the rest in one move.

She gasps, pressing her face into my chest as she twitches slightly, fire briefly flares up between us as she shivers.

The fire dies immediately, her grip around my shoulders tightens, as do the walls of her pussy around my member. The wet sensation is... strange.

"Hnnng." She grunts as she shakes for a few seconds before relaxing.

She pulls back slightly, a pout on her face as tear drops prickle at the corner of her eyes. "I d-don't get why people like this if it hurts that bad."

"Eh, they say the first time is always rough." I shrug before I give her a pleased smirk. "You'll probably feel better as we go along. Tell me when you're ready to move on."

"O-Okay..." She whispers as she tilts her head back slightly to look me eye-to eye.

We sit there for a minute, quietly basking in each other's presence.

"I-I'm ready." The girl whispers.

"Oh, good."

I slowly lift her, slowly pulling out before thrusting back inside, causing the girl to let out a gasp as I do it again and again.

"Hn-hnnn-ahnnn" She moans as I kiss her neck. "Y-You're being so rough."

I slow my pace slightly. "You're being kind of dramatic, yeah?"

"Y-Hah- Hnn- mhhn"

I stop for a brief second, allowing her to get words out.

"I'm bleeding for the first time in my entire life." She pouts, her entire face is red.

"Eh, true." I relent before I return to bouncing the girl on my lap.

With each thrust the tip of my member meets the entrance of her womb, her insides snugly tightening around my length, even with my incredible fire immunity, I feel her comforting warmth, with each and every thrust, her insides are molded, changed, she will never forget this feeling, nor will her wet pussy forget the shape of my manhood.

My thrusting speeds up as her muffled moans become a little more audible. We continue like this for a while, Ravel's blush growing as she seemingly starts feeling better and better.

"G-Gaius." She whispers "I-I'm- c-"

She presses her face into my shoulder as her arms tighten around me, her legs wrap around me and pull my member deep inside as her entire body shakes, she lets out a pitiful groan as I feel the walls of her womanhood tighten around my member.

'Well, this is a good a time as any.'

I grab the petite devil's waist and begin bouncing her swiftly on my lap, her eyes widen as she lets out a strained gasp.

"W-Wait! G-Gaius I-I just c-came- slo-o-ow down-n-n I-"

I slam her down one final time as her eyes widen, it seems she can feel my manhood twitching deep inside her as I cast a spell on myself. "W-Wait are you going to-"

Pleasure and euphoria absolutely flood my body as the spell completes, my eyes glaze over slightly as I reach up, gripping her tightly and pressing her against my body.

She shudders as I promptly blow my load, she lets out a shuddering moan as she throws her head back, my seed enters her womb, dying its walls white.

She sits there, limply for a couple of seconds, breathing heavily, the only thing holding her upright is my arms wrapped around her lower back.

She slowly leans forwards, her face an almost cherry red she lets out a meek whisper. "D-Did you just cum in me?"

"Yeah." I shrug.

"B-But what if I get pregnant?!" She whispers.

"Eh, one in ten thousand or so. If you do, oh well. Not much we could have done about that... there's no devil birth control."

"Y-You could have n-not cum inside?"

"It's our first time." I snort before placing a gentle kiss on the devil's neck. "I wanted to go all the way."

"A-Alright." She whispers, with a small ghost of a smile as she looks away. "A-As long as you are happy, Gaius, I don't mind it."

I brush a stray strand of hair out of the girl's face, a thin sheen of sweat covers her forehead. "So... what were your thoughts on this?"

"It was-" she pauses to think of a word to describe her experience. "I- at first... it hurt a little but then it started feeling pretty good... I wouldn't mind..."

She looks away and continues in a very tiny voice. "Doing this again?"

"Uuuuuugh. Hurry up! I want MY turn already!" The small fairy to the left snaps.

I wordlessly reach over and grab her with one hand.

"H-Hey!" She squirms in my grasp.

"Well, Ravel, she was pretty patient and didn't give us any color commentary, the least I can do is cum in her too." I state with a small grin.

The phenex in my lap shrugs as I reach up and give one of her breasts a gentle squeeze.

I give the fairy who is still roughly grasped in a single hand a half-lidded stare. "And if you have any bullshit fairy magic to increase your fertility... just... don't."

I slowly pick ravel up, watching a strand of white goo travel from her insides to my tip.

The fairy in my grasp enlarges, a flirtatious grin on her face as she takes Ravel's place in my lap. "Allow me to show you pleasure like you have never felt before, Hubby!"

(A/n: End of Lemon.)


I let out a long groan as one of my eyes crack open.

I rub my eyes with on hand as I slowly sit up.

I look to my left, a light blue haired girl lays there, a satisfied slightly dopey smile on her face, to my right, a blonde girl with her hair down, she cracks open an eye as she feels me moving.

"Hn?" She quietly hums. "What is it?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to start the day." I whisper, trying not to wake the fairy on my other side, I glance downward to see a white line trailing from between their legs, it goes along their thigh and onto the bed sheet.

'ugh. I'm going to need to get these cleaned.'

Her grip tightens around my arm as it smushes in between her breasts, she shoots up a slightly childish pout up at me. "C-Can't we stay like this for a little longer?"

"Fine." I relent as I lay back down, allowing the Phenex girl to nuzzle up against me once more.

We lay there for about five minutes before I hear the door click open.

I crack open an eye to see a black haired magical girl peering through the slightly open door.

I let out a long sigh. "And that's Serafall, sorry Ravel. I've gotta go."

The blonde pouts, letting out a small noise of displeasure, but relents and lets me go.

I shimmy out of bed and stand up, not even bothering to cover myself for a moment as I crack my neck with an audible pop.

Clothes appear on me in the next moment after I acknowledge Serafall's lusty gaze. Seeing me naked has probably been on her bucket list since Sona's party a couple months ago.

I quietly yawn and step outside. "Need something, Sera-tan?"

I look past her to see the green haired Satan as well. "Oh. Hey Ajuka. Is this about Remnant?"

"It is, actually." The man slowly states.

"Ah alright, in that case, I should probably state that I'm going to start focusing on the uh 'Remnant project', I'll probably be gone during the day so if you need something from me in the future, try and get it to me either early in the morning or late in the evening."

"Ah, I see." The technological satan mutters. "In preparation for the eventual grand reveal... I suppose that is a good idea, the main reason we have come here, is to tell you that the three factions will be meeting for peace talks within two weeks... here in Kuoh... If things start to fall through; the four satans were planning on having Remnant be the final nail in the coffin to silence those who oppose peace. Is this acceptable?"

"Oh? We are revealing it so soon? Ah fuck that means a lot of work for me... I'll see about working on a website that briefly explains Remnant. Maybe get some footage of Grimm, the planet, and all that."

"I am actually free for the next couple of days. There are certainly a number of things I want to experiment with; however, I believe that I could help out a little bit."

"I also need to start carving out a spot for devilkind- or rather Supernatural in general as it seems we will be adding the Grigori and the Angels to this."

"Just be sure to be here this Saturday, as the four Satans will be meeting to scout out the area and lay some barriers, then next Saturday for the meeting itself."

"Gotcha." I nod slowly. "I'll be here."

The top portion of a grandfather clock comes out of a portal beside me as I look to the time.

"Ten? Hn." I look to the two Satans before me. "I really hate to do this, but I need to escort the exorcists to the airport and-"

There's a flash of teleportation as a white haired woman appears behind me. "Master. I have returned."

In her hands is a small chest with several containing magic seals on it.

"…" I look to the chest, then back to the white dragon turned humanoid.

I take the chest and nod slowly. "Thank you."

The woman disappears into motes of light, causing the green haired satan's eyes to widen ever so slightly.

"She was a summon?"

"Yeah. A dragon too." I answer calmly as I shove the chest into my dimensional storage.  "I had her retrieve every single piece of the original Excalibur that the church left on the battlefield it was broken on. I'm not expecting a lot, but if I can't make some sort of knife, I'll probably make a ring of some sort."

"Hn, so I have a lot on my plate for today." I note as I clap my hands together. "So, Serafall, Ajuka, I'm afraid I must take my leave now, I'll send you a text when I am about to leave for the project, in which case, if you want you may join me."

"Oh, I don't think I will be able to help with that." Serafall states slowly. "Things are chaotic between the three factions currently, so I am needed here."

"Ah." I nod slowly.

"I am available." The green haired Satan nods. "Just send me a message and I will show up."

"I see. I'll do just that."


I sit in the middle of the airport, one leg crossed over the other, boredly scrolling through my phone with sunglasses on, quietly chewing gum as I read up on the wonders of Lapidary... or rather, gem cutting.

The fragments of Excalibur- not to be confused with THE fragments of Exaclibur, as in the seven swords... perhaps another name would be better... Shards perhaps? Hn. The shards of Excalibur I retrieved was... less than I wanted... it was honestly a delusion that I'd be able to get enough for even a dagger, but as it is there's realistically only enough for like... maybe a folding pocket knife... one of those really small Swiss army knife types, but like, for only a single blade.

This leaves me with two options, I can create an alloy out of the pieces, introducing new metal, sort of like I did for Caledfwlch... but unlike Caledfwlch, I would need to make a new hilt as well, plus the blade itself would have far more new metal than old.

Option two is to turn the fragments into rings, probably what I am going to do, to be completely honest.

Xenovia, Asia, and Irina are all sat right behind me, all on their very own bench that is facing away from mine.

Normally, spying a bunch of cloaked figures sitting in an airport carrying LARGE wrapped items might cause for alarm, but I made sure to saturate the air with an illusion.

The girls behind me are quietly talking, it seems that they have finally come to terms with being kicked out of the church and are looking to move on... which just means the person that comes here to reclaim Excalibur is going to be all 'you need to come with us'.

"Hellooooo~" a voice behind me waves. "Xenovia, Irina, it's been a while."


I glance over my shoulder to see a white haired woman, streaks of black throughout her hair that is tied up in a messy bun in the back of her head.

"M-Miss Lint." The blue haired girl stutters.

"Ugh. God. A Sigurd." I note blandly before looking back over at my phone.

The girl notices my presence, her sad smile becoming slightly more strained. "Oh. A devil. How... nice? Also it's Sellzen. Not Sigurd."

"Right right." I snort with a small eye roll. "Anyways, I'm only here to make sure the church doesn't pull a 'We are arresting you so you can't reveal any DARK secrets to the world. Despite the fact that we have already excommunicated you and washed our hands of you'. By all means, just ignore my presence."

I go back to scrolling through my phone.

Lint lets out a long sigh. "I... wish it didn't have to come to this point, Irina, Xenovia, Asia... the older generation at the church are... blind... there was no way for you to ever defeat Kokabiel on your own... not when he had the power of the Excalibur fragments and a majority of the more dangerous ones at that... yet the higherups sent you anyways... there was no other option for you all, and I don't see you any less of an exorcist for asking devils for help... this was a problem much larger than the church, it had the potential to turn into a second great war, but... the archbishops just don't seem to understand that and I deeply apologize for not being able to help you on this mission..."

"That being said... Michael has asked for the three of you to return... he will understand if you refuse, but he is giving you an option to continue being exorcists while working directly under him." Her eyes stray to Asia. "Except for you. He knows you do not like to fight and should have never been sent here. The person who suggested it has been punished accordingly, you will return to your normal life as if nothing had happened should you decide to come back."

"No." Xenovia states with a small shake of her head. "I won't be going back. I've done a lot of thinking... and I've decided that I am going to live for my sake. In a way where I won't ever be treated as disposable again."

The exorcist's kind small falters. "I see... that's to be expected, I guess... what about you, Irina? Asia?"

"I-I... have no friends back at the church... being with Irina and Xenovia has made me realize how... sheltered I was. I-I don't want to go back to having no friends."

"I need to make up for my father's mistakes." Irina whispers.

"Alright... I can't force you to go... also that devil behind you would probably beat the crap at me for even trying."

"Hn?" I hum as I look over my shoulder. "Oh? Yeah. Yeah, I probably would."

Xenovia hands over the wrapped form of Excalibur Destruction, followed shortly by the shattered Rapidly and transparency, then the wrapped form of Excalibur Nightmare. Irina slowly stands and hands over the armband around her bicep, it transforming into a long dual edged blade as it leaves her hand.

"I hope the three of you find true happiness." The white-slash-black-haired girl smiles sadly.

Xenovia slowly nods. "I plan to get impregnated."

"…" Asia blushes profusely.

"…" Irina gives her friend an absolutely confused look.

"…" Lint has a blank expression.

"I am going to leave and pretend you didn't say that." The exorcist smiles brightly.


I rub my hands together and crack my neck.

I've decided to postpone the excali-rings for the time being and focus a little more on Remnant.

Ajuka is off at the library, he's apparently looking through whatever history he can find and is going to compile it into something to look at.

It'll probably be excessively detailed and a little boring, but I could probably make a 'cliff notes' version.

I let out a long sigh as I rub my temples.

'SUMMON ME ALREADY, DAMN IT!' I mentally scream as I stare into a crystal ball, a pink, brown, and white haired girl has been cautiously staring at the flier in her hands for the past five minutes-'

Her eyes widen as she drops the paper, the magic circle upon the flier now glowing a bright purple.

She staggers away. 'fucking finally. Thank god. At least she has been nice to look at for that five minutes.'

A purple magic circle is etched onto her carpeted floors, a ring of black fire appears next, followed shortly by a massive plume of dark crackling heat that goes upwards.

The girl shatters into a thousand pieces as in the next moment... I am elsewhere.

The fire is snuffed out, the magic circle disappearing, I am wearing a simple dark suit, my hair is slightly messy, I peer around the room slowly with a half-lidded gaze.

"So..." I slowly drawl as my eyes lock onto the far corner of the room. "Why have you summoned me?"

A long thin blade stops inches from my eye as a barrier springs to life, it crackles slightly as it repels the attack.

A girl wearing a broad tailed jacket with a pink collar, a single pink button and large pink cuffs stands before me, she wears brown pants with two belts, and white high heeled boots.

I am well aware that she is in nothing but a bra and panties right now, her current clothing being nothing more than an illusion, but she doesn't need to know that I know that.

She leaps back, eyes wide as I shoot her a half lidded glare. "My name is Gaius Decarabia... and I am a devil... the contract you used summoned me upon feeling your intense desire... you may ask me to do anything you want... for a cost. Please don't attack me again, your attack will do literally nothing to me and it'll just make you feel inadequate"

She hasn't attacked me again, so that's good.

She frowns at me, narrowing her eyes as she cautiously walks over to her bed.

She grabs a thin piece of metal from inside her pillow, it's about the size of a usb flash drive, but a little thinner, she seems to press a yellow large diamond shaped button on the center of the device, causing it to split down the middle, extending a large pane of a see-through material, a lock screen shows up on the device, causing her to quickly type in a password without her eyes ever leaving me.

She types out a message rapidly and flips the phone around.

"What cost?"

"It typically depends on the task at hand. If you want me to make a sandwich, I can do that, but I'd have to charge you a little bit for wasting my time, or you could ask for something ridiculous like for me to blow up the moon, which would take a while, and would honestly require you to pay me so much it'll probably not be worth it."

Her eyes widen, a small smile working its way onto her face.

"I want you to kill someone for me." She types out.

"Ah. That's actually a bit of a problem. Despite being devils, inherently evil creatures of sin, we do actually have a few rules. Requests for murder are currently outlawed... however. Who says that we can't bend the rules? It's personally one of my favorite things to skirt around the law, technically not breaking any rules, to get what I want... If something is a threat to our contractor, we can intervene as we see fit. Plus, I can just simply choose to not murder whoever you apparently have a vendetta against and do something equally as debilitating, such as making them insane, permanently turning them into like... a small animal... maybe granting them a curse that makes it impossible to turn left?"

Her eyes gleam with poorly hidden maliciousness.

"Oh..." I whisper. "So, you do have a vendetta. Fun."

"Could I have some background information, perhaps? Explaining why you want this person killed?"

She holds up three fingers. "Oh? Three. Hm... that'll cost you quite a bit."

At an average rate of several million in Lien, taking into account the fact that Remnant currency legitimately means something to devils as of right now, bla bla bla. The correct price is slavery.

"Alright, I vaguely know what I want from you if I do get rid of these three for you... and I will tell you, the price is... quite expensive."

She narrows her eyes.

I snap my fingers, creating a table with several sandwiches with golden brown bread arranged fancily, each cut in half with the crust removed.

She flinches back as I take a seat. "Now, why don't you tell me about these people that you can't kill by yourself?"


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