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Black Grass salad is amazing... much like I thought.

And just like that I've ruined my taste for regular salads... damn.

Ah well. You win some, you lose some. It's not like I won't be eating the food I paid to insert into this universe.

Now if only the Supear tree and the rainbow fruit tree would grow faster. I gifted my last Supear to the Gremories to forge bonds... and depending on when they taste it, I should have Venelana- or a Koneko whom has gone feral- breaking down my door to get more in anywhere from ten minutes to a few days.

I sort of wish I saved the fruit for myself, though.

I take a sip of a golden fizzy drink, letting out a long breath of relief as my shoulder slump.

The tantalizing mix of what tastes like pear, persimmon and chestnut fill my mouth.

I'm glad I juiced the third one I had.

That'll make it last a lot longer than simply eating it whole

I let out a low hum as I look to the side, scratching my chin.

Should I try out my new ability?

I had a spare mythic feat hanging around and decided to gain a new mythic power. I've been putting it off because I was afraid it wouldn't work like I wanted it to.

My body glows briefly as power courses through my veins.

'Who was the one who sent the first assassins after me?'

The world seems to fade away as I feel like I am roughly dragged away.



My body is moving on its own... these are... memories?

A blonde girl stands across from me with a smile.

"Greetings, Heir of Decarabia." She smiles, her blue eyes holding some form of mischief.

"Mnnn!" My old self- the person who was Gaius before I took over- pouts. "Rosaline! I thought I told you to call me Gaius!"

"You did, but you are sort of cute when you get worked up like this." The Girl hums.

She appears to be older than my body... about a year or two... and if I had to make a rough guess of my age back whenever this memory was, I'd say I was twelve or so.

Hn. I- or Gaius- seemed fairly happy back then.

Strangely enough, so does Rosaline.

I am walked through a casual day in the life of Gaius Decarabia five hundred years ago. It's a little weird seeing the distinct lack of technology, we used magic candles for light, the food was considerably worse, and honestly there was absolutely nothing to do.

The real question I should be asking myself if... 'why the FUCK is this being shown when I asked for who ordered my assassination?!' She looks far too happy for- oh... it was lord Phenex, eh? It looks like I was right! HAHA!

A young man walks into view, my sense of smell seemingly gets cranked up to eleven, a poignant inky smell makes itself known, there's a red stain on the young man's hand, barely visible as a majority of it had been wiped away.

An extremely rare ink back in the day... it's more common now, yet back then it was a sign of status.

In the corner of my eye, with clarity that is as if I was looking right at him, I see a look of disdain aimed directly at me.

Well now. That's certainly annoying.

I am suddenly taken elsewhere, deep in a forest, my body is running away from six assassins, he is hyperventilating slightly, which is understandable because he just watched his family and servants get slaughtered by an ultimate class assassin. He only escaped due to his father's clan trait creating a wall of blades in the door he was peeking through.

That scent again, in the corner of my eye I can see a tannish piece of paper barely hanging in an assassin's pocket, the same scent of rare ink reaches my nose... wait... I have seen this man before. He was a butler at the Phenex family mansion... Lord Phenex's personal butler.

I see. So, it was lord Phenex who paid to have me killed... more than likely because he is a creep who wanted his own little sister for himself.

With a flash, I'm suddenly back within the dining room.


What the fuck am I supposed to do with this information.

I've got no proof.

liquid drips down my lips.

I blink slowly and bring a hand to my mouth and touch the wet part.

I pull my hand back to reveal that its red.

Ah. Shit. Nosebleed.

I watch the blood on my fingers ignite and swiftly burn away, leaving my hand pristine without any stains, I briefly smell ash, so I assume my nose bleed has fixed itself as well.

That's an annoying downside... along with the fact that there's a nineteen percent chance that it just doesn't work and I can't ask the same question twice.

Flash of Omniscience:
Your ability to recall information is astounding. When you take 10 on any Intelligence-based skill check, add your tier to the result. As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to ask one question as if using divination. The base chance for a correct answer is 70% + your highest arcane caster level + your tier (maximum 100%). The answer doesn't come from a divine agent, but from your own native understanding; therefore, the answer is never cryptic. If you don't get a correct answer, it's like failing a Knowledge check, and you can't use this ability on this question again.

Mythic powers are so fucking busted... I have the potential to know EVERYTHING... eighty one percent of the time...

Pretty nifty.

But sadly, as it is now, I probably won't be making much use of it... I'm afraid of the nineteen percent chance of failure.

Oh? Does this guy have a CRIPPLING illness that totally has a cure? Let's see if I know! Welp! I don't! Sorry!

Do I need to locate this certain item out in the world? Sorry, I got the one in five chance that I DON'T KNOW SHIT!

Is that guy going to betray me? Who the fuck knows! I sure as hell don't-

My mental alarm makes itself known.

"Virgo." I state, causing the girl at the edge of the room to perk up.

"Is it punishment time, master?" She asks.

"No." I deadpan earning a pout from the girl as her shoulders slump.

"M-Master... may I speak freely?" The girl asks.

"You may." I nod.

"I joined you because you summoned me, but... you also said you'd punish me... yet you haven't yet."

Hm. That's a valid point." I slowly nod. "Alright, later I'll punish you if that's what you want... but not right now because we are about to have a visitor."

"You'll punish me?!" She gasps with wide sparkly eyes; she drools slightly before wiping her mouth.

*Ahem* she awkwardly coughs. "Ah, yes, I'll go greet your company."

She turns and walks away.

So... how the hell am I going to punish her? I can't hop into sex right away, purely because Lord Phenex put a virginity clause into my marriage contract with Ravel.

I accepted it because... I won't take damaged goods.

I'll just strip her and angle a burning candle over her tied up body or something. No biggy.

I take a sip of the fizzy golden liquid.

Man... it'll suck when that's gone.

It's like a soda, but all natural.

I sure hope my Drinkorn tree grows quickly... or like... any of my trees down in the biotope... white apple pie would be pretty good right now... or maybe a cider.

Virgo eventually comes back with a brown haired woman.

"Ah, Lady Gremory, I can't say I didn't expect this." I slowly state with a small smile as Virgo stands at the edge of the room with her hands folded in front of her lap. "What brings you to my humble abode?"

"I feel that you know the reason." The woman states.

"Was the supear really that delicious that you couldn't wait even a day before coming here to ask if I had more?" I ask with a knowing smile.

"I have had a... reasonable life... I have seen many things, I have experienced just as many, I have eaten a lot of food over the course of my life... however, that... pear... that you gave us was by far the tastiest thing I have ever eaten in my entire life. I have been to countless royal banquets, tea parties, and weddings, yet nothing compares."

Ah, a nice way of calling herself old... classy.

"My thoughts exactly. Probably one of my best successful experiments." I slowly nod. "However, I regret to inform you, that I gave you the last one I had... it was artificially created, but the method was frankly... insanely expensive for a mere three fruit. However, I did collect the seeds and planted a tree, yet it isn't exactly growing swiftly. Any more Supears are perhaps several years out in terms of when the next batch will be ripe."

"Oh..." She whispers as she looks down slowly. "I see."

"I do still have roughly a keg of the juice left... but... I'm not sure I want to part with it." I continue.

"I understand." The woman nods... only to swiftly realize something. "Wait... you said that this was one of your successful experiments."

"Correct." I slowly nod.


"May... I see the others?"

"Hn... it's a secret lab for a reason, but I also really want someone to see what I have accomplished." I mutter.

I pull a coin out of my pocket. "Tell you what, I'll flip this coin, if it lands on heads, I'll take you down to my little playground, if it's tails, perhaps next time. Sound fair?"

"It is your home, after all." The woman nods. "You are being more than fair."

I flip the coin into the air, it sails end over end.

Our eyes follow it as it arcs through the air, it clatters to the table and bounces once, standing up onto its side.


"Huh." I blink slowly.

What are the chances of that?

The devil across from me coughs into her fist, then the coin falls over, heads pointing upwards. We both know that she forced the coin to fall that way with a small flex of demonic power. It was practically stationary on its side.

"Fair." I shrug. "I didn't account for the edge of the coin because I had thought it was impossible."

I get up and walk around the table, snagging up the coin as I walk past.

"Keep in mind that a majority of the things you are about to see are mostly untasted and extremely early in their growth cycle."

She follows me back to the foyer where a large teleportation circle rests.

I turn around and face her. "This is what will take us to my lab."

She enters the circle.

It glows purple and in the next moment we are elsewhere.


A magical girl lets out a long sigh as her shoulders slump.

"Serafall..." The man across from her states. "If you aren't feeling up to it, we could always figure out where the potions go later."

"No... I'm not Ill, it's just... I made Gai-tan angry at me when I was blinded by my protective instincts... now I see that he had a plan... but... at the time I thought he was just being arrogant and hot blooded."

The red-haired man across from her blinks slowly eyes widening slightly as he realizes what she is talking about. "Oh. Right. His power play against the Phenex family. Reckless, yet I assume he had a plan... I've heard that he has taken yet another ultimate class piece under his wing."

He cups his chin. "I really should ask him where he keeps finding such quality peerage members."

"How should I make it up to him?" The leviathan magical girl sighs.

"He's a devil of greed... so just give him stuff." The red haired lucifer shrugs. "He's mad that he wasn't able to get as much as he could because of you, so just cover the difference with things of equal value."

"But how much would he have gotten had I not interfered?" The raven haired magical girl mutters.

Sirzechs shrugs. "Stolen land, disloyal Fiancée, a family member breaking the engagement illegally, assault with intent to kill. Reasonably, they would try desperately to leverage their phoenix tears to make this all go away, and when that fails, the only way to buy Gaius' silence- to prevent him from absolutely ruining their family image after their numerous shows of resistance- they'd need to pay a considerable fortune... perhaps twenty... to twenty five percent of their total net worth."

"Twenty five?!" She hisses.

She cost him ten percent...

Damn it.


I silently read a book as I hear Virgo letting out shuddering breaths in the background.

She has a surprisingly nice body... shame. If I wasn't restricted by the contract, I might have been able to lose my virginity in one of my lives.

I had made a deal with lady Gremory today... that was nice.

She purchased a few samples from the things that have grown to test and taste, I made certain that I cast a spell that removed the seeds of the stuff she gathered. I'm not going to let anyone grow my purchased crops unless I allow it.

I flip the page of the book I am reading, its showing the beginning of magic theory for humans... and let me just say, human magic in this world is... annoying.

I've never seen something so needlessly complex... honestly it makes me respect even the weakest mook of a mage. I'm over here yeeting fireballs whenever I feel like it by simply raising my hand and focusing slightly, but THEY have to do MATH. And not any basic bitch 'one plus one is two' shit, I'm talking FULL ON algebraic formula... in seconds... in the middle of battle where they are also being forced to dodge bullshit attacks.

Like, serious respect.

Admittedly if you practice enough, you could probably learn to cast a few certain spells rapidly, as nobody just makes up spells on the fly, but still, the fact they have to go through this nonsense to produce even a SPARK while devils can do that shit at birth is astounding.

The reason why I am studying this?

I had a small theory...

That the system is merely a guide for my powers.

Of course, that doesn't really make any sense when my demonic powers are locked to dungeons and dragons spellcasting, but... I've never actually tried to use my demonic power normally, have I? I just default to dungeons and dragons spells because frankly, they are far more efficient. Why cast a normal 'hehe I shoot this orb of fire' when you can cast fireball and launch a bead of fire that explodes into a forty foot dome of hellfire that melts everything it touches whenever you use it?

I flip the page silently.

I hold up a hand, imagining a perfect sphere of demonic energy.

Nothing happens.

Shame. Maybe the system locked my demonic magic... or maybe I just have a shit imagination.

I'm not complaining, of course, being able to cast any spell in pathfinder at will is extremely powerful. Far more powerful than demonic magic, but slightly less control-able... less controllable in the manner that I can't tell an orb of fire to create a cascading explosion, not in the sense of 'manipulation' as my magic can range from summoning to making me invisible to necromancy in an instant, hell, I can even curse people!

It's like I've got a pocket full of clan traits just waiting to be unleashed.

I look up to Virgo as another drop of wax hits her body, she flinches and I see her shiver, a dopey grin on her face.

That shouldn't even be doing anything for her... she's an ultimate class being and a Rook at that.

I frown as I suddenly feel... something.

'what is- oh? Is this what it feels like when someone is trying to summon you? I haven't made any summoning circles though.'

I tilt my head slowly.


I close my eyes and channel my mythic power yet again. 'What sort of danger may I face for accepting the summoning request?'

I am quickly shunted through a couple of visions. I analyze the magical quality of the casters of the summoning spell, immediately I can tell that they actually drew a magic circle on the ground with animal blood, lit some candles, and appear to have found an old book with demonic clan symbols on it. The Malthus family crest is the first they tried.

'Oh. Oooooooooh. I see. Don't be an idiot and the threat is negligible. Don't threaten them and I won't have an Excalibur fragment making itself at home in my torso... Plus I potentially get some contracted magicians!'

I wipe my bloody nose as my nose ignites.

"Virgo, I'm going out." I announce as I stand. "Feel free to continue... this... for however long you want."

"Ahn!" Is her only reply as another drop of wax falls on her.

"…" I give her a long deadpan stare.

I allow myself to be summoned without another word.

I am tugged roughly from my place in the underworld.

My new location is really dark, the only light is from a few dim candles and a warm purple glow from the teleportation circle below me.

I cast a slow glance around the room, in front of me are two girls, roughly the same age, both in dark cloaks, the first has reddish brown hair that has rope braided throughout and blue eyes, the other has short blonde hair, and also has blue eyes. She wears a blue wizard hat on her head with a black ribbon on it.

They are both standing there gaping at the fact that this actually worked. It seems like they didn't have large hopes for this ancient ritual to actually work.

If I had to guess an age for them, I'd guess that they are anywhere from twelve to thirteen.

"Mages, eh?" I slowly ask. "Man, it's dark in here."

I snap my fingers, brightening up the room as a sphere of light appears above me.

"So... how can I help you two?" I ask with a small smile.


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