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I am sat before a stressed out Serafall and an annoyed looking Sirzechs as they both look at the laptop in front of them.

"N-No! D-Diodora- P-Please stop! T-This isn't you!"

"Silence, bitch" *Smack* "Did I say you could speak?"



"Shut up or I'll chop off another finger. You church bimbos are so fun to break. You fall head over heels for a guy with a kind smile, then the next thing you know you are kicked out. You are so pathetic."



"Nobody can hear you, stupid bitch. Don't even bother... nobody will save you. I'll love to see when you break and all that hope drains from your eyes!"

"That is Elizabeth Perina. Recently excommunicated nun of England's protestant church... the reason she was excommunicated? Falling in love with a devil." I state with a frown.

The clip seems to change to the next.

"Oh! Careful there!" The male voice we had both just heard cutting off a girl's fingers echoes out, sounding much lighter.

"Oh! T-Thank you!" The girl smiles. "I'm always so clumsy!"

"I guess I'm glad I was here, then." Diodora continues. "So, I'm new around here, do you think you could show me around?"

"W-Well, you did save me, so I don't see why not!"

The two Satans have already watched the video of my brutalization of the Astaroth peerage.

Sirzechs slowly looks over to Serafall. "This is bad, Sera."

"How did I miss this?!" She hisses as she brings two hands to her temples, seriously stressed out by the whole situation.

"As the head of Domestic Affairs... from what I have seen your actions are warranted... if not a little overkill, yet you do not have to worry about any repercussions of this beyond potential dislike of the Astaroth family... yet... if they do anything drastic, I will be there to teach them their place."

"Holy items are one of the only things that counter my regeneration." I nod. "I didn't want to kill his peerage members, but... in a one verse eight situation with half a dozen holy maidens I did not want to take any chances."

I scratch the back of my head. "At least now they won't need to suffer. They were utterly broken. Basically, mindless slaves with how bad Diodora messed with their mind. I just put them out of their misery."

"Admirable." The Satan slowly nods as he looks to Serafall. "We should probably be going now."

Serafall lets out a long breath and rubs her forehead. "Yeah. I need to- oh boy."

"I need to go find Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas before he causes any more problems, he was on thin ice as it was, but this? I'll take pleasure in hunting him down."

"Because he constantly taunts the four great Satans and tried to slap your sister's servant?" I ask.


"No comment." He states as he abruptly stands. "But that last thing had slipped my mind."

Heh. Good luck Zephy. You're fucked now.

"I bid the two of you good evening." I smile and nod. "I hope that you manage to figure out this mess, and I am sorry for springing this on you so suddenly... I had originally planned on bringing this to your attention... tomorrow... or something, and let you figure out how to proceed, but Diodora forced my hand."

"At the end of the day, at least Diodora will not be harming anyone else." The red haired Satan nods.

"I have such a headache. Right now." The magical girl groans as she picks up the laptop.

"Come on Serafall, let's allow Lord Decarabia to get back to his evening."

I wave. "Goodbye! Sera-Tan don't you dare look at my other files."

Sirzechs eventually coaxes the magical girl out of my house allowing me to check my completed quests.

I completed two at once! Hell yeah!

Karmic Realignment:
Diodora has been causing nuns and women of the church to be excommunicated for years now! And what's worse, he forces them to join his peerage and does dastardly deeds to them on the regular! It's time someone step in and save these poor women and put the bastard in his place.

Gain Evidence of Diodora's misdeeds: [x]
Turn said evidence over to Serafall: [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Act on this information on your own: [x]
Personally kill Diodora: [x]

Rewards: Rewards: 8000 Electrum, +1 to all stats, Blessed Achievement, random 'Special Quality', 2 Free Feats.

Bonus Rewards: 6000 Electrum, +2 to all stats, 1 Free Feat, +50 to your Maximum Demonic Power.

'w-wait- fourteen thousand?! What the fuck?!'

It was me! Dio-dora!:
You have extremely poor luck, hm? Your third assassination attempt in barely two years. For someone with almost no political power, that number is extremely high! This time you don't have Serafall to sneakily knock them all out under your bedroom window. and the majority has some form of holy attack. Good luck. You'll need it.

Survive: [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Kill all of your attackers: [x]
Survive without taking a single point of damage: [x]

Rewards: 500 Electrum

Bonus Rewards: 3000 Electrum, 'Super Devil in the Making' achievement, +1 to all stats


Randomizing Special Quality.

Special Quality Selected.

Create Magic:
Through thorough research of your spells you have gained the ability to make your own, when creating a spell you choose a base spell as a 'seed', then you may spend electrum to add modifiers to the spell, creating spells far stronger than the average spell of that level.

Despite being a devil, you have done a great service to those who once was part of the church... just because you are a creature of sin doesn't mean you aren't a good guy, after all.
Instead of an extra +50% damage from holy, you now only take +25%. Additionally, saying or thinking 'God' no longer harms you, nor does anyone saying it in your proximity. Additionally, you may wield- and tap into- the full power of a holy sword (instead of using it like a pointy stick), the only cost being that you take slight holy damage (Depending on the level of strength of the sword) as you wield it. Special: your Regeneration is no longer stopped by holy elements.

Super Devil in the Making:
A simple boy, barely fifteen managed to defeat an entire group of high class devils, a large majority of which were armed with holy weapons, all by himself... without taking a single hit. 'Defeat' is perhaps too weak of a word. he absolutely manhandled them, with no remorse, easily summoning something that could take several high class devils on by itself. Who knows where this monstrous strength will be in 5 years, 10, or 100.
You gain 1 Mythic rank, and all of your Clan traits are upgraded into their 'Mythic' counterparts.



"Holy fuck."


Pov: Elsewhere.

"One of Ophis snakes..." A red haired man frowns as he looks at the video taken from the camcorder.

"Zechs..." The magical girl sighs, shoulders slumping. "This is an extremely large problem."

"It is." Sirzechs agrees with a nod and a frown.

"How do we reveal the news to the populous? It'll cause incredible unrest and if word gets out to the church, they might just declare a crusade." Serafall states. "It's bad enough when a Devil causes a nun or holy woman to be excommunicated, there we can barely hide behind the veil that they might have been an extra devil, unrelated to the seventy two pillars, but for a clan heir to do this, not once or twice, but seven times?! How did I miss this?!"

"He would have probably kept doing it." The red haired man notes. "That boy probably saved us from potential war."

"He has..." The magical girl sighs. "But there's something... strange... about his power."


"He was nowhere near that strong a few weeks ago." Serafall frowns.

"He must be similar to Ajuka and myself... he grows rapidly in stressful situations." Sirzechs slowly states as he cups his chin

"L-Like you and Ajuka?! You think he's a super devil?!" The magical girl asks.

"Hn. A fledgling one, certainly... his power is only that of a fairly strong high-class devil, yet he was able to easily dismantle Diodora's peerage in under thirty seconds." The man states. "Ah, I digress from our original point. What we should do is not reveal the sad story of Diodora's pawns, that'd cause unrest, everyone would begin thinking that every high-class devil is a monster... realistically- and sadly- our only option is to make it look like they were all in on it. As you said, the church would cause problems if we revealed what was done to their nuns."

"Wait wait-" the magical girl waves off as she looks to the requisitioned computer. "Is that-"

"Shalba Beelzebub?!" The other Satan finishes


"We could use this to make the old Satan faction look even worse." Sirzechs slowly states. "We reveal what he did, yet we make sure to emphasize that he was part of the old satan faction... people would think that it's because he was part of their faction that he was so vicious to his peerage. It might even prevent them from gaining new recruits."

"You are the domestic affairs guy, so in the end it falls to you." Serafall dryly deadpans. "Also, don't you have a devil to capture for arranging a family member's murder?"


"Er- Right." The red haired man blinks. "I'll actually go take care of that right now. Sooner or later, he might realize we are onto him and go into hiding."

Sirzechs teleports away as Serafall turns back towards the computer.


She really needs something to take the edge off. "I wonder if I can find where he saves his porn? That'd be pretty good teasing material."


Pov: returned.

Due to reaching level seven, you have unlocked the 'Player Auction'.



A screen suddenly pops up in front of me.

Welcome to the Auction House! Please select a room.

Least Cost (Starting bid 1-150 Electrum)

Low Cost (Starting Bid 151-2000 Electrum)

Medium Cost: (Starting Bid: 2001-10000 Electrum)

Great Cost: (Starting Bid: 10001-50000 Electrum)

Greatest Cost: (Starting Bid: 50001+ Electrum)


I blink slowly as I select 'Low Cost'

Please select a room:

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5

Room 6

Room 7

Room 8

'uhhh, hm... room eight?'

Item on Bid:

Ebony Ore (30 Lbs):
Original Universe of Exchanged Item: Elder Scrolls
Current Bid: 939
Ebony is a rare volcanic glass, and is one of the most precious substances in Tamriel. The ore has several alchemical properties, and is often smelted into ebony ingots for use in smithing. The process of refining the ore takes six months, but the process could be sped up to only a few days with the aid of a convection oven that is stoked by white magical flames. Raw Ebony itself is an extremely hard, durable, black glass-like substance. It is also known as Godsblood, as it is said to be the crystallized blood of a god or gods.

"Huh..." I blink slowly.

That'd probably make for a really good sword, but I think I'll pass. I don't have six months to burn.

I close the auction screen with a low hum.

I don't really want to get into a bidding war and spend all of my hard-earned electrum.

I mentally spend seven thousand electrum to unlock my long-term goal.

Unlock third party spells (Cleric/Oracle) (First Level)  
Unlocks the use of all level 1 third party Cleric/Oracle spells  
Cost: 800 Electrum.

Unlock third party spells (Cleric/Oracle) (Second Level)  
Unlocks the use of all level 2 third party Cleric/Oracle spells  
Cost: 2000 Electrum.

Unlock third party spells (Cleric/Oracle) (Third Level)  
Unlocks the use of all level 3 third party Cleric/Oracle spells  
Cost: 4500 Electrum.

Ah... perfect.

Fertility potions are now within my grasp.

Current Electrum: 11243

A quest has been received:

The most powerful man in the underworld:
Fertility potions. An impossible item. Many alchemists have tried and failed to produce something that works as intended. But they're not you. Show the world your absolute importance.

Give the Fertility potion to Serafall: []
Wait for her to give it to someone and check the results: []
Profit: []

I cup my chin and let out a low hum. With this quest I'll have enough electrum to go from level one to level nine immediately.

That'll be enough to get level five spellcasting with demonic magic... and it'll also let me unlock my level nine bloodline ability- which would actually just unlock more clan traits for myself.

But at the same time? I sort of want to look around the auction house.

There's also the fact that I still need to build my secret underground potion factory.



I have several regrets...

I look to a single item held within my hand.


I spent too much on this.

Eight thousand electrum.

Yeah, I'm feeling some regret right now...

I don't even have enough to level up to level eight.

I let out a long groan as I run a hand down my face.


I shake my head and let out a long sigh. 'Ah well... I've been needing peerage members... and she'll also serve as a maid.'

I look to the golden key held safely within my grasp and point it forwards.

The tip of the key looks like a spade, and the back has a large white part that you grip, a pink symbol is upon it, the symbol itself looks like an M, yet with an extra arch that crosses back over the far side.

"Let's get this over with." I sigh. "Open Gate of the Maiden, Virgo."

There's a pink glow as an absolutely massive magic circle forms on the floor, suddenly a blinding flash illuminates my foyer, I am forced to cover my eyes until it begins to slowly die down.

I blink white spots out of my vision as I stare blankly at a pale woman with pink hair and blue eyes, unbound shackles around her wrists.

She wears a french maid outfit with long white stockings and wears simple flat shoes.

She blinks slowly and looks around.

She spies me and suddenly walks over and kneels. "You must be my summoner. I am Virgo. One of the Twelve Zodiac Celestial Spirits."

"I am Gaius Decarabia. Noble devil. Last of my clan."

The maid blink slowly. "Devil?"

She looks up slowly and tilts her head. "Oh... you aren't human? I would have missed that if you hadn't have said anything."

She slowly stands up. "Shall we begin forming the contract?"

"Contract?" I ask.

"Yes, to summon a celestial spirit, a summoner must form a contract with the spirit. The only exception is upon the first summoning. Some spirits will request that you don't summon them on certain days, or perhaps something of monetary value on each summon... in my case I don't care for much. I live to serve... you may summon me whenever you want, Master."

"Oh?" I blink. "Alright."

The celestial spirit bows her head. "Please call me when you need me."

She glows briefly, it appears like she wants to leave, but...

The glow fades, causing her to blink slowly and look down at her hands. "Oh. It appears that I am unable to return to the celestial spirit world... as there is no celestial spirit world."

"Is that bad?" I blink.

"Oh very much so." The spirit nods. "Without the celestial spirit world to stabilize myself I will die in mere days, perhaps weeks with the tremendous energy you have given me."

"You don't seem very torn up about it." I blink.

"As saddening as it will be to die, a new Virgo will take my place." The woman nods, a small blush appearing on her face. "a suitable punishment for myself.

She looks over to me. "But do not worry, master. Your servant will take care of you for the coming days."

"I wonder..." I quietly mutter as I cup my chin.

"Would you perhaps like some tea, master?" The woman states, pausing briefly as a glint appears in her eyes. "Would you like to punish me more?!

"No. I don't think I will. Come here for a moment."

The maid walks forwards and stands right in front of me, hands folded in front of her lap.

A privacy spell, Silent Table descends on us.

"You can probably make the connection that this isn't exactly your world." I state.

"I could, yes." The woman nods.

"Allow me to tell you about it, but first..."

A chess set appears before me. "I will not have a servant of mine die. I want you to live for my sake."

She blinks down pieces. "Huh?"

"These are known as evil pieces." I state slowly, mentally scanning them as I look to the girl in front of me.

I had identified her key earlier, technically it should allow her to be reincarnated and sustained.

I grab a pawn and point it at her.

The piece glows, but nothing happens.

'wait... is she worth more than one?!'

I grab two, the same thing happens.

I repeat this until I am holding five pieces.

A bright gleam explodes from the pieces, but I pull them back.

"You are worth a fair number of pieces." I note with a frown.

"What do you mean." The girl blinks.

"I am going to reincarnate you as a devil. You will keep all of your powers, yet you will not need the celestial spirit world to function."

I grab a rook piece. "You are going to be my first companion in my long journey to the top. Do you accept?"

"If I do, will you punish me?" The girl asks, her lewd gleam once more returning to her eyes.

I give her a blank stare. "Perhaps."

"I accept." She nods.

I point the rook chess piece at her and channel demonic power into it, it glows brightly as I press it against her chest.

It sinks through her clothes and into her chest, the last thing I can see of it is a warm white glow in the very center of her chest.

Er... in between her breasts.

She looks at her hands and blinks slowly. "I see. My body has been stabilized and-"

Two large leathery wings sprout from her back as she staggers forwards.

She glances over her shoulder.

You may now view Virgo in your Peerage tab.

I look to the gold key in my hand.

Gate Key of the Maiden:
A special Celestial Spirit key which allows you to summon the Celestial Spirit, Virgo, a maid with powerful earth and chain magic who has a small thing for punishments.
This key requires you to spend 5 spell levels to activate it, and a further 5 for every minute you keep Virgo summoned.
Note: the bond between this key and the celestial spirit world has been severed, it will no longer be able to summon Celestial Spirits until repaired.

The woman kneels before me. "I will live out my new life serving you, Master."

"Good." I slowly nod. "Allow me to show you around and tell you a little about devil society."


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