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"Cura!" I cheer, a bright beaming smile on my face as I watch Erza Lariat Natsu, Grey is crumpled on the ground having just been slugged in the stomach. 

I've accomplished my goal. 

The red haired woman proceeds to dropkick Gray as he shakily gets to his feet. 

"FIRE DRAGON- BUAAAH!" Natsu gasps as Erza grabs his legs and begins spinning around quickly. 

She slams the two wizards together, sending them both to the floor in a tangle of limbs. 

Erza then elbow-drops the two causing them to scream in pain. 

"Cura!" I cheer again causing a flash of white light to explode off me. 

Surprisingly enough I accomplished my goal literally the instant I set foot on this island. 

It wasn't that hard. 

My target peeked out of a bush, then bing bang boom. Invoke magic and I acquired the spell I wanted. 

Now... I just need to go home and lay down for a depressingly long amount of time. 

Ooooh fuck this is going to suck so bad. 



She puts Natsu in an arm bar. Crack "AAAAAAA-" 

Grey stands up and begins to sprint away, but he is tripped by a rock that seems to telekinetically move underfoot. 

She gets up, hefting Natsu above her head, then body slams him down atop the prone Ice wizard who sprained his ankle. 

"C-Cura..." I mutter. 

She lifts her fist skywards, seemingly charging her 'ultimate attack'. 

"U-Uh... Erza?" I begin. 

She glances over, her eyes are hard. 

"Maybe you could take it a bit easy on them... because this mission seems to be wrongfully labeled S class?" 


"You are correct in saying that this job was improperly sorted into S class, It is an A class job at most. But. You must remember. Regardless of how difficult this mission was... it was still on the S class job board. Had they been unlucky, and they had gone on a true S Class mission... each and every one of them would have died... the rules must be upheld to prevent tragedy." 

"Hm. Hm." I hum. "Well, I'm running a little low on magical energy. So... uh... I'm going to be forced to swap to my wand if you keep on going at this pace." 

She swings her fist downwards, knocking them both unconscious. 

"Fine." She decides. "That... shall be my last punishing blow." 

Lucy is shivering beside me. As is happy. 

"Hm... well... do you think you can take it from here?" I question. 

"Why..." The woman frowns. 

"Oh, I was going to teleport back to fairy tail and tell Master Makarov that the deed is done." 

"You- You can teleport that far?!" Erza mutters. "Why didn't you use it to get us here faster?!" 

"I can only teleport myself." 


"And to places I have been before and am very familiar with... so, like... my house... and the Fairy Tail guild hall." 


"Oh." She mutters. "Yes. You may return to Fairy Tail. Tell Master Makarov that the deed is done and to not worry." 

"You make it sound like you're going to bury us out here." Lucy whimpers. 

"Maybe only up to your neck." I grin with a small eye roll. 

Erza gains a pondering expression, her hand coming to her chin. 

There's a slight glint in her eye. 


"Merlin... I don't like you very much." Lucy decides. 

"I'm going to let myself out before I make things any worse." I decide. 

"YOU DO THAT!" Lucy exclaims. 

"Byyyyye!" I wave as with a flash... it feels like someone attatched something to my chest and yanked me forwards. 

My hands shake slightly as I reappear in my home. 

My eyes dart back and forth as I look around. 

'yes. This is my home. There's my bag, my books, my-' 

I heave, quickly rushing through my home, coming to the bathroom. 

I hunch over the toilet and promptly empty my breakfast into it. Shoulders shaking as I gag and gurgle. 

After around thirty seconds, a long sigh leaves my lips.  

I wipe the moisture from my eyes and wipe my mouth and chin with a nearby towel. 


That was not fun

But honestly? 

Throwing up was worth the two days or so it'd take us to get back to Magnolia. 

I stand to my full height, a small smile on my face as I flush the toilet. 

First. Second breakfast. Then the guild hall. 

I cringe slightly at the acidic flavor radiating throughout my mouth. 

First. Brush my teeth and wash my mouth out. Then food. Then guild. 

My eyes slowly trail upwards. 

Galuna Getaway: 
Natsu, Happy, and Lucy have stolen an S Class job! Grey has been sent to find them but he hasn't returned. Erza has drafted you for your healing magic so she can freely beat Natsu up without having to worry about any real damage. 

Find the Errant Fairy Tail Wizards: [x] 
Return them to Fairy Tail: [ ] 

Bonus Objectives:  
Solve the Mission yourself: [x] 
Defeat 'Zalty' by yourself: [-] 
Defeat any of the opposing wizards by yourself: [-] 

Bonus Rewards: Random Special Quality. 

I got that bonus objective on a technicality. 

After Erza got there and I acquired the spell I wanted, I gazed up into the sky and- 

An Achievement has been unlocked. 

-then took a brief fly upwards. 

I reached the film above the island, then with a several punches of dragon slayer magic, it eventually shattered. 

Thus. I did it. 

I singlehandedly solved the mission by myself. 

Nobody else touched the film covering the island. 

While the gang was fighting wizards and shit, I was busy blowing up the moon like requested. 

That's sort of the reason why I stopped Erza from continuing to beat Natsu and Gray. 

I took a few hours to recover, but my magic is pretty low right now. 


I've got some things to look at. 

What achievement did I just get? 

Awakener of the Lost: 
Alright... you have to be cheating at this point. Awakening a non-dragonslayer lost magic is borderline impossible. It takes years of study AND requires actually finding a book that tells you how to do it! You've more than earned this for your intent study of magic. 
Reward: Potent Special Quality. 

Heh. I love that the system doesn't really expect blue mage. 

Well, I mean... didn't this system originally have pathfinder in mind? 

There's no bluemage nonsense in base pathfinder. 

Rolling random special quality: 

Class Enhancement (Optional Rule): 

As a character advances in experience and level, they will gain enhancement points (aka EP) which can then be spent on enhancements. The available enhancement selection is based upon a character’s class, and consists of improvements to those class strengths. For example, a Thief would be offered enhancements to improve skill at hiding or disarming traps, while a Berserker would be offered enhancements to improve their ability to Rage.  
Enhancements are offered via different “trees”, which are a collection of thematically related enhancements: Each tree is broken into 2 parts – the core enhancements plus 4 or 5 tiers of enhancements: 

There's a fairly large list to the rules of this 'class enhancement' system. 

Normally, this would replace 'favored class bonuses' basically for each race in a specific class, you can get some sort of special ability. 

Be it a spell known, health or, like Kitsune Sorcerer my beloved, a bonus to spell save DC. 

I'm pretty sure Kitsune Sorcerer is the only one which does anything like that, though. 

As for the rules, blah blah, later teirs are typically more powerful. Higher tiers require points to be spent on lower tiers to unlock it, blah blah, tiers one-through four require levels one to four in a class, while tier five requires level five and character level twelfth- implying that multiclassing is both expected and encouraged with this system. 

Next, the 'core' abilities are unlocked at certain class levels for a specific class and you must buy Core Ability one before spending anything on the tiers. 

You get four 'EP' per level, some perks cost more than one 'EP' some perks you can purchase multiple times. 

Now let's look at that bluemage goodies 

Sagacity: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge skill checks for each enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.  

Perceptive Magic Scan: When using Scan, you gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that creature for each enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one).  
EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Sagacity enhancement to select this enhancement.  

Familiar Unbound: Your familiar now grows alongside you. Once it reaches a level threshold it may even evolve into stronger forms such as a dragon familiar growing older or a bunny familiar transforming into a 'Vorpal Bunny'. (Your Familiar's level is treated as your character level) 
EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Perceptive Scan enhancement to select this enhancement. 




I'm going to have a behemoth eventually... nice. 

These abilities are pretty bullshit. 

First off, plus six on ALL knowledge checks merely for three points? Then there's the plus three bonus on attack rolls for things I 'scan'. 

Let's take a look at 'Tier one'. 

Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.  

Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.  

Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None. 


I can do what now? 

Well, first off, bing bang boom. Extra Mp. Take three ranks of that. Then take the ability boost to improve my intelligence for potentially more MP. 

Skip 'Arcane Knowledge' as with my purchases I've got more than enough to look at tier two. 

I've spent eight out of twenty four so far. 

Let's see Teir two. 

Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% healing and damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None. 

Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None. 

 Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.  

Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Blue Mage Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement. 


Oh. My. Fucking. God. 

W-Wand and Scroll Mastery?! 

Seventy five percent more damage and healing from wands?! 

Then there's the fact I can use 'Efficent Metamagic to make 'Empower' FAR cheaper! Hell, it wouldn't even improve the spell cost AT ALL when used in conjunction with that one savant trait to lower metamagic cost! 

What have I fucking done?! 

This isn't even my potent special quality. 

Dear god what did I get from it?! 

Regardless, I improved my Intelligence stat by four from my purchased abilities. 

truthfully, the powers past tier two were a little lackluster. Nothing even came close to Wand and Scroll Mastery. I did improve the efficency of 'Quicken', though. 

I may not have it currently, but eventually that feat will be quite useful. 

Regardless, I have been given quite the devious little idea from Wand and Scroll mastery. 

Is there anything that lets me do metamagic spells with wands? 

If so, I could stack TONS of bullshit on top of that seventy five percent increase! 

Rolling random potent special quality: 

TRUE Dominant: 
So. You have a primordial force in your soul. That's neat. 
This is treated as the Summoner Archetype 'Dominant' with one key exception. Your 'Level' in this class is not dependent on your actual level. Moreso how badly you kick the ass of the freeloader in your body. THAT'S RIGHT at literally any point you can delve into your inner mind and pick a fight with an EXTREMELY powerful force of nature and usurp its powers. Don't worry. A level 1 going up against an on average CR 15 typically only has one result. Deaths in your mindscape won't stick. So throw yourself at the big beasty as much as you want! 

Note: there are some slight changes to certain abilities. Firstly, Partial Priming has a duration of minutes instead of rounds. Next, you may cast spells whilst Partial-Primed. Thirdly, Partial Priming will give you a portion of your Eikon's statistics, up to 10%. (Should you have successfully managed to bring it down to 90% health in your inner world) once you fully manage to slay the beast in your soul, you unlock the ability to Full prime, becoming the Eikon itself. 

Eikon: ? 


I never played final fantasy sixteen... or any final fantasy, really, so I have no real idea how accurate this is to the game. 

I gaze at the little question mark... a frown on my face. 

Randomizing Eikon... 


Removing Female Eikons. 



Selection finished. 

Eikon Selected: Bahamut Zero the First Sire. 


Eikon Status: Dormant  
Dominant Level: 0 

"hmmm..." I lowly hum. "Fuck it. We ball." 


I stare off towards an absolutely fucking massive reptile. 

Like... wow. 

It's a literal mountain. 

Six wings, a long blade-like snout- Stardust Dragon wants its nose back- and a sheer presence that's making even walking towards it a bit of a hassle. 

It is asleep. 

I can only imagine the sheer power such a beast would have when its awake. 

And I'm about to go and punch it in the eye... 


This is fucking crazy. 

But I took a look at the 'Dominant' page and I'll unlock an ability similar to rage. 

That'd be quite the power booster. 

After around a minute of flying with Aera, I float next to a massive closed eye. 

 I let out a long breath, blowing on my fist. 

I cock my hand back. 

'this should do more damage because it's a dragon, right?' 

I empower the spell that explodes around my fist and swing a punch downwards. 

Ping Critical hit! 


The eye snaps open. 


Why am I on fire? 


I sit up with a gasp, hands coming to my chest. 

There's a deep burning pain... then it's gone. 

My eyes stray the room, my breath coming out in short pants. 


That hurt. 

You have successfully awoken as a Dominant. 

Eikon Status: Irritated 
Dominant Level: 1 


"Excuse me?" 

Your Partial Prime form now grants you +2 Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom, and +1 Dexterity Intelligence and Charisma. Additionally it grants a further +20 Temporary Hitpoints on top of the amount it normally gives. 

Partial Priming: 
While in a partial-prime, a dominant gains the benefits of his partial-prime form, gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws but takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class. In addition, he also deals 1d6 points of elemental damage based on his Eikon (if multiple, such as Phoenix, then it deals half and half of each element). He also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. 

A dominant can partial-prime for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. For each level after 1st he possesses, the dominant can partial-prime for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as that gained from dwarf’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a dominant can partial-prime per day. A dominant can enter a partial-prime as a free action. The total number of rounds of partial-prime per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive. 

No no no. Back the fuck up for a second. 

You are telling me that I- with a fucking CRITICAL HIT to the eye of that dragon only did enough damage to make me a level one?! Excuse me?! 

Spells that require an attack roll can crit! 

That was an EMPOWERED level three Fire Dragon's Iron Fist. 

It would have done on average like... two hundred damage!  

Probably more because it's dragon slayer magic! 

And you are telling me... 

That is only good enough for level one? 


I let out a long groan, opening the system and looking into the bestiary. 

MOTHERFUCKER! I got the strongest one?! 

It has thousands of Hp.  

To put that into perspective, that sole punch would have done like a fifth of an eikon like Leviathan's health... and I likely would have unlocked a fifth of its abilities. 

Though, I suppose Leviathan is literally less than half the CR of 'Bahamut the First Sire'. 

It's a CR thirty five... 

In base pathfinder... Cthulhu THE great old one is a CR thirty. 

There's only like... a handful of creatures that are 'canonically' CR thirty and above. 

There's some third party ones, sure, but overall, according to the core rulebook- and the final fantasy bestiary as that could be considered 'real' for me- there's only like four creatures that are CR thirty plus. Bahamut is TWO of them- he apparently has a weaker cousin called 'Neo-Bahamut'- 

For fuck's sake... 

I'm never fucking unlocking any further power over Bahamut... 

Especially now that he is awake. 

I suppose the little bonus I got is fine. 

Every little bit helps. 

Regardless, now I should probably get to the guild and Tell Makarov what Erza wanted me to tell him. 

That Natsu, Gray Happy and Lucy are unhurt, and that the mission itself wasn't exactly S-Class. 


A long breath leaves my lips as I look to my hand. There's a slight shake to my fingertips. 

'Come on... just... just do it.' 

I look around my room. I am currently sat on my bed, having just informed Master Makarov of the mission completion and that Erza will be back in one to two days. 

He was quite relieved by the news. 


I am contemplating doing something absolutely agonizing to myself... 



There's a pretty good reason to... 

Arc of Time: Second Origin Release 
Spell Level: 3 
Casting Time: 1 Full Round Action 
Range: Touch 
Target: One creature touched. 
Duration: Varies 
Saving throw: Will Negates 
Spell Resistance: Yes 

All wizards have a specialized container of magic that they rarely- if ever- use in day to day life. They can go their entire lives without gaining access to this font of pure magical power. But now? With this spell? You can forcibly drag that power to the surface! The only issue is that you'll wish you were dead through the entire process! You unlock a total of 5% of your second origin per hour, thus, on average, you must spend 20 hours to completely unlock your second origin. 

Overcharge: For every 2 additional MP you spend in casting this spell, the rate at which you 'unlock' your Second Origin improves by 5% to a maximum of 20% at nine MP. 

Originally, at this point, Ultear wouldn't have been able to cast that... which confirmed one of my suspicions. 

I can invoke spells beyond the ability of the magic wielders around me... 

Now, that might sound a little worrying, as I did it to a villain. I showed a villain the way to unlock second origins. 


I believe it won't cause any real issues. 

At most she'll think 'Huh. My magic acted weird when that fairy tail wizard looked at me. 

She had no target for that spell. 

She has no reason to assume it is a spell 

She'll more than likely just assume I have some sort of 'surge' magic that makes wizard's magic uncontrollable. 

Now. I will be suffering for twenty fucking hours... 

Should I... 

Should I even be doing this? 

That's twenty hours of sheer torture... 

Is the benefit I'd get from that... even worth it? 

My eyes close, my teeth gritting slightly. 'Come on, you pussy! If you don't do this, Levy will be beaten half to death by that iron dragon prick and you won't be able to help her in any way! Do you want that?! JUST FUCKING DO IT! YOU DON'T HAVE THE LUXURY TO NOT DO IT!' 

Phantom lord. The Tower of Heaven. Laxus being a piece of shit. Oracion Seis. 

The stronger I am... the further I can tilt these battles in our favor. 

The stronger I am. The more I can do. 

The stronger I am... the more I can protect. 

I take a deep breath an- 


Red sigils flash across my body, I choke back a gurgle as lances of pain seem to course through my very being. 

I bite down on a pillow and let out an agonized scream into it. "MHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 


I lifelessly stare up at the ceiling. Body slack. Bed moist from sweat. 

I weakly sit up. Phantom pains of my action briefly flickering through my body. 

A thudding headache rockets through my temples at the action causing me to flop back only the bed. 

I'm hungry... 

But I don't think I can build up the motivation to move. 


'What's your thoughts on this Bahamut?' 

I enter my inner world. 


My body ignites the second after I appear... 

With a single blink, I am back in bed. 

It turns out... 

That Mr. Bahamut can set things on fire by glaring at it. 

There seems to be no form of cost or strain to that ability. 

My hands shake as I slowly sit up again, a weak groan leaving my lips. 

I look down to my hands, watching my fingers briefly twitch. 

I'm no longer in pain... but wow. 

I don't think I will ever forget that. 

I take a deep breath, clothing my eyes then exhale quietly. 

I did that for Fairy Tail. 

Second Origin Unlock: 
So, you managed to unlock that second MP bar, huh? Good job! 
Reward: 'Second Origin' trait added. 

Second Origin: 
This trait grants you three incredibly potent effects.  

Firstly, your total MP is multiplied by 2.5 

Next, and this is probably the most important bit, is that you may now spend 2x more MP on a certain spell. What we mean by this is that as a third level spellcaster(in most classes), you have access to 2nd level spells. This fact does not change. You will still ONLY have 2nd level spellcasting. HOWEVER. When applying metamagic or the like to a spell, you may spend up to 4 MP instead of the normal limit of 2. Normally at this level, you would only be able to apply metamagic effects to Lv 1 spells, and only then only those that increase the MP cost by 1. but with this? Now you may apply a metamagic effect that increases the cost by 3, or a metamagic effect that effects a second level spell by 2. etc~ this, of course, is fucking overpowered at higher levels. but after suffering that long, you earned it! 

Finally, for each and every one of your spells you are treated as having a caster level 4 higher than normal. 


Level: 6 
Experience: 56.6% (10200/18000) 
Health: 65/65 
MP: 92/92 
Armor Class: 13 

This sort of magical power... 

I wouldn't see anything close to this until like level fifteen originally... 


Maybe I should have unlocked my second origin before going to punch Bahamut in the eye... 

What do you think about that, Bahamut? 

I reappear in my mindscape. 


Ah. I see. 

A small huff leaves my lips as I reappear in bed. 

Honestly... it's sort of like having a pet cat that hates your guts... 

Sort of funny that I would consider a dragon that could rip Cthuhlu in half like some sort of big cat. 

What has my life come to? 


"I'm going to go make myself a sandwich. I deserve a sandwich." I decide quietly, gazing out the window. 

It's fairly early right now. The sun hasn't even risen yet. 

I need a shower... 


Robert Williams

I honestly expected him to do some sort if deal thing with bahamut where he could win on a technicality. And loophole himself to OP. I think this is better. Just keep it as a sort of gag thing until stuff hits the fan and then have him pull ridiculous progress out of some random combo of abilities to progess the story.

Natsu Dragneel

Doesn’t bahamut zero have 52mil health?


In Final Fantasy, perhaps, but the level you'd have to be to have even a few thousand health in D&D is absolutely insane.