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I audibly swallow as the girl in front of me stands in the doorway, a smirk on her face and a hand on her hip.

There is something... off... about this situation.

Something weird.

"May I come in?" She questions.

She takes a sole step forwards, stepping past me and under my arm as her smile grows, not even waiting for my answer.

Her tail wraps around the door handle as she pulls it closed behind her.

She glances around briefly, gazing over my body, that victorious smirk never leaving her lips.

"So..." She eventually states. "How are we going to do this?"


"Pardon?" I mutter.

She blinks twice, looking over me. "You... you don't know?"

"Know what?" I question.

She stares for a long moment then lets out a long sigh. "Alright. This might take a moment to explain. Kuda Gitsune are a type of youkai who hold power over luck and fortune. They can bring great wealth to a person at the cost of their vitality... and, in some cases, they might lose even more than what they gained in the long run."

"There are possibly hundreds of Kuda Gitsune in Gensokyo... Lesser Kuda Gitsune, that is. We, on the other hand are Greater Kuda Gitsune. Unlike the lesser versions who are only slightly more cunning than animals... and locked to a vulpine form... we appear like this. A humanoid race with far greater capabilities... a race that is far rarer."

She walks forwards, gently tugging at the ribbon around her throat.

I flinch back as with a tug, her outfit slightly loosens, the white cloth falling down around one of her shoulders and loosely hanging there as I take a step back, my back bumping into the wall. "W-What are you doing?!"

"Another aspect of Kuda gitsune... is that they must be kept in a male and female pair." The girl smiles as she frees her arm from her clothing, revealing more of her creamy skin, a supple breast and a rosy little nipple she leans forwards, whispering into my human ear. "Of course, this causes the foxes to... multiply..."

My body involuntarily shudders, eyes growing wide.

"A Kuda Gitsune without a partner... will surely die." She continues as she slips her other arm out of her clothing. She runs her hands briefly along her chest, pushing up her bust and causing my pants to tighten briefly "Of course, greater Kuda Gitsune like ourselves are different. We more or less have no downsides for living on our own."

'is- is this actually happening?!' I mentally shriek as her lazily, half-lidded eyes bore into my own, a smirk on her face.

"We... just won't reach our full potential if we don't. And let me just say... that won't do. You see, I am quite... ambitious... I feel no shame in using others for my own benefit. I want more." She slowly slips off the rest of her clothes. "I deserve more for myself... and you do as well."

"Why are you being so honest? This seems like something you would keep close to your chest and hidden?" I mutter as her clothes drop to the floor and she stalks forwards, stopping right in front of me, a finger gently traces my jaw as she smiles impishly.

"Why should I hide this? We... are about to become a pair, no? Eternally bound to each other. You will find out eventually. Why create tension and strain between us?" She asks as she gently grips my collar and opens my kimono.

"Don't you think this is moving to fast?" I ask suddenly, gently taking her hands in my own. "You are trying to have sex with me seconds after meeting like some sort of slut!"

"Oh. Believe me. I would deeply enjoy getting to know you better... and I will... but do you want to know something? I have been alive for over two hundred years. In that entire time... I have never come across another greater Kuda Gitsune... let alone a boy one. I will be bound to you. It is a fact. I merely want the benefits of such a union now instead of later. You must accept that unless you want to be nothing more than a throwaway, pathetic, and weak youkai... you must become my other half... and allow me to become yours."

"How much stronger will this make me?" I question quietly.

"Physically? Not at all... at least to begin with." She replies with a small head shake, taking a step back as she sees me considering it. "What it does do... is give us the ability to use the powers that are locked away without being a pair... the manipulation of fortune and luck of others."

"How does manipulating the luck of others help us?"

"The cost for doing so... is their life span." The girl elaborates with a small smile as she sees me gazing over her body. She does a small spin, allowing me to see everything. "Which we in turn will claim... and push us to greater heights."

"For far too long I served as an advisor to one of the great tengu, remaining close. Slowly leeching her ambient power... but that was inefficient. I deeply respect Megumu Iizunamaru, however... now that you are here, I see no further need to do so." Her tail swishes behind her as she gazes over my home. "Thus. I will now be staying here with you. Quite a nice place. It's larger than where I used to stay, at the very least."

She bends over, giving me a perfect view of her ass as she peers in my cabinets. "Hn. How curious."

Her tails lashes out behind her as she glances over her shoulder, a small smirk on her lips. "So. Shall we?"

I let out a quiet sigh and begin taking off my kimono. I'm not about to turn down an extremely attractive woman. Especially one who is seemingly the key to myself getting drastically stronger. "First. Before we do anything. I want to know your name. I can't believe you just barged into my house, demanded sex, and didn't really elaborate."

"What are you talking about?" The girl questions. "Isn't me explaining the exact reason as to why I am doing this elaborating?"

"I was more referring to the part that I know nothing about you." I point out blandly.

"Oh. Well, that is fair. My name is Tsukasa Kudamaki." The girl smiles. "Anything more... and I suppose you will learn soon enough."

I take off my pants, my erection springing to attention. "My name is Argo... Argo Naut."

"A good name." She takes a seat on my bed, a pleased smirk on her face, it seems like she is overjoyed that her plan is working.

She brings her legs up to her chest, her ears twitching cutely as she lays back on the bed, I can see a flash of nervousness cross her face as I approach.

I pause just before her. Looking over her body, I audibly swallow, the girl's eyes snapping up to my face.

"Nervous?" She questions, a small smile on her lips.

"I've never done anything like this before." I frown.

"Hn. That is... alright." The girl weakly continues. "I... haven't done this either. There was no point and I felt as if doing so would make me slightly less... desirable... to a potential mate."

"I see." I mutter quietly "So... like... how does this second half thing work? Do I just stick it in and boom. Magical powers?"

"Not exactly." Tsukasa whispers.

I look over her quietly. She... is surprisingly beautiful.

How... it has only been like five hours max since I got here and I am already losing my virginity to a character that I can say is a ten out of ten- compared to normal last world standards- what the shit?

This is moving so fast.

Her legs wrap around my hips and unceremoniously pull me forwards, my tip spreading the lips of her pussy wide as they plunge forwards, my length sheathing itself down to the base.

There's almost a slight pulse of electricity that runs through my body as I fall forwards, looming over the girl as her insides seem to twist and tighten around me.

My breath comes out in short breaths as the girl beneath me violently orgasms from me merely inserting. She bites her knuckle her face tinted red as she lets out a few steamy pants of breath.

Holy shit...

After a moment a smirk forms on her lips. "Well now... that was an experience."

I slowly pull back and thrust inside her yet again, causing the fox-eared girl to let out a small hiss through her teeth.

I pull back yet again, glancing down to see the briefest streaks of red at the base of my cock.

Huh... she was a virgin.

Pleasure fills my body as I continue to thrust in and out of my apparent other half, she tries stifling her moans with her hand but I just keep on pounding away. "S-Slow down! S-stop being so rough!"

I don't follow her suggestion.

Suddenly, she strikes, wrapping her legs around my hips, pulling me forwards and tugging me into a tight hug. She rolls over a moment later, changing our position so she is now on top she pouts down at me for a moment before the same sly smirk she originally showed up with appears on her lips. She sits there for a moment, allowing my length to rest inside of her, she brushes her hair out of her eyes as she places her hand on my chest.

Her hands snap up, pinning my arms down as she looms over me.

She... is stronger than me.

I briefly try to resist as she begins bouncing at a moderately slow pace, quickly finding out just how much stronger she is than me as my arms barely move at all.

She seems to get used to the bouncing, so she speeds up, a smug look on her face.

She speeds up, letting out quiet pants and she seems to push herself closer and closer to finishing.

She hunches over, body shuddering as I can feel her insides spasming, her ears flatten as she clenches her eyes shut, tail becoming straight and poofy.

I let out a quiet gulp, I am close as well, but not quite there yet. She apparently sees that in my expression and behind slowly bouncing, releasing my arms as she reaches back and props herself up with her hands on my knees.

I sit up gently cupping her breasts with my hand, my lips find their way to her collar bone as she continues bouncing.

My hands lower to her hips, fingers trailing down her sides.

"I'm about to cum." I whisper into her ear.

She pauses for a moment, gazing over me.

"Good." She replies as she grabs my shoulders and shoves me down again.

She begins rapidly bouncing, pinning me down as she smirks at me, our faces mere inches apart, I can feel her squishy and soft chest pressing into my own.

"Cum." She demands. "Do it."

The more she bounces the closer and closer I am pushed.

"Pull it out! Im about to-" Hearing my panicked statement and feeling my struggling intensifies she seems to sit up, keeping me pinned with two hands on my chest, the fox girl takes my entire length down to the base and begins barely moving up and down, my teeth grit as I continue to struggle.

Eventually, I relent to the euphoria, pleasure floods my body as I can feel my length shudder, pumping a tremendous load of white into her awaiting womb.

"Ahhhn~" she moans, loudly as both of us begin to glow.

My vision darkens, as Tsukasa's eyes roll back, the last thing I can make out is the blonde falling forwards and our skulls cracking together with a dull 'thud'.


Ow... my forehead hurts.

My eyes crack open as I look around, a fairly low ceiling greets me, there is a weight on my chest, my eyes slowly crack open, seeing a mess of blonde hair and two twitching fox ears that tickle my nose.

Memories of last night's activities come to the forefront of my mind.

An attractive blonde haired fox girl is lain atop me, face pressed into my bare chest, her tail sways slightly as her arms wrap around my torso, she is drooling a little bit.

I let out a quiet breath and close my eyes, wrapping my arms around her form.

I can't believe I went through with that.

Is she going to be living here now?

Am I married now?

Is that how this works?

This feels... far too sudden. How did she track me down so quickly? Good luck?

I mean... I guess she was waiting for another Kuda Gitsune for her entire life... the second she discovered even the slightest hint of one, she would drop everything to find them.

My head still hurts. I can't believe we both got knocked unconscious from merely sex. That's a little embarrassing.

Nobody can ever know of that.

I feel the weight on my chest shift, causing me to crack open an eye, spying the blonde who I had just gotten really close with sit up.

She blinks owlishly, rubbing her forehead as she looks down at me. A victorious smirk slowly crosses her lips.

"So... it wasn't a dream." She whispers as she slides off of me, laying at my side as she stares up at the ceiling.

"So. I've got a question... what now?" I question, looking over the girl with a small frown, I feel a little strange as I look at her. Something weird is going on right now and I don't really understand it. "I mean, we are probably connected, right? I mean, I don't randomly start glowing and lose consciousness."

"We are connected." The girl nods once. "Allow me to show you proof."

She touches her stomach with an index and middle finger, her fingertips glow as with a flick of her wrist a spectral line explodes upwards.

It gains more features as it loops through the air.

Two little forelimbs tipped with paws and little fox-like head.

It looks like a little ghost fox.

My eyes flick from the girl at my side to the looping creature.

"What is that?" I question.

"Our child." Tsukasa states with an impish smile.

There is a distant amusement, it is muted, as if I am listening to a conversation through a closed window. But it is decisively overpowered by the crippling dread that wracks my body.

"I am merely teasing." The fox girl snorts as she presses her body close to mine. "Think of it as nothing more than... a spell... a vestige of our new power. The method to imbue people with luck."

"How does that work exactly?"

"Our energy will go into a target and improve their luck, syphoning their life force to us the more often this change in fortune effects their life. Say for instance without one of our... er... children... here-"

"Please don't call them that." I sigh, falling limp in the bed as I rub my forehead with the hand that isn't wrapped around her shoulders.

"-The chance for a coin landing on either side is fifty percent. Give or take a few percent for some slight alterations to the construction of the coin. With one of these... it might increase to sixty percent in the user's favor. This increase in luck wouldn't do anything fifty percent of the time, but if the coin landed correctly with the named side up due to that extra ten percent... life force will be redacted. Oh. And this can stack."

"Is there anything stopping us from stuffing someone we don't like with a bunch of them?"

"Typically, they must agree to it." The girl supplies. "However, nothing is stopping us from perhaps... leaving out... a few of the consequences."

"Another issue is the general time it takes to create them, the fact that they are one time use, and that we can only have one hundred and six at a time."

"One hundred and six?" I echo.

"I know. Quite specific. But I don't know the reason for such." She sighs as she slowly sits up.

"Time to make them?" I question.

"You last quite long in bed." She supplies.


Ah. So that's why she forced me to cum inside. They can only be created in such a manner.

Fucking funny that not being a quick shot in bed is a detriment here.

"I still have many questions." I continue, feeling slightly muted satisfaction as she looks over me.

"And perhaps I have some answers to those questions... I have things I wish to ask as well." The girl supplies. "But first."

She clambers out of bed and goes to her discarded clothing.

She bends over, giving me a look at her rear, semen dripping down her inner thigh as her tail swishes left and right, she seems to be fishing for something within her clothes, after a moment she seems to find it as she crouches down.

She lifts a test tube with a cork in it, causing me to blink owlishly. "What's that?"

"My home." She simply replies.

"Wait. Wait wait wait. Wait. What? What do you mean your home?! That's where you live?! How?!"

"Well, not anymore." She hums noncommittally. "I will be staying here from now on. However... we do need some place to store our little energy spawn here, sooo."

She pops the cork out, the little foxlike wisp is sucked inside like it is some form of vacuum or sink drain.

The blonde puts the cork back in and looks over to me, her index finger and pinky extended as she presses her middle and ring finger against her thumb, making her hand look like a little fox. "Done!"

"So... questions?" I begin, my eyes flicking from here to the tube.

"Sure." The girl hums as she returns to her feet and climbs back into bed. "I don't mind. Me first."

"Why were you covered in blood when I got here?" She looks over me, a slight bit of unease at the edge of my mind. It appears we share some sort of empathy with each other after our little... connection... but I am unsure if it is my unease at the fact we are now empathetically connected, or her own at the fact that I was... bloody...

My body stiffens slightly as I am forcefully reminded of the thing I had just managed to put out of my mind, letting out a small sigh. "Imagine for a moment you come across a large sentient wolf... one who had tricked a little girl, barely even eight, to get naked... then... it tore her limb from limb. What would you do... if you had a knife in hand, as said wolf was facing away from you?"

"…" The girl stares into my eyes for a long moment, then lets out a small hum. "I see. Hn. Interesting."

"My turn... this is more of a general question I've had for a while that I can't wrap my head around... why do some youkai like to eat humans?" I question with a small frown.

"Taste and the fact that eating humans give a slight boost in power to Youkai." She replies simply.


I shoot her a disgusted look.

"Oh, I've never done that. That's just what I heard from others during my time as Megumu's advisor." She clarifies. "Now it is my turn... what is that... thing... in your little dresser there?"

"A portal I am bound to that lets me slip in and out of Gensokyo. I'm just starting out, but I plan to use it to sell items here and there." I explain blandly.

It's not like I can hide it from her. She's going to be staying here from now on- apparently- and she's my 'second half', something I still don't know the full context of.

Her eyes widen as she straightens slightly, eyes snapping to the little dresser then back to me. "I-I see... your innate ability is... quite interesting. Mine is quite a bit less interesting, but I feel it synergizes quite well with your own."

I could have probably told her to live elsewhere, but to be honest, having her as personal stress relief is probably going to be something I will desperately need. Considering the future and the fact I exist in a world with fate controlling vampires and people who are like... conceptually... three planets at once and a goddess at the same time.

"What's your innate ability again?" I question.

"I didn't tell you." She replies with a small head shake. "I knew well aware you wouldn't trust me if I told you it flat out, that is why it... slipped my mind... an innate ability, something that most youkai develop here in Gensokyo, my own is the ability to slip into places where a person's soul is weak, or, in less esoteric words, I have an innate sense for weak points. Especially the less physical ones. It allows me to see what a person may want at any given time and gives them a general read of their personality. It is how I was so easily able to manipulate those around me back at my old job... and how I was so good at it in general. I knew what people wanted, so I knew how to guide miss Megumu to solutions that made everyone happy."

"That... is horrifying." I blink owlishly. "But incredibly useful."

"Even more so for you, as I can know what people would pay quite a bit for." She admits.

"What about living inside that little test tube there?" I ask.

"Kuda Gitsune can enter any tube they want." She smiles mischievously. "Regardless of size."

I blink as I think of the possibilities of that.

Wait... does that mean if I carry around a one of those coffee stirring straws I can slip past basically any gate or door? Holy shit that's versetile.

"I... don't know how to do that." I admit quietly.

She rises to her feet and lets out a quiet yawn, slowly approaching and crawling back into bed. "How about we make another little fox or two, hm? Then we can see about teaching you how to be more of a Kuda-Gitsune~"


I sit up slowly, fixing my clothes as I look to the fox girl sat next to me who slowly re-ties the ribbons of her own outfit.

Thud Thud Thud

I share a small glance with Tsukasa as I rise to my feet.

I open the door.


I freeze as I am nearly instantly blinded by a flash, after a moment, the spots from my vision clears, revealing a black haired girl, she has red eyes, pointed elf-like ears, wears a little red hat with two strings at the side, then wears a black skirt, white blouse, and very tall red geta shoes with one extension.

On her back are two black feathered wings, and in her hands is a shockingly modern looking camera.

She pulls the camera down and shoots me an impish smile. "So. I wasn't aware that Lady Megamu's advisor had a secret lover! This will make such a good story!"

"Aya... if that photo makes it into your paper, I think you might find that your life might get a little bit more difficult." My blonde secret lover threatens from the back of the small room.

"Now now, Tsukasa. Don't be mean! There hasn't been any saucy drama in Gensokyo for months! I'm tired of writing about how the kappa accidentally blew up a house or how two Youkai are bickering. That's old news! This is fresh!"

"You shouldn't peek into people's personal lives." I frown. "What's strange about a youkai type who are always found in a pair... being in a pair."

Tsukasa looks over the black haired tengu briefly. "Aya... why don't you do someone more important with your time... like perhaps you could seek out that wolf tengu you don't like and take a picture of her underwear or something? I don't really care what as long as you stop bothering me."

I can see the girl with a camera visibly freeze her eyes slowly trailing my doorframe as her brain seems to 'load'.

"A hit piece..." She whispers, her face slowly exploding into a grin.

She begins darkly chuckling as with a flicker of movement, she disappears.

My eyes clench shut as wind assaults me, my hair and clothes ruffling as she seems to fly away at several times the speed of sound... but strangely there's no clap or explosion.

That's good for me, as my ears are probably several times more sensitive than human ears, and I could imagine that even those might have been bleeding if something broke the sound barrier in front of you.

I look back over my shoulder and close the door. "Well... now what?"

"I want to see your ability up close!" The fox beams.


I make my way through the rip in reality, standing up and gazing around slowly as my apparent blonde lover.

We stand atop a hill, my portal appearing at the base of a large tree.

The air is nice and clean, the sky is a vibrant blue with fluffy clouds dotting throughout its endless expanse.

"So..." Tsukasa mutters. "This is your ability hn? This is the human world?"

"One of them." I nod once, causing the girl to slowly look over to me in confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean, 'one of them'?" She frowns.

"Oh. I can't actually enter the world closest to Gensokyo, so I have to go quite a bit further out." I blandly explain as I take a deep breath. "Think of this as basically... an entirely new universe to explore. I doubt even the great Gap Youkai could reach here... well... not without me being here first."

A sweet scene assaults my nostrils, causing a frown to appear on my lips as I look around.

The girl beside me sniffs the air as well, gazing out into the distance, her ear quirking and twitching slightly.

"Should we go see what that is?" I ask as I slowly begin walking towards the source of the sweet smell.

"We might as well." The girl shrugs. "Tell me, you go through these worlds collecting all you can in an attempt to sell later, correct?"

"That's right. I seem to gain a little bit more power every time I sell something- for monetary gain, so trades are less valuable to me... as does simply taking whatever I find. It needs to be a sale for actual money." I explain as we begin slowly walking down the hill we found ourselves on.

It is still a little awkward between us... we don't... really know each other that well, but seeing as how we are literally bound now, with a sort of slight empathic connection between us, it's not like we can just go our separate ways now.

Honestly, I would rather be a kitsune at this point all things considered... but needing to have sex for one of my powers to work is pretty nifty.

After around five minutes of walking, we crest another hill, coming to stop as I see a... strange... sight on the other side.

Tsukasa comes to a stop next to me as we stare out over a village, only that isn't what really grabs our attention.

People let out screams as they stand atop their little huts, panicked as they stand atop upturned tables and crouch in barrels.

Why, you might ask?

Tanish clumpy liquid flows from the inside of a building, its window shutters forced open, door off its hinges, this strange substance flowing out of the house like magma, steam gently wafting from it as the same sweet scent radiates outwards.

The entire village has been flooded, this one sole house being the worst off as it appears to be the source of whatever the hell is down there.

Wait... that's food?

My nose crinkles slightly as I look to the waves of food slowly creeping further and further outwards.

Its thick and clumpy, so unlike water, the level of the muck isn't the same level. some parts are far higher up than the others.

It's also reminding me how genuinely disgusting Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs would be in the real world.

None of that goop is edible now. It's probably more grass, dirt and filth than food at this point.

As I look over it, a thought comes to mind, one I convey to my companion. "It's magical in origin."

"Hn? Oh yeah, it seems to be? I take it that you want whatever is the source, correct?" The blonde questions, her yellow eyes boring into my own.

"Possibly." I shrug.

"I suppose I should reward you for such an eventful night last night. Very well."

Her arms wrap around me from behind as we lift off the ground, my eyes widen as we fly forwards I can feel her lips on the nape of my neck. "You cannot fly, correct?"

"It's something I need to work on." I admit.

"I can teach you this among other things." She whispers.

We float down closer to the origin as we peer through the windows, an older woman is face down in the...

My eyes flick to the clumpy tan liquid beneath us, briefly scanning it as I try to determine what it is.


She's face down in the porridge, her skin reddened and burnt.

Is- is she dead?!

Shit! I need to stop it.

Even here, floating above the steaming food, the temperature is steadily reaching oven levels.

I look through the house, spying a small golden pot that has porridge spewing over its top.

My eyes narrow slightly as I look over it.

It is word activated and word deactivated, if it isn't turned off it'll steadily produce more and more the longer it is on until it reaches a set limit at which point it turns off. The issue is, said limit's size.

In its current state it would turn this entire valley the village is sat in into a large bowl of porridge before it reaches its limit and shuts off.

Huh... at least my ability tells me the command words when I observe it.

"Stop little pot! Stop!" I call out, causing the golden metal pot to shudder abruptly stop producing porridge.

Well, we saved the village... but at what cost?

Three ghostly fox spirits gently flow from the test tube in Tsukasa's hand, they fly forwards and grab onto the handle of the pot, then bring it towards us. "Hn. An infinite source of food, I can see why this might interest you."

The handle of the pot falls in my hand, it is slightly sticky, I can only imagine how horrible this place is going to be soon enough. How much disease is going to run rampant here?

How many people were killed before I arrived? "DAMN IT! WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP DYING BEFORE I SHOW UP!"



Nice, I'm hoping he hops to the Jean D' arc anime world and saves those fairies. I accidentally saw a clip on YouTube of that and down the rabbit hole I went.. . After they sacrificed themselves and literally got curbstomped by the French the FMC never got revenge for them or justice. I kind of wish the MC can save them before anything happens

Omega 69

I like this! And also that lemon was pretty accurate at how awkward a first time can be.