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He is a Musk



Dan Reeser

Surprised Elon doesn't call Monster energy "X juice."

Emily Richardson

That was a good one, guys! I particularly appreciate Dave’s empathy towards Elon. I think he def sees through Elon and sees the negative impact his father has had on who he has become and who he could be if he got help. It’s sad really.

Jesper Ohlsson

...youtuber (and podcaster) Donoteat01 made a video about the loop several years ago, and it was the first time I ever actually bothered to think about how it could work, on like an engineering level. Well, turns out that the way it would work is "not at all". He made the video fairly early on in the whole Elon cycle (back when the idea of him as an unquestionably brilliant person was seemingly just a given), and he predictably got a lot of flack for it by his online sychophants. Basically, his video has aged like fine wine, and the clip of Lisa Simpson matter-of-factly calling Elon one of the 21th century's biggest geniuses has aged like milk. ...I have a feeling that there are people at studios currently going over all the scenes in movies and tvs where he's mentioned, and they're weighing whether or not they can get away with just cutting that shit out, reupload it, and pretend it never happened in the first place. In any case, here is donoteat01s excellent Loop video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dn6ZVpJLxs On top of being highly informative it also introduced me to the engineering term "AM/FM", which is used to describe various proposed engineering solutions. AM stands for "actual machines", and is therefor boring, whereas FM stands for "f*cking magic", which is what people with too much money at hand seem to be way more interested in. We are currently taking an FM approach to a whole lot of looming problems. Here's to hoping that "a wizard will just do it".

Robert D. Tingstrom

I was permanently suspended from Twitter/X and was never given a reason. I don’t know what I said, but it must have been that Musk sucks donkey balls.


Making fun of SurfDave was masterful!


Worth pointing out, Musk’s kid’s name, Techno Mechanicus, is likely cribbed from the Adeptus Mechanicus in the tabletop top rpg Warhammer 40k. In the lore, they’re the powerful priesthood of a universe encompassing tech worshiping cult (like Elon and his grandfather). A looot of dumb stuff people on the right, and Musk in particular, have said in the last few years is pulled from Warhammer 40k, which is supposed to be satire.


I was literally listening to this episode when I read that Tesla’s big showpiece battery in Queensland had caught on fire and will be burning for days 😂🥲


Can anyone get me a Bluesky invite code? I promise I’m not a bot. Or a fascist.


Can I make a pitch for the surfing podcast you guys should obviously start? "Surf Chat with D-Pow and the GarfMan". No, not that. That sounds like a morning radio show. Nevermind. Loved the 2 parter- made my tummy upset the more learned truly how awful the Muskrat is.

Thomas Cain

I used to process workers compensation claims for unnamed OR/WA urgent care and we got Tesla ones often. The majority of the request I processed from in home repairmen (the ones that went to owners houses to fix the cars) were for animal/dog bites. I swear dozens of claims for these poor workers that just kept getting attacked by home owners dogs. Ridiculous that I rarely got one for an actual like car related injury.


I’m a contract specialist for the government, and it blows my mind how he gets contracts. I mean, past performance and schedule slips is too much (depending on which company he uses!!). And there is never no such thing as a verbal agreement. If it’s not in writing with a CO signature, you got nothing.

Kitty Maehem

Congratulations on 600 episodes!

Thomas Cain

Just gonna leave this here for anyone that wants to know WHY the stupid car tunnel is a terrible terrible idea. It’s a funnel of fire waiting to happen. Well There’s Your Problem - Ep. 43 Las Vegas Loop https://youtu.be/sWvagC5ccyY?si=WPEmuZKa_FPLN6Gz


Just want to congratulate the fellas on 600! Love the show and how it has evolved, you guys are great. A huge credit due on this Elon episode. It’s one thing to know a handful or even a lot of these stories about what a huge POS he is, but quite another to hear it all laid out in a timeline like this. I was kinda shocked that I was shocked tbh - great episode, going to be a classic. Hang 10 brah! 🤟🏻


I think y'all should rename the podcast to Trigger Warning. That last bit about all the animal abuse was ROUGH. Nice job Dave. Congrats on 600 boys! Karen is my #1 favorite Dollop guest.


It’s amazing how Elon follows his own playbook in trying to ruin companies. He’s lucky he’s had any success. While I have sympathy for a lousy childhood, I have for how much of an egotistical asshole he is. Karen is a blessing, it’s so fun to hear her play with you guys.


Do the full hour on free speech suppression! Pleeeeaaaaasssseeee!


J town


The, "Tubeland," thing just reminds me of Futurama...

Erin MacAllister

Let us all take comfort in the fact that musk will eventually die alone and unloved. Everyone who has ever been close to him will run out of patience for his bullshit sooner or later.