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The father of Vegas was a cool guy


597 - William A Clark - Live



Please tell me there's video of the snoozer!

Evelyn Lhea

Love the live ones thank you!!

Jesper Ohlsson

Every origin-story of american cities are either "a flim-flam man once came by here", a beat-by-beat recreation of "There Will Be Blood", or a man who was so rich that he was allowed to try out his profoundly weird ideas of how life should work on a wider populace.


As someone originally from the Buffalo region, I can confirm that there is a certain amount of the populace (my father included) that seem to be able to fall asleep anywhere at the drop of a hat. Perhaps it's a type of regional narcolepsy? Buffalepsy? I dunno, but it's a big reason why I tell my dad that he doesn't need to attend any theatre performance I'm involved with. I don't need to hear him snoring over the backstage monitors.

Fletcher H

I know one person from Buffalo and now that you mention it he is famous for falling asleep anywhere at any time.


Huguette Clark's pappy! I didn't realize it until I saw the photos


Can I just comment on the man LOSING HIS HAT as he flees the Free Silver Frankenstein? The horror!


The video of this show is why I pay for the tier I am at, so good