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Man does things 



My 79 year old mother not only fell asleep during the play Harvey which starred Jimmy Stewart, she also fell asleep during the grand ole opry.


It’s my dad’s favorite movie. He watches it like once a month.


Was this the Boise show?


Weird. The actual story is completely uninteresting. Normal corrupt politics. But the comedy riffs? Amazing. Thrilling. These two are the most professional, incredible live performer podcasters ever. Edit: okay, 20 minutes from the end and it's heating up.

Robert Armstrong

Y’all gotta step up your caption game. What things do man does?


I listened on my run this AM. Really hope there’s a video of this one 🤞


Fun story: growing up in Montana the Copper Kings were BASTIONS OF LABOR AND INFLUENCE AND SUPPORT, and then you grow up and realize they're all pieces of shit. Also, it should be William A Clark.


There’s a Daly and Clark subplot in Deadwood. When they’re trying to figure out who to bribe to see if Deadwood goes to Montana or the Dakotas, I think.


The Feinstein bits are hitting extra hard today after McConnell bluescreened again.

Taylor Kelley

I need to know if Gareth ever smoked pot at the Fox Point Witch House in high school


Will there be a video of this episode?


Politely requesting Diane Feinstein appear in every podcast until she dies/retires/both