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Inventor of Skening



I'm trying to figure out what Dave meant with "the third wing" at 1:00:53, and I'm coming up empty. Is it insinuating that the guy is as useful as a third wing?

Jeremy Reel

Great skit boys

Robert Armstrong

For the record, boiled peanuts are salty and delicious - you gotta either get them homemade, or at a roadside stand (yes, those still exist). That gas station shit comes from a can and is poison.

Kelli Lynch

Amen. Roadside stand is the best. Boiled peanuts are magical and amazing.


LOVE the Finn cameo!! That is one sweet, snarky kid!! ❤️❤️❤️

Jodi Samis-Rosborough

Boiled peanuts are fantastic though!! For real… give any non gas station ones a go.