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Ladies, am I right?



Going from this ep to Gareth's most recent Honeydew ep was mentally *and emotionally exhausting.


Hey y’all, are masks required for the live shows? Just trying to be prepared!


So. Dave. After last night's magnificently boring baseball game out here at the Cathedral. If i may be so bold for a suggestion to an episode. Or two. 1. The '89 Earthquake 2. The current "Sell the Team" chant that sure felt fucking good tonight. Slainte.


The boys are so close to getting religous tax exemption just lean into that JTown merch

Lyndsay Thompson

I’m gonna need a Chollop from you guys on the UFO hearings, I only want to hear what you guys think

Taylor Kelley

my family tree has a pair of brothers who married a pair of sisters and then their kids married each other


As a physics graduate this was a very interesting episode. Great job as always!