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Delve into Dave's big bag of Q's


Mailbag 28 1



Dave needs to turn up the volume on his mic or get a new one. I’ve noticed on this video and on the Preger university podcast that I can barely hear him. His cohost is much louder.


Yeah, avocado can get fucked.


Oatmeal raisin. Thank you, Dave, for giving it the glory it truly deserves.

Fletcher H

Behind the Bastards did an episode on how fucked up AI kids books already are and what could happen to kids. It’s not great.


We need a Chollop or some sort of separate video where Dave lays out all his gripes with baseball. I say this because my mom is a die hard Giants fan (when they won the world series in 2010 she pulled my brothers and I out of school to go to SF to celebrate), but over the past few years she just hasn't been interested in the game and is frustrated by the plays


The part where Dave goes on about screens for kids is so smart I'm like screaming. I have a 3 yr old. So many parent friends of mine are talking about how they keep their kids from screens and I'm just like, WHY?! My kids watches Daniel Toger where they just count to 10 in fun ways and do the alphabet again and again and again. My kid knows his numbers and letters and colors and body parts already. These "toxic" videos are just an advanced tool. They're not bad. And everyone tells me they try to avoid screens for their kids as much as possible

Melissa Lobo

A Smollop bird courtship behaviour would be pretty fun. Also could do insect mating behaviour around Hallowe'en 'cause that stuff can be terrifying.