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Two men talk bad outside




Wake up babe, new baseball dollop dropped

Thomas Cain

Show me the cup. I see no cup! 🕵️😆

Thomas Cain

Maybe I am poor and must pay more for this [breaking] cup news! 🤔alas I’ll imagine the trucker cup in my mind. 🥤

Ruairidh Lunny

Maybe my new favourite baseball episode? I’ve loved them all❤️ Sincerely, the Australian who asked you guys to teach us how to play baseball because I still don’t know


I know this cup. I have this cup. It’s a 52oz barrel that would strain TSA definitions of a carryon, and you can get one at Casey’s. Full solidarity with Luke, because the bottom is in fact flat and easily 64 square inches of surface area.

Justin Riddle

Only 19 minutes in, and I am loving the Christopher Lambert impression.

Lyndsay Thompson

any time Gareth has an opportunity to do his baseball broadcaster voice is a win for me

Great Joe

Gareth's great

John Harwood

Strong support for Gareth’s CL impression, stronger support for both Dave and Gareth watching the hilarious and utterly bonkers sequel together. The world actually needs this.

James Proulx

I'm here for Dave's pronunciation of Shibe Park. Shibee? No, Dave.


Man i can't wait for the video. The cup and the shoad signs


Great, now Dave's googling whether he can block on patreon. Now noones safe great job. Editor x


My granddad played for Connie Mack and the A’s in the 30s (yes, Mack was still at it). He wound up on the wrong side of a historic blowout at the hands of the Yankees and Murders Row when every A’s pitcher got shelled and Mack left Granddad out there for 4 innings of hell. He faced 5 future Hall of Famers in that game.