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These last few mailbags have been so incredible. Thank you all so much, and thank you for not biting your tongues.


Also, if I could make a request for merch: could you get transparent stickers made with your autographs and "The Dollop" written by hand for those of us not lucky enough to go to a live show and get our car signed? I would put that on my car in a heartbeat


We need a downloadable Dollop Bingo card, stat


Did the uk chillin get taken down or is Patreon bugging out? Got an email notification but it’s not showing up?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-19 19:53:05 Feel free to get mad at me but if you do another live q&a you should get the audience a mic.
2022-10-25 17:31:42 Feel free to get mad at me but if you do another live q&a you should get the audience a mic.

Feel free to get mad at me but if you do another live q&a you should get the audience a mic.

Anne Momany

If you want audience mics for the Grand Rapids show on Thurs, I'll make it happen. It's not much of a superpower, but it's all I've got.


It can really slow things down, especially if you only have one mic. You can get people to line up at mics to ask questions too.


I wish this was easier to hear. Bummer.

Kristin Lee

There is a guy I connected with on Reddit who made some up a few years ago... I thought about taking some to a live show at the time but didn't ever follow throu