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Mailbag 14



First of all, the person you need to "do stuff"? It's me. Pick me. I'm so ready. And b). re: American food..? I'm Best Man for my mate's upcoming wedding and he wants a Vegas Bucks Party (or, in American, "Bachelor Party"; we're Aussies). Last week he sent me a video on instagram and said "we MUST do this in Vegas!" - I was hoping for some crazy hot-girl, death-by-alcohol-inspired escapade. NOPE. It was a video depicting something we've dubbed the "Pizza-Pasta-Kebab" (link below if you're interested). I deadset felt my healt commence arrest........ Just.. Whhhyyyyyy?!


Pizza-Pasta-Kebab Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjTgTuYJTQp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Cubby! 🤣😆


As for the person to help do odd little jobs, I am a recent TV Writing and Producing graduate, in between gigs of PA and set painting work. Oh and I have theatre experience too. If you need any extra hands, I am happy to help. However I am sure you have a long line of people who already sent off their resumes.


Talking about Edinburgh, would you guys consider doing a run at the August Fringe Festival in the future? Daily podcasts to put up, and you've got a lot of UK content ready to go, don't you? Cost could be prohibitive, but save could bring the family for an extended trip during the run, which I'm sure they would love.


You said during an early show that someday you would do a dollop about the early 1900s war against utility poles, some day. I kind of want to hear that.


Yes, during the New York - Paris car race, I emailed them to ask about it just last week.