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Mary Radford

Can’t wait for the character development of Cocaine the Man!


I want to know more about the gang Dave can't dollop about...

Anne Momany

Episode 303 - Crutchy Push - is a good introduction. This is coming from an American, so I'm far from an expert, but my understanding is that "larrikin" is a term similar to "rascal" here. It used to be for legit criminals and was derogatory, but has softened over time to the point where you can call a kid a larrikin or rascal in an endearing way. In the late 1800s, groups of larrikins formed gangs, aka pushes, and some of them were real bad.


And a 1 - 2 - 3 - 4


Aussie here... spot on. Larrikin now more like rascal, generally an endearing term