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A sharp dressed man




Lol as a guy who has lived alone a while, I get the fly thing


Was this the von Steuben that Erik Prince is weirdly obsessed with? (I’m only like 1/3 of the way through the episode, so I apologize if this comes up later!)


i live off of a lafayette avenue, but there is a steuben street nearby!


I bet the fly has gone to a lovely farm upstate.


Dave, much like Friedrich you dug yourself a rather unpleasant ditch early on with all those German names and absurd pre-1871 geography, but you ploughed on valiantly and made it out mostly unscathed. I hereby doff my imaginary, yet lavishly adorned hat and applaud your effort, Sir. (Tbh, the correct German pronunciation of "Steuben" would be "Stoyben", not "Stooben", but I'm guessing this is what he is known as in the US and you're an American history podcast where each week you tell a story about American history, so don't mind me. I honestly don't care; just leaving this here for fellow smartasses.)

Fletcher H

Definitely pronounced Stooben here in the states. We like to Americanize everything here đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Wasn't one of the blackwater guys obsessed with him?


Gareth, I love you and your disabled house fly hospice lol

John Harwood

Gareth at least gets the “sht-“ part of “SHTOY-Ben” right. We love you, boys. Words are just words.


Again, I think Dave did a really good job here. I was being sincere when I applauded his effort and hope that didn't get lost among my linguistic flourishes.

John Harwood

One love, Ulrike, whose name I’d probably mispronounce myself! I hope that at one point we can all crowd-source making an enormous, unwearable and insanely “decorated” hat that we can ask the Dollop boys to affix to the top of their Stee-Van Segal.

Jesper Ohlsson

Dave, remember to do a shout-out via the Dollop what your new podcast is going to be with you and your - occasionally talking directly into the microphone, but frequently mumbling through his opinions as if he was held at gunpoint, despite there not being any actual gun, of any kind - friend Josh Olson, and where to listen to it, now that the West Wing is done. //all my love to the both of you, obviously. Cheers.


The new dollop slogan: “Enjoy the show prick. This is what you wanted.”


I know of a distant relative who was in camp with Steuben. I of course keep an eye/ear out when reading history of the era, but - more than most American revolutionary figures - Steuben likely had a bunch of altercations with random people in camp. It’ll be a scavenger hunt.


My son and I just did a Valley Forge tour and what we learned about Steuben was not nearly as colorful! I kept sharing highlights as I listened!

chortle heartily

This was very interesting! I visited Valley Forge and saw Von Steuben’s statue, but that plaque failed to mention his thruple or his “live-in companion” whom he willed all his assets to. Damn shame. That’d make for a better plaque, I’d’ve admired the statue more.