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This one is really really good


Ruairidh Lunny

What exactly was the negative reaction to the Stonewall Riots episode? I’ve heard you both refer to the backlash surrounding that episode but I’m not sure what was actually taken issue with. At risk of maybe getting my own backlash, I quite like that episode…?

dan from south jersey

Question for next one: Dave and Gareth are running against each for president. Each of you have to pick a terrible or weird Dollop episode character as your running mate. Who would you both pick, and why would your team win?


Here's a Reddit thread that kind of goes into what the pushback was about:. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDollop/comments/9kok8e/the_dollop_247_the_stonewall_riots_live_in_ny/. I love the Stonewall riots episode and I've gone back and listened to it many times. I agree with the person on the thread who said of Dave and Gareth - " they couldn't be more pro equal rights for the LGBT community. These people [meaning the people who are complaining] are honestly morons and reaallllyy hurt the reasonable liberal people out there.". However, I ALSO agree with the person who says "I won't lie, I'm disappointed that Dave's reaction to the reaction to this episode.... was 'oh people are upset we just won't do any more LGBT content anymore'. Dave and Gareth are truly wonderful LGBTQ allies, and this podcast could introduce crowds of people to all sorts of amazing stories (amazing in a good way or amazing and a bad way, depending on the story) that they would never otherwise hear about. I think it's sad that Dave's knee jerk reaction to getting push back on that episode was 'well we just won't do these stories anymore' 😥


Yeah, it's not a knee jerk reaction. One can't do comedy when one is constantly concerned about saying the right thing. You win some, you lose some. Attacking like that has consequences.

Ruairidh Lunny

That is all unfortunate 😕 On a more positive note, I was quietly buzzed to hear Dave credit the comedic dynamite of Proctor & Satan and The 1908 New York to París Race. Those are two of my all time favourite episodes and never fail to crack me up like a giggling buffoon!


Okay fair enough. Not being a comedian myself I'm sure I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to try to do comedy if you were constantly worried about saying the wrong thing. I suppose what I'm really sad about is just that so many of your LGBTQ fans and LGBTQ-ally fans (the ones who recognize your support and good intentions, and who had NO problem with that Stonewall episode) are missing out on some potentially great stories because of the morons who attacked you. Always a small percentage of idiots who ruin it for everybody else, sadly.


How great would it be if Trump goes to jail


Soooo fucking good to hear your take on covid. I know it's just reinforcing my own understanding, but I needed to know it's not just me. 🙌

Kitty Maehem (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-19 19:53:28 Thankyou again, from me as well, (another immunosuppressed person), for talking about Co-Vid19 and the importance of wearing masks & air filters! I’m 4x vaxxed and so lucky to not have caught Co-Vid yet, but it is probably more to do with the fact that I don’t want to be around a lot of ppl, especially since the Government has reduced the mandated safety requirements, (& now has stopped them all together). But I am the only one in my social circle who hasn’t had it. Thankyou Dave.
2022-09-19 05:50:04 Thankyou again, from me as well, (another immunosuppressed person), for talking about Co-Vid19 and the importance of wearing masks & air filters! I’m 4x vaxxed and so lucky to not have caught Co-Vid yet, but it is probably more to do with the fact that I don’t want to be around a lot of ppl, especially since the Government has reduced the mandated safety requirements, (& now has stopped them all together). But I am the only one in my social circle who hasn’t had it. Thankyou Dave.

Thankyou again, from me as well, (another immunosuppressed person), for talking about Co-Vid19 and the importance of wearing masks & air filters! I’m 4x vaxxed and so lucky to not have caught Co-Vid yet, but it is probably more to do with the fact that I don’t want to be around a lot of ppl, especially since the Government has reduced the mandated safety requirements, (& now has stopped them all together). But I am the only one in my social circle who hasn’t had it. Thankyou Dave.