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You smell that? It's another baseball episode, Dollheads! Gareth also sings a song for the second week in a row


The Dollop Podcast Ep 637- Curt Flood



We have a saying in Norway, " It's nice to be Norwegian in Denmark" so I fuckin love København! The smoking in bars are only in bars under a set square feet number, so most bars do not allow smoking. You guys where drunk and endes up in a small, weird bar


Perfect episode for today after taking two tikes to their first ever (MLB) baseball game.


Oh and the “clod” remark prompted me to remember this idea, should the Dollop ever engage in history outside of the Anglophone world: A guy named Publius Clodius Pulcher was a direct contemporary of Cicero and Julius Caesar who was effectively Late Republican Rome’s Dave Anthony (except he had political office because there were like ten families and everyone got something above a certain station (the one where your name was recorded for history)).

Fletcher H

The Red Stockings is even dumber than it seems. They were called the Reds but during the 50’s and into the 60’s the Red Scare was in full effect so they briefly changed the name to make sure nobody thought they were commies.