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Okay, so last week I was jet lagged and screwed up uploading the episode on the regular feed, so Zach is going up today. But we did have the Clapper episode with terrible audio for Patreon. My mic failed and the back up was forgotten, so we only have the mic from the camera and it sounds terrible. Like, really bad. But maybe some people here will enjoy it because Clapper was absolutely hilarious and it was a great episode.


Sarah W

what a great episode! thank you for posting this!

Jesper Ohlsson

..I'm sure this has already been considered, but one of the things that AI is pretty good at is correcting " baseline errors" in large amounts of data. So, if you have these misshaps with audio-recordings - and your audio person isn't already "on that" - it can be worth trying out free/low-cost services to see if otherwise "garbage recordings" can be salvaged by having these services do a first/second pass on the recording. Correcting audio (and any other kind of "frame-by-frame" data is super-tedious if you do it by hand from scratch) so this is one of those things that AI can actually be useful at. ..this also pertains to old "garbage/lost recording" of stuff you've done, going back since the start. It doesn't hurt throwing "previously thought of as not fit for publishing" recordings through some of these new services, and then have your audio-person tweak it a bit further, and see if it can be salvaged.