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Shout out to listener Travis Bails for sending in the photo of where the Cherry Sisters are buried in Cedar Rapids, Iowa



Dan Reeser

I will go there one day, throw a cabbage at that headstone and hiss.

Jesper Ohlsson

It's pretty remarkable that they would go at it for all those years, just eating absolute shit at every performance, in a time where I don't think the concept of playing-the-heel, or "doing something ironically" was a thing (though there's always the pitfall of assuming that people of the past had no capacity for picking up on the kind of nuances we assume are exlusive to modern life; doing something facetiously, or out of spite isn't exactly new). ..It would be one thing if their act had some kind of ministry-angle to it, but if it did, it wasn't touched on in the episode. It just kinda seems like they kept at it - being absolutely (technically) garbage, out of sheer determination. There's a picture of them on wikipedia, and they look completely normal, if not actually attractive. There's been examples from other episodes of the dollop of what passed for "an absolute stunner" back in the day, and I can't tell if they're meaningfully different from that. I know, it's a real shocker that newspapers from the time would call women dog-faced bricks if it was funny or expedient to do so.