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Illustration of a merchant marine looking very serious, carrying a sack over his shoulder with words "You Bet I"m Going."
A row of soldiers sitting on a hill.
An 8 man bike with soldiers. Their rifles stick up as they they pedal
Three meercats from the back as they stand up and look across the desert.
Several bicyclists are lined up on a street. They stand beside their bikes, looking to camera.
A small fenced off area with an overlander's bike leaning against it.
Francis on a bike. It is packed with all his gear, including a rifle.
Another bike memorial. The bike is full of gear and leaning against a post with several large rocks around it.
John Belushi in the classic sketch "The Guest Who Would Not Leave"
Two feet with leeches on them.
Frank standing next to the car. The car is loaded with gear, as if Frank's bicycle.
Frank after completing a trip. He is standing in the street behind his bike, while a big crown stands behind him for the photo.
It is a poster for Frank's stage show. He is pictured in the middle.
Advertisement for the Brush Automobile.
Frank's car packed with gear. Syd in driver's seat. A white terrier with a brown spot around his eye sits in a special made side basket.
The car is broken down on a dirt and wet road. It look like a back tire is off.
Clive is driving and a dog is beside him wearing goggles.
Ford ad with a map of the route Frank took from Melbourne to Darwin.
Another dog but this time behind the wheel with his paws on the steering wheel like he's driving. Looks like a German Sheppard
The car is stuck in a sandy area and they are digging it out.
The car is parked in a wooded area. Standing next to it is an aboriginal family. The dog is sitting on the hood.
Frank with goggles handing around his neck. He's topless with a driver's cap on.
The car is in the middle of the bush and two aboriginal men are sitting in the seat.
Simpson, Ellis, and Birtles pose, sitting on the side of the car. They all have drivers caps with googles. A dog, Dinkum, has googles on
The Bean is surrounded by a small cheering crowd as it prepares to leave.
Frank has suspended what looks like an axel from a tree and is repairing it.
The three men prepare to leave England in their very large new car.
The car is parked in the middle of a very dry, flat desert.
A crowd gathers to celebrate his latest attempt to drive to Australia. A large sign behind the crowd reads London to Sydney on Dunlop Tyres
Bert Hinker sitting on a wing of his plane. It's a PR shot.
The car in the middle of a dry desert looking area.
The Nagah Hills. They are very steep with long ridges.
Percy swings a pick axe as he clears a road.
Frank has the car in reverse, going up a hill, with the tires removed and chains around the wheel drum.
People celebrating Bert Hinker in Australia. Tons of people surround the plane.
The picture. Frank and Percy in Rangoon in front of a Dunlop Tyre banner. There is a Rangoon man in some sort of local dress that is amazing
Map of the route taken from England to Australia.
A huge crowd surrounds the car.
A bigger crowd surrounds the car. Frank and Percy stand on the car on the middle.
Frank and his new bride get into a car right after the widding.
The main source: Francis Birtles - Australian Adventurer by Warren Brown




Katie Gaertner

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