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Hey hey everybody!!

I didn't get to write a long textual post yesterday or the day before for New Year's Eve because I was with my boyfriend over the weekend and wanted to spend the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 with him ^^' So I'm writing one now!! <3

2021 was pretty rough for me...I didn't get as much artwork done as I would've hoped for but I'm feelin' very good about 2022!! I want to make this year MY year!! I have so many awesome and fun projects that I'm hoping to work on this year so I'm sure I will have lots of progress and artwork to post on Patreon for you all :3

For 2022 I want to work on time management and motivation. My organizational skills have definitely improved from 2020 so I'm confident I don't need to focus on that!! But I would love to work on time management so that I may figure out how to open for commissions more frequently (less slots per opening ofc)!! And motivation so that I don't burn out so easily!! My drawing stamina was really good before...I could draw for like 3+ hours in a single sitting and nowadays I can barely make 2 hours ;; so I really wanna work on that!! Especially since I'm trying to do my artwork as a job now.

I wanted to thank everybody for their support here <3 It truly means a lot to me and there's a bunch of Patrons on here who have been with me for a long while, even since my previous Patreon page!! I truly appreciate your ongoing support, it really helps me out both financially and mentally. I love doing my artwork and I love that it makes people happy. I'd love to be able to continue with my work and continue inspiring others and spreading good vibes all around!! <3 I will be trying to focus on my artwork more this year and I will be having more content (and a bigger variety of content) to post on Patreon!

Thank you again so so much for your support!! It really means a lot to me and I want to focus on my Patreon page more so that you all are getting what you pay for! ;; <3 Happy New Years, I'm hopeful 2022 will be a better and fun year for ALL of us!

- toyserval



Im so excited to see what all you do this year! I've absolutely loved seeing your content and watching your skills grow so much so quickly! I'm so happy you were able to spend time with your boyfriend through some of these holidays! Wishing you the best through 2022 and looking forward to what you get to do and accomplish!


Aww thank you so so much, that truly means a lot to me &lt;3 I'm excited for this new year too, I have a good feeling about it!! Hoping 2022 will be my year to grow as both an artist and a person!! I hope you have a great 2022 too &lt;3