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Hey guys! I've been wanting to redo my inventory for a very long time, but never got the energy to work on it.

This new inventory now has a main menu with 4 separated sections.

Usables, Items, Rings, Key Items.

This section remains as it was, it contais all the usables/tools (I may change it's name to Tools) It's the main inventory part, each new tool means you can now access a new area of the game, at least for the important ones.

This new section is going to contain anything monsters can drop. Thanks to the addition of this menu, I now can add NPC quests that require the gathering of items.
You can't use them, but you'll need them for quests, NPCs will ask for them. I'd like to make that you can sell them at a store, but I'll see if my code skills let me do it.

Probably my favorite addition to the game. This means a new NPC, that will identify the rings you find, they'll be randomized, so getting the 30 different rings wont be easy.
And also means the gameplay changing depending of what rings you're using.

Rings can grant a wide range of passive skills, more Eros dropped by enemies, Health regeneration, more stats, etc.
But that's not all! You see those 10 red squares? Those slots are exclusive for Patrons to design a unique ring! (Design, name and effect!) A new Tier is coming for it.
But anyone in a bigger tier can claim his ring. (More info soon.)

Key Items.
And last but not least, the key objects, that without them, you could not complete the game, so keep them in a special pocket!

You know me, and everytime I have to design a new NPC I end up making it a female, I kinda want the Ringmaker to be a male, but I don't know what'll happen to it. I think I'll make a poll so it's not up to me.

I hope you like this progress and let me know your thoughs! As always, thanks for the support!




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