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Hey guys!! When you play a game, what do you expect from Bosses/Minibosses?
To be a real challenge?
Something annoying you have to beat in order to progress?
In my case, I like them as a Test for your skills, To test what you've learned so far.

That said, I'm still in my way of learning of to make Bosses, the ideas are there, but, making them real, and making sure they're hard and fun at the same time is a real challenge for me.
(As many other things lately. Ugh, but that's good, means I'm making progress to the things I left for a future.)

After the Face Cube boss, I really wanted to try something that involves more animation.
Because let's face it, It's easier to make a Boss out of some giant sprite that doesn't move at all.

So I went ahead and started designing this Big fella, I was actually afraid of animating sprites that big, but after messing with it for a few hours, I'm quite happy with the results, even if it's just sketched animations for now. This give me more self confidence about what I can do, so I guess I could finally add the Make a Boss Tier for anyone interested in having an unique Boss/SemiBoss. Still thinking of a good price for it.

Talking about animating sprites, I've already tried Big Boo... I mean Boss designs.
But as said before, It's more of an static sprite with some fancy effects.

And kinda the same goes for the Worm, Wich I totally want to work on more.
I'd love to read your thoughs on what path to follow when making interesting Boss fights!

As always, thanks for reading, for all your support, new and old supporters <3
I say goodbye leaving you a Sexy pic of this "Guy with no Wee Wee" As Zoria Says.

He's also gonna be a Boss :D



I like bosses where there's some sort of focus or best way to approach the fight. Like for example staying close to the boss, staying far away from the boss, using certain tools to make the fight easier etc. I think variety on what the focus of each boss is goes a long way. Figuring out the "trick" to a boss fight is the best part in my opinion. I think the variety on how a boss is difficult is good too. Like whether they're fast and hard to hit with not much hp or slow and easy to dodge but hit very hard. You could even do something like making the room you fight the boss in the difficult part or making it so events outside of the boss fight make it harder or easier. Also I underestimated that cube boss. You made it look easy in the video.


Thanks a lot! Yeah the Cube Boss is quite hard if you can't predict what he'll do. I had to practice a lot, and he still gets me from time to time!