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Hey folks! Been a time since the last Demo!

What has change since the last build? Here's a list of it:
-New UI, a full rework of the UI look, with experience bar.
-Update in inventory, You can equip items on 'W' but it doesn't work for now, only 'Q'.
-Save/Load mechanics.
-Level up mechanics.

What's your objetive in this Demo?

-You wake up in a cell, alone, your friends (Dhorgos and Chocolo) are not with you.*
    *Zoria heard about this 'cursed' island while traveling around and got cautivated by the idea of a hard adventure, ignoring the multiple warnings, she ends up trapped there as many others before.
-Your mission as Zoria is to find your friends and discover what is happening on the island.

Right now, you can explore a bit the area of the Fortress, go through the Forest and reach a point where you'll find Dhorgos,  who has been trapped by a mysterious man. (Dialogue is not ready yet, because I was testing fight over and over.) The man quickly vanishes, but before he summons a giant block with multiple faces, you'll have to take him down in order to free Dhorgos.

The only usable you unlock in this build is the 'Red Potion' and you only have 5 of them.
You can't get more of them,  Because I have not yet added the possibility of enemy loot.

Soul is working, but there's still no Game Over by getting out of soul, which means you can die as many times you want c:

I also remade Biomass using an autotile. Let me know if you like it or I should just remove them!

For those who never played the game yet, here's a quick tutorial of how to play:

Z: Jump. (Keep press for a high jump, release to cut the jump.)
X: Attack, there's no charged attack, for now.
C: Shield, the shield is a mechanic I havent work too much in, In fact, I'm not sure about keeping it. (I don't really imagine Zoria using a shield.)
A + Direction: Roll, maybe the most important mechanic for combat. Rolling isn't free, it consumes some stamina, and you can't roll without it, so keep the rolls under control when in combat. Rolling makes you immortal agaisnt certain attacks, you can also cancel your attack with a roll, Make sure you practice a bit before going full Crazy Orc on enemies

As an example, taking close combat with an Eater is kinda hard. (You can stun them using your shield. They'll smash their head into it because they're blind.)

I: Inventory, you can only open your inventory when onground and not moving, make sure you're not near enemies, because game doesn't pause.
*Use Q/W to Equip the usables you have unlocked (I have to change that the usables are not visible if not unlocked.)
Also use Q/W to use the usable when not in inventory.

Also! Don't forget to press ESC to open the pause menu, and enter on Stats to spend your stat points.

That's all for now guys! Thanks again for all your support! I really can't thank you enough!
I hope you find the Demo fun to play and leave me all the feedback you find necessary!


Picture by @LonnesDev


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