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Hey everyone, thanks a lot for your support so far, I've been struggling with time for a while now and I'm making progress really slow I guess.
Sorry for not fulfilling the expectations.

Right now I'm working on the important core stuff that the game really needs, Like the Save/Load system I showed at Discord.

I want to look for a way to add multiple savefiles, but I'll look into that later.

I'm also redoing the Checkpoints to something that can fit into every map.

With message system (Font) redone, I think I can move forwards to keep working on the story.

I still have to complete the new UI + inventory, but I'm not 100% sure of how to design it.
Altough I really want to add a small inventory area for monsters loot. So maybe that way I can make side quests where NPCs ask you for X Items. (But not a priority right now.)

I'll try to make more posts, but I'm not good at making those.

Thanks again for all your support and patience.




You´re up to the task and fullfilling expectations! Dont be harsh on yourself, it´s an impressive work, specially doing it just you!