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Making combat feel good is really hard, the more time I spend on it, the more I realize it.
I want it to be a challenge, I don't want enemies to get stun while I can connect combos non-stop until they die, That's kinda boring to me, I want enemies to attack even if you attack them (Just as you can see with Eaters up there.).

Getting the right amount of "stun" on enemies so you can connect the first attack without being damaged is the Key I guess. And it's the same story with every new enemy I design, since each one has it's own attacks.

I know getting the combat done right is going to take a long time, but it's something I want to get right, since it's one of the keys for the game to be playable.

I really don't want this game to be "Another metroidvania carried entirely by its artwork"
I want it to be fun to play, as pleasant to look at.



Looking good so far!