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It's been such a long time since I started this project, Took me a good while to find the style I wanted, and I keep redoing animations, sprites and tiles in general all the time.
I'm never happy with what I do, because I always compare myself to some godly level artists/developers. But I think I'm doing something decent, or at least that's what some people say.

My lack of experience in level design and world design in general frustrates me, a lot, and I'm looking for references all around all the time. Problem is, when I don't find something I need, I can't get it to look at I imagine it.

I try to make everything look beautiful and alive, but I'm afraid of not getting that last part done, since my level of detail is far away from what I'd like it to be.

I really love Zoria, I'm proud of her, as my OC, I want her to be a part of indie games story.
So I'll work as hard as I can to make that possible.

Just some thoughs about my game development process so far.


Setsune Wave

You'll get there, for sure.


Comparing yourself to someone else is a sure way to hindering your progress. The thing is we don't know what that person went through to get to that point, probably years of hard work and god knows what to find their own style and what not. You're doing a good job, so just keep moving in small steps.


Just from looking back on some older images and the older demo build, it's clear that you've made serious improvements. Every little improvement adds up fast.


:D I thanks, I wonder if I'll be able to make god tier stuff someday xD