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NEWS: There will be MORE NSFW DRAFTS this month!!

NEWS: There will be MORE NSFW DRAFTS this month!!

NEWS: There will be MORE NSFW DRAFTS this month!!

NEWS: There will be MORE NSFW DRAFTS this month!!

Hey guys how are you do? It have been a while. I miss you guys so much!( º﹃º )

Here is the March preview. Sorry for creating so slowly. Recently I have been busy with some family trivial matters, and those things will still haunt me for a little time. I am sorry about that. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Though my life seems to be a little messed up, I will still make drawings as much as I can. Every SINGLE comment will be fantastic!!(ゝ∀・)b

Thank you guys, and wish you a good day.♥(´∀` )人

◎Reinhardt (Overwatch)

◎Kamui (東京放課後サモナーズ)

◎Minoru (Original)

◎Shu (Original)

◎學長x秦雄 (SQ) 




Each pic will have 2~3 versions!! And about previous works, each charge you pay will allow you to download previous 3 packs of rewards. But if you mean further creations, I am sorry to say that right now we still have plan to reupload them yet.


So for this month, you have 5 pics so that mean i will be charge $50 right


加油。期待你的新作。 我不太會英文。